Saturday 29 October 2016


Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority. Sedition may include any commotion, though not aimed at direct and open violence against the laws.
October 28,2016; it's 128 days since the EU Referendum. The putative war crimes suspect Blair appeared on BBC Radio 4's flagship breakfast news programme, " Today  " at just after 8 a.m. And the Merde has been raining down ever since across all media platforms.  The defeated Remain campaign has gone into full zombie mode; the campaign lost,was beaten, got less votes than the opposing campaign etc.etc. The trouble is, thanks to 200+ unreconstructed #LabourIn MPs who were the beating heart that gave actual life to Remain, those 200 won't lie down. And now Blair has decided to join in the contrived mayhem and faux-debate over the triggering of Article 50 and commencement of #Brexit.
Blair does certainly know all about playing with fire.And he couldn't care less about who it is that gets incinerated. The perversity emerging out this imbroglio for  #Labour is particularly ironic. Since it is above all the pronounced anti-blairites who have been carrying out and promoting his views on the  #EU more so than the MPs who claim to be Blair's acolytes. Either way, Labour as a Party deserves to burn for all of this; Left,right and centre. #Brexit has created the opening for such a historic event to take place. Sediton itself brings about the end of  the seditionists.
In lawsedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organisation, that tends toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority. Sedition may include any commotion, though not aimed at direct and open violence against the laws. A seditionist is one who engages in or promotes the interests of sedition.

Tuesday 25 October 2016


The law should not compel businesses to aid political messages

On October 24 ,2016, the Appeal Court in Belfast  ruled that a local Christian-run business, Ashers Bakery, was wrong to refuse to decorate a cake with a pro-gay marriage message.Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell said :-
“This verdict is a defeat for freedom of expression. As well as meaning that Ashers can be legally forced to aid the promotion of same-sex marriage,It seems that businesses cannot now lawfully refuse a customer’s request to propagate a message,even if the business has a conscientious objection to it." Tatchell concluded,“Although I strongly disagree with Ashers opposition to marriage equality, in a free society neither they nor anyone else should be compelled to facilitate a political idea that they oppose."
The Appeal Court ruling shows the extent of anti-Christian sentiment in our Society and just how far the bedrock of Western civilisation has been marginalised over the decades by a relentless campaign of institutionalised political vilification and slander. This does not bode well for the future. The sound we can all hear is that of the metropolitan elitist jackboots trampling down our historic liberty.

Wednesday 19 October 2016


Otto von Bismarck is credited with uttering the aphorism that, " decisions are not made by the ballot box but by blood and iron ". And if you factor in the abrasive north German timbre it was originally delivered in, it will strike the largely,but not exclusively feminized 21st.century reader as being a somewhat harsh thing to say. Bismarck epitomised the art of Machiavellian realpolitik. Doing that which circumstances and logic deem it is necessary and effective to do. It's only Society's contemporary,feminized, ideologically debilitated  faux-intellectuals who would think otherwise. Let's be clear about our nation's current contrived and convoluted predicament; the Verdict of the 23rd. June referendum on the question of the UK's continued incorporation within the EU was blood and iron by other means. It heralded a singular historic moment of evolutionary transformation as significant as the Reformation of 1534 or the indictment and execution  in 1649 of Charles I or the Bloodless Revolution of 1688 ,( take your pick,since all three were intimately interwoven ). Were it not so decisive a shift in the political tectonic plates, there'd be no reason or purpose to  headlines such as this from the Independent of October 18 :-

Brexit legal challenge live: Final day of arguments heard against Article 50 being triggered without vote

" The outcome will decide whether Britain can leave the EU without it going through Parliament first." Well actually,no bloody chance not unless the bourgeoisie really do want a taste of real blood and feel some real iron.
What followed the 52%-48% Verdict in favour of #Leave was an appallingly conceited and hubristic public outpouring of contempt,loathing and visceral hatred by the supporters of the defeated Remain campaign toward those of the Electorate who voted Leave.  The  accompanying baying chorus of  stigmatisation and opprobrium was and remains breathtaking in its scope. epithets such as Racist, xenophobic, and just about every other calumny under the sun has been hurled with limp wristed impetuosity at the 17.4 million electors whose votes prevailed over the Phalange of eurozealots, Pharisees, #LabourIn etc. the ballot box is the site of struggle, it is no mere affectation or phantasm or denial of reality. Blood and iron are transcendent metaphors. Then again if those remain bastards really want to push matters...
Addendum : 19 October:- N.B. Starmer's concluding paragraph at the end of the report.

Thursday 13 October 2016


A lot of people, especially the rabble of benchwarmers of all parties in the House of Commons chamber,have been getting rather upset these last few days about yet another issue they can do nothing about other than have a collective pseudo-moral hissy fit over.  To put the aforementioned's hissy fit in context; The US and its NATO satrapies have, one recalls this past quarter century, pretty much screwed things up royally in a whole host of formerly stable, sovereign nation states. Iraq,Yugoslavia, Afghanistan,Iraq a second time,Libya and Syria. I exclude the Ukraine from this inglorious litany for the simple reason that NATO hasn't actually bombed anyone or anything as yet in that particular theatre of operations. Back to Syria. Said H.o.C. benchwarmers in August 29.2013 REJECTED a government motion that Parliament authorise UK military intervention in Syria in response to the alleged use by the Syrian government of chemical weapons against civilians. Fast forward to December 2 2015 and this time said H.o.C. AUTHORISED UK military airstrikes in Syria directed exclusively against ISIS/DAESH. As the former Head of MI6 observed whilst appearing of BBC Radio4's " Today " program, you can't really fight against both sides at once in a conflict. He ought to have added especially in a three plus sided conflict at that. The much vaunted and lauded sanctioned airstrikes in 2015, with the involvement of 2 planes and no actual effective strikes have been just a waste of effort. All the planning and conspiratorial shenanigans of the EU and NATO in their various forums trying to cajole the myriad hornets' nests of " moderate " i.e. non-ISIS opposition forces in Syria including Al Qaeda to evolve into something that can be financed and supplied with weapons-that too hasn't really worked for the US and its grandiose designs on a post-Assad Syria. And so we come to the five years long siege of Aleppo. Only this time, the faux wrath and ire of the H.o.C. benchwarmers is directed at Russia because it has been lending military assistance to the constitutional government of Syria.  How odd it appears that in International Law, let alone accepted norms of global diplomacy and peacetime relationships between Sovereign states,that the parliamentary body of one state whose armed forces are operating in and across Syria openly and covertly WITHOUT the permission of Damascus, denounces the actions of another state who ARE operating  in Syria WITH the permission of Damascus. Odder still, that the legally legitimate actions of Russia in conjunction with Syria are deemed to constitute a war crime comparable with Nazi Germany's use of the Luftwaffe in Civil War Spain of the 1930's.  Such is the destitution of learning and paucity of historic fact checking within the House of Commons that they are ignorant of when the term War Crimes actually entered the lexicon. Germany's intervention in 1930's Spain was never characterised by contemporary sources as a " war crime ". Whilst at the time Britain and France observed a strict neutrality that included a refusal to render any assistance whatsoever to the besieged, legitimate Republican Spanish government. Foreign Secretary Johnson's wantonly provocative call for demonstrations in front of the Russian Embassy in London are the classic tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, signifying nothing; as for Johnson himself, he is a poor player who struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more..

see also this blog #081 on 25 August 2016

Monday 10 October 2016


Quite a lot of people, predominantly in academia and amongst the media Commentariat have been terribly upset recently by a thoroughly sound and common sense suggestion made by HMG's Home Secretary during the Tory party conference. Companies ought to publish data on the numbers of non-British workers in their employ.There was,headlined  in the relentless  24/7 media  environment a report of compulsion,which added a certain frisson to the original idea as floated. The egotistical rabble of Metropolitan domiciled,hard core eurozealots went into their customary righteous meltdown over a subject and an issue they have no real life,lived experience of nor even some remote understanding and empathy with. At present the previous non-announcement has been clarified; Companies won't have to make available any data on the composition of nationalities on their books. There, happy? well the antidemocratic,Seditionists of the eurozealot,anti-British, Remain campaign are not in business to seek contentment - all they want is to maintain unrestricted competition in the national labour market and to perpetuate falling wage levels and the marginalisation of British workers. Nominally UK based Job Agencies and their booming Zero Hours contracts goldrush can only become ever more rapaciously profitable if there is an endless supply of migrant labour as at present. There are of course, an infinite number of possibilities in any set of negotiations but usually the protagonists tend to stick to what they see as a handful of manageable options. How's this for one; which I originally emailed to my local/regional newspapers early in September :-
" A strong negotiating position would be that only citizens of EU member states prior to January 2004 ,might be eligible to apply for extended residency permits.This measure would provide a substantial corrective to the indiscriminate and unprecedented imbalances and disadvantages foisted on the UK  who in 1975 only previously consented to be part of a 6 member states group and nothing more."...
As any experienced competent negotiator knows, the process of negotiating tends to resemble a game of Poker.Bluff ,counter bluff and raising the stakes are intrinsic to the process itself. How skilled any side is, determines the likelihood of them getting most of what they want
A grasp of these rudimentary principles seem to be eluding our government as they near the time for invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty and so begin the  process of " Brexit "from the EU. Apart from the disillusioned euro-fanatics of the defeated Remain campaign, the consensus is that we want to maximise the advantages and benefits for the UK predicated on what are basic objectives - reasserting our sovereign control of our borders which entails ending the EU imposed diktat of free movement of labour. 
it does not bode well that,even before substantive talks begin, our future negotiating position is compromised by specious and ill formed public concessions to the defeatist agenda of the likes of LabourIn,most of whose 200 MPs are wildly out of step with their own constituents. Brexit need not be a long complicated process,nor does it have to be dragged out over the prescribed two years. It is axiomatic that in any given negotiation the side that is most determined wins. 
Rather than capitulate before  a card is dealt, let's declare a moratorium on  the moribund and no longer fit for purpose freedom of movement for labour. Given the 40+ years of economic and social depradations inflicted upon us by the EU, let's have a general reset on what are " guest workers " from the EU,whose rights have as of 23 June de facto been rescinded,A strong negotiating position would be that only citizens of EU member states prior to January 2004 ,might be eligible to apply for extended residency permits.This measure would provide a substantial corrective to the indiscriminate and unprecedented imbalances and disadvantages foisted on the UK  who in 1975 only previously consented to be part of a 6 member states group and nothing more.

Company lists could have been a pathway to a transparent and accountable system of managing what is,after all, the economic and social aftermath of a 40 year long tsunami.

Friday 7 October 2016


Slowly but surely the screw is being turned against those forces opposed to the implementation of #Brexit. Prime Minister May's Tory Conference speech could not have been any more forthright and unequivocal on the matter. The Labour Party however, even with Corbyn putatively in charge, has in fact adopted the previous #LabourIn EU Referendum campaigning position of rejecting #Brexit and that has been made abundantly clear from Corbyn's own utterances on the pressing issue of continued unrestricted competition in the national labour market. As on all contentious issues and in all forms of political struggle,the essential principles of one 's arguments need to be restated as often as time and opportunity allows. I emailed what remains of my local /regional newspapers on 29 September and hey presto,on October 7 -without any redactions,the Wakefield Express published:-
Jeremy Corbyn’s revival of the migrant impact fund to mitigate the effects of uncontrolled immigration is an insult to the very workers he claims to represent and whose support he seeks. Not everything can be solved by throwing money at it. It may come as a surprise to him that ordinary working people aspire to more than just a job, a home, the NHS and social services. They can think beyond the day-to-day struggle to survive. The Brexit vote proved that they are active participants in their own destiny, wishing to have control over their lives, their future and that of their communities, and the direction of their country.
The “freedom” of movement of labour is double-edged: not only does it put pressure on wages, working conditions and social services of the countries receiving the immigrant labour, it also hollows out the countries the immigrant labour left, draining them of their major asset – the working population.
You need only read the Polish Government's official data on their unemployment rates.In 2003, the year before Poland's accession to the EU,official unemployment stood at a little over 20%. In 2015 it stood at a little over 8%..The EU's " freedom of movement " is a gigantic exercise in rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic. Current aggregated official unemployment across all 28 member states stands at over 30 millions.
Re-asserting national sovereignty and  putting the British people to the front of the queue of the political agenda isn't a Brexit option,it is an absolute necessity.

Tuesday 4 October 2016


The Prime Minister of Hungary, Mr.Viktor Orban was castigated recently in the columns of The Spectator magazine for expressing " illiberal " views on the Migrants/Refugees imbrogolio. The adage " The pot calling the kettle black ", springs to mind as particularly apposite in this instance of a factional British Tory mouthpiece whose own governments have been singularly complicit in the entire farrago of unrestricted EU-wide migration. It is ever the first contentious argument to hand of the liberal/socialist/multiculturalist acolytes that whenever a result of any plebiscite goes against their own peculiar set of ideological prejudices, the said plebiscite is somehow invalidated by such a contrarian outcome. As for example this twitter posting,gleaned today, made 100 days after the UK's decision to Leave the EU shows:-
 Main 'leavers' were:over 70s, Disenfranchised poor, racists, asian community (they don't have freedom of movement).
There you have it,the entire #LabourIn driven Remain campaign catechism verbatim. The EU referendum result is called into question and constitutionally delegitimised because in the " main " the 17.4 million voters who favoured Leave are -disenfranchised poor racists and/or asian. That's one hack of a load of lazy ignorant stereotyping even for a hack crime novelist responding to a previous ,no doubt similarly bigoted tweet from a member of the Labour Party's national policy forum.
So poor Premier Orban stands no chance amongst the globalist,open borders,unrestricted competition in the national labour market UK domiciled eurozealots. The finely nuanced point which official and unofficial Left and Right have ,in the main,failed to highlight let alone cogently discern is that the Visegrad Group ( Hungary,Poland Czech Rep and Slovakia ) want to maintain apres-Brexit  the EU's freedom of movement for workers so that their vast hordes of jobless continue being allowed unrestricted grazing rights in the denuded wastelands of job poor UK . What Orban and his V-4 axis partners decry and protest is the human tsunami that has been coming out of the Middle East these few years past.They do not want them in their countries.;there goes the pot again calling the UK kettle!!