Thursday 28 November 2019


Thankfully this is the fifth and final blog post of mine in November on the topic of the General Election .

It really is turning out to be as ineluctably otiose as I'd predicted and feared that it might be.
Amongst the most prominent of hashtags on twitter this morning for example are :- #bbcimpartiality and #labourlies. And that about sums up the state of play in this more than usually cantankerous campaign.

GE 2019 is managing to be even more intellectually indolent than the voters' accustomed expectations of yawning vacuity and cant from all the parties.

No policy statement ,issue of genuine public concern or aspiration for the future has escaped being drowned in the deluge of partisan hyperbole and misdirected drivel, the speakers of which were hoping to make sound something akin to statesman-like rhetoric of great import.Which of course none of it is.

It's way past time that the entire process underwent a Bonfire of the Shibboleths.

Wednesday 20 November 2019


Three weeks to go. Three very long weeks to go until Polling Day in GE2019.

And the strain is already showing amongst all the putative contenders for Office.

Being both dis-interested and un-interested in the final outcome,I have at least avoided the very worst of the symptoms of persiflage fatigue.

And persiflage is as good as it gets in respect of any utterances vaguely resembling well thought out,committed ideological and philosophical points of principle that define the character and motivation of any of the aforementioned putative contenders for Office.

A televised " Leaders Debate " live and unscripted,epitomises more than any other micro- electioneering phenomenon the utterly vacuous and worthless nature of the entire entire electoral process itself.

Brexit , emotional blackmail about the NHS , the fatuous climate emergency etc etc. are merely the irrational ramblings of a political class whose actual power and influence have long since been effectively usurped by the ruling metropolitan domiciled elites.

Superficially, as to the result hitting the headlines on the morning of December 13 ;I'll stick with - a) A very slender overall Tory majority , b) Labour the largest party but way short of a majority or c) Neither a or b.

In the meantime I'll be working on my Schadenfreude.

Thursday 14 November 2019


Herewith gleaned from   The facts such as they are - empirical data.

Government Spending: the Details

About 79 percent of public spending comes from the central government; About 21 percent is spent by local authorities.

The central government is budgeted to spend £667.7 billion in FY 2020. Pension programs, including the state pension and civil service pensions, will cost about £161.1 billion; health care and the NHS will cost £143 billion; defence, including the Ministry of Defence and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, will cost about £50.3 billion. Welfare, or Social Security, costs for the central government will come in at £71.4 billion, and central government education expenditures are budgeted at £44.6 billion. Interest on the national debt is estimated at £51.7 billion.

We estimate local authorities will spend about £179.9 billion in FY 2020. The biggest expenditure is £54.8 billion for welfare. Then comes £47.2 billion for local authority education, and £15.4 billion for protection: police and fire. Local authorities will spend £9.5 billion on transport, and about £50 billion on all other programs.

As the #GE2019 winds its weary way through November , the major parties are assembling,as they are wont to do ,their various versions of what amount of public spending ought or does or might or might not be accorded to the National Health Service.

And, of course ,the Labour Party ( all wings ) their Trades Union satrapies and all the  non-parliamentary "Left" are pitching their narrative,as usual in that it is only they and they alone who "care" are "compassionate" and exemplary humanitarians who look after the sick,the dying etc.

And short of a violent,bloody Bolshevik revolution ; no.there never ever will be sufficient monies to finance their Disney-fantasy version of a health service or anything else for that matter.

And of course they're the ones who make it part of their catechism never to raise the query as to where all this overwhelming additional demand and pressure on the NHS arises from in the first place.

Or on our education system or GP waiting lists or on the inadequate housing stock or the relative downward pressure on wages and worsening shortage of full time jobs.

They don't know about all of those either.

Saturday 9 November 2019


December 12 2019 :Polling Day seems to be a very long way off.And no doubt even as the days recede,they will actually get longer in the imagination.

Boredom and disinterest work that way. It's still only November 9th and the imaginary cheque-book is getting some unprecedented hammer from Labour on 1,000 new " Sure Start " centres - the ones the war-mongering Blairite Regime introduced and the Anti-Labour Coalition of 2010 basically shut down. And not to be outdone the  former conservative Tories and the  former liberal LibDems have also been ripping it up in the fantasy-capitalist prosperity stakes.More doctors,Nurses,infrastructure,blah,blah blah..

Oh, and the Greens aka The Green party (aka the political wing of the Vegan Taliban aka Extinction rebellion eco-millenarian cultists) have come up with a Trillion pound ten year project to take the UK back to the feckin Stone Age by systematically cleansing these islands of all industry.The Greens aim to raise 90% of the science-fiction epic funding through borrowing on the global money markets.

What the lentil-chewers omitted from their prospectus was the blindingly obvious - govts. raise money by selling interest rate Bonds to other govts -the ones with spare cash.Which means China.Who do not and will never support,agree to or otherwise allow their great nation & peoples to be suckered into the existential lunacy of eco-millenarian hysteria.It's what we call irony -Beijing being asked by a Green and no no doubt in time to come a Labour and Lib Dem regime to finance the annihilation of Great Britain and make a profit from it.

December 12 really is a looong way off.


And meanwhile here in the 66% Leave Voting ,parliamentary Labour marginal seat of Wakefield. The Blairite,let's bomb-Syria, incumbent is accusing her Tory opponent of some kind of unsubstantiated,hypothetical thought crime.This gleaned from her twitter a/c from which,by the way I'm blocked.
EXCLUSIVE Wakefield’s Tory candidate 'under review' over Facebook posts | talkRADIO There’s no place for racism in Wakefield.

Monday 4 November 2019


What is the difference between uninterested and disinterested?

"Disinterested" and "uninterested" have different meanings, but people are starting to confuse them. Grammar Girl has a trick for getting them right. An uninterested person is bored, unconcerned, or indifferent; a disinterested person is impartial, unbiased, or has no stake in the outcome.
Clearly therefore, I'm at one and the same time un-interested in the forthcoming General Election and dis-interested as to the eventual outcome of that election.

Once all the smart,sophisticated,considered,astute insights and observations from the Chief Priests of the MSM Commentariat have been aired and all the usual leading spokesdroids of the major parties have articulated their parties' propaganda ; the British Electorate will make its decisions pretty much as it always does and has done in that very short period of our History that has afforded our nation the luxury of representative parliamentary democracy based on universal adult suffrage.
All the whys and wherefores, ifs ,buts and maybes will get run into the ground just as they always are run into the ground through over-emphases ,hyperbole and otiose cant from all the contending parties and factions still masquerading as parties.
The archaic formulations of "Left" and "Right" have in actuality been rendered historically redundant by and during the Brexit question.The difficulty is that none of the major parties formally acknowledge the topography of the renewed political landscape and they all adamantly refuse to address the newly aligned populist sentiments,concerns and imperatives with a lexicon fit for purpose. We're in an rapidly evolving dynamic digital political discourse being conducted and expressed in an analogue frame of reference.
There ought to be for example, a broad rational consensus that every vote should carry equal weight and yet the UK's constitutional mechanism remains entombed by and subject to FPTP - first past the post where not all votes have equal value.
And as for the pre-eminent farrago of our times, to wit Brexit aka Leave the EU,the established parliamentary forces have been debating the possibility of actually implementing the result of the EURef 2016 for three and a half years. 
Disinterested as I am, the probabilities,in my cursory view of the outcome of GE2019 will be in a limited spectrum ranging from 1) A small overall Tory majority, 2) A minority Tory govt with DUP support, 3) A minority Labour govt with SNP /Plaid support or 4) Something completely different and unforeseen.
Oh,and Schadenfreude all round.