Saturday 29 April 2017


It was always going to be this way.  The result of the EU Referendum in favour of #brexit was never going to be accepted,let alone tolerated as even remotely legitimate by those forces gathered and united under the Remain banner. #LabourIn and #OpenBritain #EuropeanMovement and others of that ilk have waged an campaign of outright sedition against the Government  as well as one of vituperative slander and defamation against all those who voted  for #brexit. And that is the basis for the #GE2017 . No matter how plausible or laudible the demands for increased NHS funding  or curbs on Corporate tax dodging might be, they aren't worth paying the ransom price demanded for them by Labour - a conscious betrayal of the Electorate's decision to Leave the EU which of course now also necessitates the return of a Tory administration. We are not some collective Judas,even if it were the case that the extra pieces of silver being proferred might come in handy. No,not this time Labour,LibDem,Green.SNP;NO!!
Not that metropolitan elitist EU seditionist shills have ever had any qualms about hedging their own particular bets.

Labour Brexit spokesman holds out hope of second referendum and ...…/labour-brexit-spokesman-hold…...
3 days ago - A shadow Brexit minister has thrown Labour's EU policy into fresh confusion after he left the door open to a second referendum – and indicated ..
Brexit: Jeremy Corbyn rules out a second referendum on final EU deal ... › News › UK › UK Politics
20 Apr 2017 - Labour will not support a second referendum on the terms of Theresa May's Brexit deal, a spokesman for Jeremy Corbyn has said, ending speculation the party might back a vote at the end of the two-year negotiation...…/labour-second-referendum-will-no…...
20 Apr 2017 - A spokesman for the Labour leader said: “A second referendum is not our policy and it won't be in our manifesto.

Wednesday 26 April 2017


A once modestly fashionable and oft quoted 19th.Century German economist was credited with expressing the axioms, " That those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it ";  and that " History repeats itself,first as a tragedy,the second time as a farce ". i suppose that's what the acolytes of this disputably grand economist and philosopher-manque would call dialectical, or is it historical, materialism ? anyhow,it's definitely happening.
You may recall that this time last year,indeed on this very day 26 April, 200+ Labour MPs were engaged in a campaign to persuade the British people to remain in perpetual servile bondage to the German dominated alien tyranny.Alan Johnson MP of the petainist/quisling #LabourIn summed it all up:-
The “immediate consequences” of Brexit would harm both the country and society as a whole, the chair of Labour In For Britain warned at the Usdaw Trade Union conference. “I believe the vote in the referendum on the EU on June 23 is every bit as important as that election in July 1945. Perhaps more so,” Johnson said. He also restated the Labour Party's fundamental hegemony over what it sees as its historic fiefdom,the Trades Union movement. “Nearly four million British trade union members are represented by unions campaigning to keep Britain in Europe this June."
That didn't work out all that well for them, did it? The trades unions proved wholly incapable of mobilising even the paltriest of numbers amongst their paper memberships to campaign against #brexit.The truth is they were never going to. It was the height of delusional thinking to believe otherwise ,as Johnson and his 200 metropolitan elitist EU seditionist shills so clearly did.
And so we're back to history being repeated as farce in this current period up to and including June 8 ,2017. Not only #Labour but the cretinoid LibDems, the SNP and Sinn Fein are all re-running their anti #brexit campaigns from last Summer. Corbyn and his monstrous regiments of essentially irritating yet ineffectual poseurs are repeating the same otiose cant of wanting to keep the UK in the EU single market and the customs union. Ending EU neoliberal freedom of movement and reasserting national sovereignty over our borders and immigration are again notably absent from Labour's OCD policy statements and soundbites.
There aren't enough points on the Richter Scale to measure just what a pro #brexit political tsunami will sweep across these islands on June 8. Schadenfreude will be at its maximum.

Monday 24 April 2017


June 8 is still a bloody long way off at this point in time, and there is much mischief, misinformation and downright lying to be done by the parties, that is all of the Parties, in this general election campaign. Remember that 200+ #Labour MPs. spearheaded the failed Remain campaign during the EU Referendum, the result of which they all swore they'd respect and uphold. The LibDems ,who are neither liberal let alone democratic in the original sense of those words, have made the annulment of the Referendum result the centrepiece of their electoral campaign. The SNP,Plaid Cymru and Sinn Fein for diverse, albeit remarkably similar aims of anti-Unionist, regionalist considerations wish #brexit dead.The unconvicted war criminal and messiah-manque Blair himself has again risen from his resting place to try and concoct some corporeal intervention during the run up to June 8. And Corbyn's supreme policy strategy and decades long acumen as a wholly peripheral if not entirely irrelevant bogus leftist agitator has led him to call for the Labour Party to promise additional Public bank holidays should they actually win the election. And heaven help us all it has fallen to the Conservatives to take the Holy Grail of #Brexit forward. Not that any of this ludicrous imbroglio is new ; the players have changed and maybe even the colour of their playing strips, but the game remains the same.

Isaiah 59:3-4
Your lips have spoken falsely,
    and your tongue mutters wicked things.
No one calls for justice;
    no one pleads a case with integrity.
They rely on empty arguments, they utter lies;

On a lighter footnote, Marine LePen has made it into the second round of the French presidential election run off on May 7. Probably won't win but at least the French electorate have been given the option of anti-globalism,anti-EU,reason and clarity.
Alas us poor Brits,we can't even have that.

Wednesday 19 April 2017


Happy Days are here again!! There's going to be a General Election on June 8th! And to celebrate this fortuitous occasion when once more in keeping with time honoured tradition,the Sovereign Peoples of these islands exercise their inalienable democratic Rights and hold their elected representatives to account at the ballot box. Or as a leading MP of the Opposition Labour Party put it in a tweet on the morning of April 19th. -

Theresa May is a disgrace-she called an Election because she rejects the idea of an Opposition in our democracy.We are not some dictatorship 

The term non sequitur might be applied.It's Latin for bollox.  A little under a year ago some 200+ Labour MPs campaigned as #LabourIn  in an attempt to perpetuate this country's continued enslavement under the yoke of an alien continental tyranny. Labour's antidemocratic metropolitan elitist propaganda failed. And because it failed most noticeably in the staunchest of Labour held constituencies, Labour MPs,Umunna amongst them, set about slandering and defaming those who voted for #Brexit as stupid,ill educated,backward,insular, racists and xenophobes. Quite a significant tranche of non-parliamentary leftist groups repeated those lies and slanders. The established parties - SNP.Sinn Fein ,LibDems and Greens goose-stepped along to Labour's views,organising demonstrations and rallies at which their party reps spoke solely to incite sedition amongst their adherents calling for the reversal/annulement of the EU Referendum result.
June 9 will see #brexit continue and Labour smashed to smithereens .The Union will not be shaken. Those are my predictions!!

Saturday 15 April 2017


Having manufactured and assiduously promoted the straw man of Russian electoral skulduggery, the Democrats and faux-progressives have been hoist by their own petard. We are now seeing an enhanced version of US foreign diplomacy which invariably begins and ends with toys being thrown out of their prams. The only noticeable difference this time is that there's a whole lot more crashing and banging accompanying the latest outburst of Washington neocons' customary hubris and immaturity. Having long ago sidelined the Constitution and ceded its war making powers to the Presidency, Congress is de facto complicit in everything every holder of the Office of President does and has ordered done since WW2. For decades now even the most genuine opponents of military intervention abroad have proven wholly impotent in the face of a determined President. This time around it happens to be Trump;a man whom the Democrats to a large degree and Republicans to a surprising degree smeared and denounced as somehow being in the thrall of Russia. A country whom Democrat and Republican politicians and commentators and mainstream media swear engaged in heretofore unimaginable and widespread electoral skulduggery in the US electoral process in order to ensure his-Trump's election! These very same forces now applaud and welcome Trump's actions in Yemen, Syria,Afghanistan and when it does all go tits up, in North Korea too. The supine, servile nature of NATO's response to all this merely underscores the organisation's peripheral auxilliary role as Washington's global lackey.

Wednesday 12 April 2017


Did someone say something and would they mind repeating it so that we can all hear?

There's been some kind of a conclave of decrepit,corrupt and frankly historically obsolescent countries held in Tuscany a few days ago.They wagged their fingers and muttered their customary oaths, amazingly enough aimed at other countries that hadn't been invited to this Care in the Community Patients' Jamboree & Seance. 
The conclave had the rather catchy hashtag #G7 that appeals to the swathes of historically illiterate and vacuously trendy journalists-manque who swarm around great big important meetings like rabid hyenas around a carcass that's been out in the sun too long.
 Fortunately, or maybe just because the meds were administered in time to enough of the attendees, the #G7 Foreign Ministers decided not to risk further antagonising the hell out of Russia and all those who aren't implacably opposed to its existence and well being.
 This on the whole, despite fervently expressed opinions to the contrary by genuine neocon warmongers, was a pretty good outcome for all concerned. Such is the manner of the self-referencing cabal of western, industrialised democracies with the biggest GDPs,that a full Summit is scheduled for May 26/27 in Sicily.
 That's when the collective Heads of State get to wag their fingers and mutter oaths of one kind or another. No doubt Al Qaeda and DAESH and their Saudi/UAE/Turkey paymasters will be awaiting the outcome with their customary baited breath and meticulously observed reticence and commendable martial restraint. 
Just kidding,you know they won't and neither do the necromancers of Washington,London,Paris and Berlin.

Saturday 8 April 2017


Well, things certainly went unexpectedly and spectacularly south the other day. Two US warships launched a total of 59 cruise missiles at a Syrian airforce base; thereby continuing Washington's historic foreign policy strategy in the Middle East and elsewhere, of Blowing Shit Up. MSM and a the hydra-headed social media went into an orgiastic frenzy of hyperbole and speculation and faux-analyses. The quixotic concept of American global moral leadership seems to be gaining favour again, quite how it has managed to do so remains I think a bit of moot point at this stage,but it is certainly metastasising. The usual suspects of cronies,shills, amoral ideological whores,cranks, venal opportunists, satrapies and congenital bootlickers came out on cue to deliver their verbal and verbose faux-oaths and declarations of support for each and every one of those cruise missiles fired in direct contravention of International Law, the governments of UK,Australia,Japan,Israel,Turkey amongst them. One sovereign state- The USA-launching armed aggression against another sovereign state- Syria - with which it- The USA- is not at war and from whom it- The USA is not under imminent and direct threat of attack, is breaking International Law. The neocon American warmongers and imperialists-manque propagate a dangerously delusional attitude reminiscent of megalomania when they espouse ambitions of moral leadership as highlighted by this footnote to the events themselves:-
BBC Radio 4, today Saturday 8 April had a live on-air interview with General John Allen ( who supported HRC for President ) who lectured the listeners on America's goals and America's responsibilities,blah ,blah ,blah ad infinitum. For more on this General, google :-

Thursday 6 April 2017


Here's a prediction.It's Nostradamus time again! Just kidding, honest. Yet when it comes to Mainstream Media ( MSM ) reporting these days, Nostradamus is by comparison a pretty reliable source of news. To the matter in hand; the French Presidential elections are up and coming, with the first round of voting on April 23 and the decisive run-off between the two leading candidates from round one on May 7. Marine LePen, the leader of the populist Front National  is going to be one of the two candidates on May 7, she might even emerge however marginally as the highest scoring candidate on April 23. Her long hoped for success will be predicated on the as yet unquantified subterranean  tectonic shift in politics,the same shift that has brought about #brexit in Britain and catapulted Trump into the White House. One thing that is guaranteed to intensify and then go into hyperbolic overdrive between April 23 and May 7 is the collective, voluble hissy fit that's going to bellow forth from the Left all across the decrepit, moribund western faltering democratic world. If #Brexit can lead the largely metropolitan elitist seditionist led, middle class publicly funded careerist professionals and their uni student common room agitators-manque shills to vilify Brexit voters as cretinous subhuman bigots then heaven help those on the receiving end of  what will be a tsunami of unregenerate bile and acrimony heading toward MLP and those who welcome her, let us hope Victory. meanwhile the auguries are set for such a propitious outcome:- Bloomberg Brexit reports from the French heartland,
Haulage companies rely on the open borders and seamless trade that the European Union created. But in France and other wealthier EU states, the drivers they employ are also at the mercy of the low-cost competition from the former communist east that comes with it. Polish trucks alone now account for a quarter of all international road transportation business in the EU. That’s driving down delivery prices for consumers, and also the salaries of an unhappy workforce with few other career options.

Monday 3 April 2017


Read and understand. :-
straw man
1) an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
2)a  person regarded as having no substance or integrity.

Clearly these last couple of days have been one elongated mainstream media straw -man jousting tournament. Britain was threatening possible military action against Spain over Gibraltar! or maybe it wasn't,but Gibraltar did get a mention in the EU's negotiating procedures document vis a vis the UK's Article 50 exit. Within the EU's document the Spanish government would be guaranteed some kind of definitive say over the future status of Gibraltar once the UK has exited the EU. Or possibly not, depending on how excruciatingly nuanced an interpretation EU theologians-manque could possibly contrive from the words actually written. The massed ranks of seditionist EU shills in all their guises immediately seized upon the apparently bellicose and intemperate responses from various former Tory government ministers to this allegedly diplomatic faux-pas occasioned by the beleaguered Spanish government. The Straw Man was now fully animated. Lazy faux-journalism coupled with superficial news reporting and the repetition of kneejerk off the cuff responses added to the less than entirely convincing imbroglio. If this was supposed to be a bone being thrown to the rabid pack of seditionist dogs to feast off,then evidently there wasn't enough meat on it to last more than a sniff and a lick. Schadenfreude once again!! #Brexit Ahoy!!