Saturday 28 January 2017


In Astana,Kazakhstan Syrian  peace talks brokered by Moscow,Tehran and Ankara are under way. Not that the MSM ( MainStream Media ) here in the West seems too fussed about it. Nor do the dregs of  US neocon interventionism have much to say on the topic of Syria these days. The remnants of the british Labour Party -both Parliamentary and grassroots extra-parliamentary have decided to ease back on their vainglorious,hubristic posturing and issuing of implausibly dire warnings to Moscow on the subject. At least for now,the odd frisson of faux-anxiety about 3 Russian warships traversing international waters adjacent Britain not withstanding. And so it goes. There's still plenty of turmoil,scandals,strikes,sedition,corruption,terrorism and nascent bellicosity to go around all the continents.And yet the best that the aforementioned Labour Party can manage is to be the harbinger of antidemocratic sedition against the ineluctable verdict of the 23 June referendum. The monumentally idiosyncratic Supreme Court,having handed down an 8 to 3 majority decision forcing HMG to refer to Parliament before triggering Article 50,has in effect handed a box of matches to a two year old child sat next to a can of petrol. This all but ensures the Remainer Zombie apocalypse will engulf #brexit .The itinerant benchwarmers leading this horrorshow are the same ones waving their scrawny fists at Moscow and cosying  up even more intimately to the anti-russian sanctions imposing #EU. This will not end well.

Monday 23 January 2017


( The following was originally posted one year ago on January 23,2016 on WordPress  And So It Goes #728,given the intervening #Brexit since then,it makes it all the more relevant and poignant )
A highly successful TV series in the '70s on BBC 1, " The Two Ronnies "  spoofed the TV news presentation of that era. Messrs Barker and Corbett a.k.a. The Two Ronnies would sign off the routine and the show with , " So,it's goodnight from me and it's goodnight from him , goodnight !" That catchphrase springs to mind whenever the increasingly frantic and desperate European Union attempts to debate let alone decide upon any course of action in response to the Western Ruling Elites' engineered " Refugee / Migrant Crisis ". France's Premier Vals pretty much borrowed the gist and the sentiment of the Two Ronnies the other day,as reported by the Daily Telegraph :-
In a further blow, Mr Valls said that France would keep its state of emergency, which has included border checks, until the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant network is destroyed.
"It is a total and global war that we are facing with terrorism," he said.
"It's Europe that could die, not the Schengen area"
Manuel Valls, French Prime Minister

Saturday 21 January 2017


There is a time and a place for profundity, for the issuing of deeply held philosophical,existentialist insights into the human condition and our place in the universe. But now isn't one of those times. Now is the time for another celebration, a lifting of the middle finger at the PC,multiculturalist,globalist liberal elites and their discomfort,displeasure and encroaching sense of existential dread. President Trump. The Man of Action, long thought to have been lost to History has re-appeared. That together, in synchronicity with the #Brexit phenomenon has spectacularly reinvigorated political discourse throughout Europe and North America. A LePen triple whammy in France this year would really be the icing on the cake. Let's hope so;and if providence is so inclined, make it so. Paranoid delusions have now strengthened their grip on the social democratic/wiberal/multiculti ideological ragpicking fraternity and its #EU abomination. The days of interminable Schadenfreude that now lie ahead  for the antidemocratic metropolitan elites, are the paths to restoration of Sovereignty,of the emancipation of Christian values. The trumpet has sounded forth that shall never call retreat!

Monday 16 January 2017


 A few days ago ,once upon a time,barely remembered Civil rights agitator, now Congressman, John Lewis slandered,defamed and demeaned the American Constitution, the legitimacy and outcome of democratic elections and the office of POTUS,whilst making a clearly intended libellous attack on President-elect Trump himself. The MSM and virtually all media platforms reported the basic facts as:-
On Saturday, Georgia congressman  and former Civil rights activist,Lewis told NBC News that he did not regard the incoming president as legitimate. Within hours,Trump criticised the Democrat congressman in a tweet, " “Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart".
The " Guardian " somewhat triumphantly noted that :-
Hours,after Trump tweeted: two graphic novels and a memoir by Lewis took the top three spots on Amazon.
Here's how the " Guardian " in its usual exemplary PC liberal,global multicultural elitist tones concluded its massively distorted " report " on what began as  Lewis' egregious verbal broadcast assault on Trump.
" Donald Trump’s attempt to discredit US politician and hero of the civil rights movement John Lewis in a series of tweets has backfired. "...
Defending one's own integrity and the Office of the President by countering an initial unprovoked assault is somehow rendered as " Trump's attempt to discredit Lewis.."
Clearly, the liberal elites and their MSM lackeys have deep seated issues, not least of which is their innate propensity to mimic Goebbels whenever the going gets a little too tough even for them.
Citing Humpty Dumpty or even " 1984 " would be lost on those liberals.

Friday 13 January 2017


Welcome to Stasi Britain. It was reported the other day to much,but not overly much general consternation that, The Home Secretary Amber Rudd had been reported to  ( and was subsequently recorded by ) the Police for having committed  a " hate incident ". No, this is not a spoof. Herewith a concise description as to what constitutes  a " hate crime / incident " in the UK in 2017.
The police and Crown Prosecution Service have agreed a common definition of hate incidents.
They say something is a hate incident if the victim or anyone else think it was motivated by hostility or prejudice based on one of the following things:
transgender identity
sexual orientation.
This means that if you believe something is a hate incident it should be recorded as such by the person you are reporting it to. All police forces record hate incidents based on these five personal characteristics.
Subsequently pilloried across social media was an Oxford academic, Joshua Wilson, who had made the original complaint against the Home Secretary.It emerged that the aforementioned Physicist had not himself listened to the " offensive " words uttered by Amber Rudd at the time. During the course of the Conservative Party's annual conference in a major platform speech on future prospects and possibilities for the UK labour market once #brexit had actually been achieved,Rudd put forward the proposition that British jobs might go first to British workers. This jobs preference for the British in their own country, by the by has never actually happened in practice,but the idea is probably going to gain genuine appreciable traction some time soon.
And so, on that non-existent legal basis, the #remain campaigner and supporter of antidemocratic sedition, Joshua Wilson reported the speech to the Stasi authorities.Who finding no grounds to prosecute the matter any further as an actual " hate crime " nevertheless recorded Amber Rudd's speech as a " hate incident ". Sane and rational people,irrespective of ideological preference ought to be very afraid at this stage of the proceedings.Likely as not most political activists of many hues aren't driven to manifest nor articulate any concerns about this insidious,totalitarian development within the UK polity.
As for me, I wish to be denounced to the Stasi,hence I've inserted my published missive on the EU. Heck,I even start it with " I hate.." Hello ,anyone watching? reading? Go ahead make my day!

Tuesday 10 January 2017


You know that feeling of dread you get at the onset of what you know will be a migraine headache? The same sickening sense of foreboding is achieved by listening to what that humongously vapid and lacklustre straw man masquerading as the current leader of the British Labour Party has to say on the EU's " Freedom of Movement ". The impending sense of nausea he induces when evading the issue is all too palpable. It is also all too indicative of the 200 #LabourIn MPs' tawdry metropolitan PC ideology. For some reason, this antidemocratic, seditionist, parliamentary rabble and quite a large swathe of otherwise serious and rational people on the British " Left " think and behave and speak as if the ineluctable Laws of the Capitalist means of production,distribution and exchange , i.e. the totality of the Capitalist economic system has ceased to operate. Despite their voluble and disingenuous abusive harangues to the contrary, they e.g  most of Labour most of the time and most of the other " left " most of the time categorically deny the following.:- The basis of the laws of supply and demand are that the less you have of something,the higher the price of it inexorably is.The more you have of something the lower the price of that becomes.  Seriously,the operation of the capitalist system is really simple, that's why it works. 100 tons of potatoes might fetch a sum of say £1per ton; if only 1 ton of spuds became available, the price would rocket. An increase in the availability of labour in what is " a labour market " will overall lower the price of labour.A shoratge of labour would increase the price. Adam smith expounded on this Marx certainly knew that this is how our world operates. But not according to Corbyn or Slogans With Placards or any other amongst the dreck of failed PC multiculturalist neophytes who show off their faux-revolutionary,anticapitalist politics at Uni. Sad.  Unrestricted labour market competition is called freedom of movement. Utterly ghastly. Time for sovereign borders and tariff barriers and each nation State to its own.Time for autarky and higher wages. Time to smash the #EU to smithereens. And that Comrades is Revolutionary!

Wednesday 4 January 2017


Amid the unabated chaos and carnage presently reverberating around the Middle East and across the continent of Europe, one item of note eclipses the rest.  The resignation of Sir Ivan Rogers, the bloke who was UK ambassador to the EU.  I use the term " bloke " deliberately in that off hand, non-deferential manner to indicate a certain sang-froid  toward the entire business and existence of the EU and those who have dealings with it. After all, 30 pieces of silver doesn't buy much these days. Symbolic rather than authentically substantive, all 28 satrapies send an ambassador to the halls of the very supra-continental power that has subsumed them. In Britain's case not only is it now more than ever wholly superfluous ; what is the point since we're leaving, adieu,thanks for all the whatever it is that we deluded ourselves into believing that we had obtained these past 40 odd years. Apart from nothing. Naturally the extremist and increasingly marginalised euro-zealots and seditionist misfits and cranks who still cling to the floating wreckage of their sunken megalomaniacal dream of Ein Reich,Ein Europa, shall have cause to lament the exit,stage left of that minor character part. Gone and never appreciated. Given the relative obscurity of this minor character actor's part in The Great Farce, it is an unprecedented feat of embellishment and transcendent political hyperbole that the Remain camp has escalated this microbial occurrence into some kind of faux-significance for the rest of us. Bravo, Herr Von Klegg and the retinue of scurrying like-minded euro-vassals who have bled their insufferable pristine consciences all over the airwaves in a valiant last ditch attempt to make us feel pangs of what they might call guilt. Then again, Schadenfreude is back in full bloom on #brexit and the grapes of the People's wrath have never tasted sweeter.