Tuesday 29 December 2020


            DUMB INSOLENCE #31

The governmental / deep state / metropolitan ruling elites / global corporate capitalist engineered State of Emergency around the Covid-19 virus continues unabated.
As indeed intended.

Pity the weary masses,especially in Great Britain.Four years of tortuous EU-funded Remaoner seditionist shennanigans and now this load of okd cobblers.

The progressive,enlightened,democratic and libertarian resistance remains steadfast in promoting the indelible virtues of scepticism and nuanced critique of the Tyrants' misrepresentation & obfuscation that has descended like an impenetrable smog over the populace.

Until such time as when all this artificially induced madness ceases or something actually interesting and of importance occurs - War,Famine,actual pestilence; this here Blog goes into furlough.

DUMB INSOLENCE is / wad a continuation under a different titles of the long running fahrenheit451 series.
Besides this blogspot archive there is also AND SO IT GOES at www.louiskasatkin.WordPress.com
that goes all the way back to 2011 & was archived at the same time as fahrenheit451back in March.

As a long time microblogger on twitter that continues.A Guerilla hit & run strategy is sustainable.


Tuesday 22 December 2020


 "Creatives" - West End luvvies,Guardian supporting scribblers,opinionated Poetry Society hacks,Radio 3 musicians are all for waving placards & shouting vacuous slogans when it came to protesting Apartheid in South Africa or egregious human rights violations in Myanmar.

But for most of them,this corrupt tyrannical govt.and its Culture Recovery Fund has bought their collective silence.And what few voices there are merely underscores the morally repugnant hypocrisy of those who have chosen to say nothing about the ongoing massive violation of our human & democratic rights under the guise of Covid-19.

Herewith my most recent tweet.

Eric Clapton , Van Morrison , Lionel Shriver & maybe some others less well publicised apart ,where are the rest of the creatives?authors,poets,musicians,actors etc who defend our inalienable human & democratic rights? Nowhere of course- spineless cowardly bastards. https://t.co/7CFgM5bIqx

Sunday 13 December 2020



I'm sure Michael Heseltine & the rest of the EU funded seditionist rabble of Remainers can find a convenient stone they can all crawl back under.

I start with the concluding epithet because there is nothing left to argue or debate.

After practically 4 years of ceaseless conspiratorial endeavour to sabotage/delay/derail Brexit - the EU funded seditionist Remain campaign hobbles on its crutches even as 2020 draws to its inexorable conclusion.

The historically moribund, economically sclerotic crumbling EU 4th Reich now has only 9 net contributing member satrapies.

They're already missing our Danegeld payments.

And of course the 18 mendicants'clamour for more of some other poor dumb sucker's money to help them featherbed their own dysfunctional corrupt inefficient shithole economies just grows ever louder the more they can cozen from the 9 in the first instance.

I think that's what economists mean by a virtuous circle.Then again probably not.


Sunday 6 December 2020


 In a quite brilliant interview with Laura Perrins in "Conservative Woman" ,Peter Hitchens delivered a master class non-pareil in reason and common sense.

Google it,check it for yourself.

Here's a taster:

"It is not really a tyranny, unless you can construct a tyranny out of marshmallow. It is more of an obdurate, glutinous stupidocracy, which intelligent people find intolerable while the rest mutter ‘mustn’t grumble’ as they absorb the latest insult or humiliation. But we must try to oppose it. What we do here and now will matter somewhere else at some other time. If our formerly free society shrivels into a banana republic, ruled by puerile slogans and Johnsonian populism, without one serious cry of protest or one notable effort to save it, we ought to be ashamed of ourselves."

As for my own weltanschauung on the Covid19 health scare, things are progressing most satisfactorily indeed.

The degenerate,apostate western liberal democracies sink ever deeper into their own egregious quagmire and take great swathes of the globalist capitalist economy and its practitioners with them.

There are none righteous among them,no not one.
When the merest administrative requirement in such a health scare- a vaccine- is disingenuously elevated to the realm of quasi-miraculous deliverance then you know how lamentably dumbed down public political discourse has become.

And I get to fully enjoy Schadenfreude.

And Brexit has still yet to go thermonuclear across the economy.

Sunday 29 November 2020



The pan(ic)demic grinds on stoked by governments' own generated hyperbole.

England's second national lockdown (martial law by another name) is due to end in a couple of days and morph into a..lockdown! But one's that presented as a regionalised,nuanced three tier system of de-facto martial law.

More or less the same generic response is being repeated ad infinitum,ad nauseam across the length and breadth of the European continent.

Meanwhile in the U.S.the incumbent President continues to deny that he lost the election three weeks ago.Biden's inauguration is on January 20th.Go figure.

Conflicts in Yemen,Libya,Syria,Afghanistan,Azerbaijan and Ethiopia continue to get short shrift in the western MSM.
Whether any of the combatants are observing rules on social distancing remains I think a moot point in most cases.

I am growing increasingly firm in the view that you might as well write 2021 off now.

The daily persiflage surrounding the Covid19 health scare continues,for the most part,to be quite amusing on occasion especially when Old Lardarse bumbles & mutters his verbiage- as if he's in the middle of having a stroke.

And so it goes..

Sunday 22 November 2020



William Pitt the Younger,Britain's Prime Minister at the time of Napoleon, is quoted -
" Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom It is the argument of tyrants,it is the creed of slaves."
Mark Harper MP posted this on twitter.

✍️ Read the full letter signed by me and my Conservative colleagues, 70 of us, calling on the Government to demonstrate the necessity and proportionality of any new restrictions from 2 December 👇 https://t.co/kRcMCFW7B1

Britons never,never,never shall be slaves.

Well, we'll find out one way or the other pretty soon,won't we?

Monday 16 November 2020



For really incisive and well argued pieces on the whole gamut of Covid19 related issues that are the hallmark of serious journalism and dispassionate writing of the highest calibre and integrity, I will always commend, amongst others of a similar stripe; Peter Hitchens,Allison Pearson as well as blogs under InProportion on twitter.

I've never sought to even go over ground others cover with far greater acumen than myself.

I found the whole Brexit / Leave farrago just one massive drain on blogging.The EU funded seditionist Remain campaign just sucked all the joy and indeed life out of that political discourse with their remorseless cynicism & hypocrisy.

I mention the aforegoing simply as a caveat re:the Covid-19 " pandemic" discourse.
The panic-mongers,globalist liberal elites and their State sponsored thaumaturgists of the SAGE coven really have royally fucked things up beyond even their usual abysmal level of mendacity,incompetence,propensity to failure and swivel-eyed metropolitan elitist cretinism.

Their fatuous repetitive cant is utterly spurious,of course there is no light at the end of the tunnel,what kind of naive ingenue believes otherwise?

And so it goes...

Wednesday 11 November 2020



Karl Marx is often cited as the originator of the maxim , "Historical events repeat themselves,first as tragedy,then as farce".Sure,whatever.

It's a full week since the US presidential elections and the stench of invective and calumny emanating from its proceedings and outcome still linger in the very air itself.

It was only the broadcast of BBC Radio 4's "The Long View" the other day that shed some historical perspective on what we mistakenly view as an immediate and present political imbroglio,as if it is only contemporary forces and political actors that have contrived such an impossibly dire situation unique to our time.

"The Long View", exhumes events from the sub strata of history that exhibit more than just superficial resemblances to our own tribulations.And their canter thro' the events of the US Presidential contest of 1800 AD,Adams v.Jefferson was revelatory.

Slander and defamation have been the default ,go to,tools of popular political discourse and elections have been challenged as stolen or allegedly so since time immemorial.

History is neither moral nor immoral and whether the various political actors are deemed to have behaved one way or t'other,frankly History doesn't give a damn my dear.

Wednesday 4 November 2020



It's November 4th here in England,I wonder what day it is in the rest of the world?

Another national lockdown comes into force at midnight tonight.Mainly because the first one they attempted and began back in March failed.

Rather than attempt to recapitulate that which Peter Hitchens,Allison Pearson and others have articulated so well,I'll share my latest poem published at www.destinypoets.co.uk

The Future That Disappeared

In the darkest hour

they came for it,

bound and gagged it

put a hood over it;

it got in the car with them

they drove miles

along deserted country roads

and then they,


bound,gagged and hooded

they manhandled it

out of the car,

marched it across

a field;

Somewhere in the distance

a church bell tolled;

they didn’t ask if it had

anything it wanted to say

before sentence was carried out..

A few minutes later the car departed,

and the field lay undisturbed once more,

now home to an unmarked grave..

You get the drift? Of course.

Wednesday 28 October 2020



The sheer amount of time and effort that has gone into shroud-waving to the accompaniment of bow-scraping humbug during this WHO declared "pandemic" has been on an eye wateringly monumental scale.

Dead everywhere apparently and if there aren't enough piles of corpses to hand,then the "scientific" prognoses are suitably redacted to show that no such wild and inaccurate predictions of mortality were ever made in the first place.

Oceania,Airstrip One's MINITRUE is publishing the very news it then claims to be untrue and proceeds to substitute even that with some inscrutably otiose drivel pockmarked with high falutin data which in its turn are nothing more than the maunderings of highly paid imbeciles.

Politics however and the tangibly important matters of society proceed more or less implacably in the face of so much performance installation art fictionalised accounts of pandemic chimera.

Abortion, that signature service of the UK's NHS, which has been routinely dispatching pre-birth humans entirely lawfully since 1968,has thus far run up 7 million or so eviscerated wholly innocent souls.No-one actually bothers too much about this institutionalised carnage anymore,at least no-one who can actually do something to at least put the legal brakes on this sanitised Moloch worship.

But in Poland,a significant Court ruling has set the cat among the liberal/feminist pigeons by denying that foetal abnormalities are grounds for procuring a termination.
Placard waving and the chanting of vacuous platitudinal slogans is now revving up toward a crescendo.

Interesting;far more so than those currently inciting the alternate reality panic of Covid19 among a startled and apprehensive populace long since lost in a Corporate capitalist miasma and so very,very far away from God.

Friday 23 October 2020



If there was anything new,fresh and or revelatory to say on the hegemonic issue dominating the Media and political discourse of the Covid19 pandemic then someone would by now have said it.
Only there isn't,so no-one has.

The only thing that I've personally found noteworthy is that just about all governments just about everywhere have followed a broadly similar approach to dealing with this WHO "pandemic".

And so they struggle on.And the mind numbing,intellect destroying tedium of government by diktat upon diktat is only only occasionally relieved by the flash news items of pandemic-unrelated political issues such as Black Lives Matter,Extinction Rebellion et al.

These have now been superceded by the ultimate in faux-virtue signalling,a campaign for what is misleadingly called free  schoolmeals during school holidays here in England,a campaign that parleys neatly into wider and more substantive Class issues arising from the contrived alarmism and general state of idiocy which has been cultivated and promoted by the metropolitan elitist arseholes masquerading as a democratically elected government down in Westminster.

The world at this juncture can not only be said to be going to hades in a handcart but that our arrival there is expected shortly.

Sunday 18 October 2020



There are only so many cogent arguments one can employ against the advocates and proponents of the contrived Covid19 "pandemic" and journalist non-pareil Peter Hitchens excels,as always.

Other than that,our collective transportation to hades in a handcart continues apace.

In France,President Macron has owned up to the failure of his nation's Covid19 tracing app.and in Germany Reichskanzlerin Merkel is foundering further shit-creek than might otherwise have been expected for Germany which,of course holds the all time world record for Really Fucking Things Up.

And Lord Sumption is absolutely on the money for stating the obvious in his recent Daily Mail article.Though in this time of paucity of intellectual & philosophical discourse,what he had to say comes across as a Church door at Wittenberg moment.

On a personal note,I'm doing just fine and dandy,thank you.

Tuesday 13 October 2020



And so it goes..

Are some of us meant to keep the proverbial "straight face" whilst all this still carries on?

I'm not so sure about that and haven't been for a while now.
There's only so much incompetence,stupidity and faux- middle class mannerisms I can put up with.

Language and meaning have long since been debauched and debased and rendered virtually counterfeit by the pretentious, genteel half-wits who ape the superficiality and cynical "sincerity" of the metropolitan ruling elites.

Example,a lot of people got terribly annoyed and upset by a government poster advocating that persons whose sectoral employment facing redundancy might retrain for jobs in what was nebulously referred to as "cyber security".
The most prominent poster featured a real or mock ballerina.
And that did it;triggered the virtually annihilated-by-faux pandemic Creatives/Culturatii.

It was quite fun in a Schadenfreude kind of way to see the chinless/spineless Woke liberally inclined artistes and poseurs get terribly upset and let it be known to the equally inept and vacuous political class.

And then there's the career dweebs and autism -spectrum anoraks who made into well paid jobs involving learning words that nobody else understands let alone has any use for;collectively and misleadingly called "scientists".
And being naturally egotistical obsessives it's all just one huge interdisciplinary turf-war to them and their institutional and Corporate backers.

There just happens to be a bit of a virus about,which makes their preoccupations relevant.

Friday 9 October 2020



Madrid shut down,Paris shut down,Brussels yes you've guessed it.

So at least we here in the UK are not on our own when it comes to national governments conducting the equivalent of witch-hunts during this overblown pandemic" when targetting bars,cafés and pubs as primary hotspots for the exponential transmission of Covid-19;supposedly.

We have SAGE's word for it based on their most rigourous professional guesswork and estimations based on inadequate,out-of-date and not terribly historically reliable "data".

And then as a lemming amongst a plethora of lemmings all scurrying ineluctably toward the cliff's edge,we have the reassuring feeling that at least we'll not leap into fresh air on our ownsome.

China and elsewhere are meanwhile getting on with life in the 21st Century world of hadron colliders and quantum physics whilst we are trapped in the labyrinth of the metropolitan ruling elites archaic,medieval-superstition mindset.

Still,we are not Armenia and Azerbaojan facing-off over some 500 year old dispute about who robbed whom of sheep or knifed whose great,great etc forebears.

But we're getting there..

Sunday 4 October 2020



Finally sussed what Dickensian character Johnson most resembles - Bumblechook in "Great Expectations ".

Sunday's " The Marr Show " had old lardarse drivel'chops bumbling ten to the dozen ,faux public schoolboy bonhomie
wrapped in the verbal chloroform of his habitual idiosyncratic "but,but,erm,umm.." whenever the interviewer's speech gets ahead of his brain's impaired capacity to process intelligible english.
Sunday was bad enough already with the deeply saddening news of Cineworld's closure.Another canary in the coalmine telling the rest of us of the impending absolute shit storm to come.

Or as,remarkably,not just our own metropolitan elitist cabal in Westminster,but hundreds of foreign govts too,keep insisting to an increasingly disbelieving audience that "we" are going to get through this.


Wednesday 30 September 2020



The Johnson government is so deep down in the merde of its own making that it needs to use a periscope just to find out what the hell is going on up above them in normal everyday society.

But that requires order,logic and purpose,which if they had any would,of course,mean they wouldn't be so deep down in the merde in the first place.

There is a quotation attributed to Sun-Tzu's,the legendary 5th.Century B.C.Chinese General, that "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory and tactics without strategy is the noise of defeat".

Well,he got that one right.

They aren't brought before Parliament,they aren't debated or scrutinised in Parliament,they aren't voted on in Parliament.What are, "they" ?Laws promulgated by Ministerial fiat via Statutory Instrument.
The Public Health Act 1984 is their fig leaf in all of this wanton,capricious,totalitarian tyranny.

Oh and apparently there's been the first of the US Presidential debates just finished.Both candidates in dire need of a periscope of some sort.

Saturday 26 September 2020



A popular English football commentator once declared, " It's deja-vu all over again !" And one might as well quote the persiflage of Soccer with as much reverance as you would the tortuous,soul-searching pronouncements of philosophers.Profundity is in the ear of the listener.

Syria,Libya,Yemen,Afghanistan,etc aside for one moment ;well quite a few moments actually,depends really how long you consider a "moment" to be nowadays.
And with the unfortunate advent of Covid-19 those moments have stretched themselves way beyond anything previously experienced by contemporary society.

June 30 marked 100 Days of national Lockdown.It has never,in effect,been lifted.
Our human,civil & democratic Rights and liberties lie as beaten up and unconscious in the darkened alleyway today as they did when the govt first instigated its nefarious strategy to impose its totalitarian plans.
Huge swathes of our country have had the tyrannical yoke of partial localised lockdown style restrictions imposed on them- remarkably indistinguishable from the preceding full national Lockdown.

Whoever first uttered that there is safety in numbers,clearly knew nothing about anything except their personal need to sound authoritative in the absence of reason and common sense which obviously weren't their strong suit.

And yet it seems that all nation states have succumbed to the same set of vapid,irrelevant and entirely redundant what they call measures to deal with Covid-19.

This is the rape of reason,the overthrow of democracy.

Tuesday 22 September 2020



The EU funded antidemocratic seditionist "Remain" campaign wreaked absolute havoc on the UK's constitutional parliamentary system and as a consequence of their nefarious actions manged to effectively delay the implementation of Brexit by 3 years.Their primary aim of a second reversible referendum was never attained,but the sum of all their foreign power influenced wrecking tactics in the end achieved almost quite as much.

With the largely over-rated and hyperbolised Covid-19,the same mood music is being played,only this time there are no malevolent alien powers at work behind the scenes; virtually every sovereign national state is managing to swing its own wrecking ball aimed squarely at its own economic and social well being.

And if the gears of this auto-nemesis are under the nominal command of the government and the metropolitan elites' political class, then it is only the ineluctable fact that "scientists" and "experts" are manufacturing and supplying the necessary intellectual grease that keeps those gears operable.And to compound matters, opinions and endemic turf - wars among the scientific/academic elites are the major propellant of the entire WHO designated "crisis".

Whilst purely on an aesthetic and philosophical level I am more than sanguine in wishing the global corporate capitalist order all the ill in the world; do they have to make such a racket as they slip toward their historically inevitable demise? It's keeping the neighbours up when they should be asleep dreaming the dreams of a bright new dawn -one that's capitalist free.

Friday 18 September 2020


                                              DUMB INSOLENCE #13

BBC Radio 4 's flagship "Today" program gave airtime to Health Secretary Hancock's pronouncements on the current state of the mythological "pandemic" that seems to have been affecting this country for quite a few months now.

He announced a new Autumn wardrobe range for the Emperor.These new garments will replace the previous ones that a lot of people claimed they couldn't catch of the Emperor actually wearing any of.

The previous day, the Whitehall Regime's appointee to run the Test & Trace operation, a Baroness Harding,claimed under oath before a parliamentary committee,not to know too much about anything in particular and what she knew didn't amount to a proverbial hill of beans in this crazy world.

The current post-holder of the First Lord of the Treasurey also continues..which is a matter of increasing concern if not despondency amongst the growing numbers of sceptics among the human populace.

Lardarse's verbal tic of umming and ahhing and appearing to stumble badly when attempting to construct a seamless uttered sentence that can be readily understood is now out of control.

And such is the state of our beloved and once great nation and polity.Others have it worse of course,and some even far worse than us; for one,THEY are not British just imagine if it were say,a German Chancellor uttering drivel and telling citizens that carrying out some dumb incomprehensible act was their patriotic and moral duty...

Time to count blessings,don't you think?

Monday 14 September 2020



Boko Haram is still on the rampage across Nigeria,their fellow jihadists likewise throughout the Sahel region,Libya is burning and the Horn of Africa is riven with violence and imminent all out warfare between nation states...

Meanwhile, the "world" remains preoccupied and obsessed with Covid19 and staring economic armageddon in the face as the days draw ever nearer to the end of mitigation policies such as the UK's Furlough scheme.

So,the troupe of clowns of Whitehall and Westminster continue to implement ever more illegal and irrational policies,decrees and diktats -which they without irony - call " the law " as their magic-realist way of confronting what they called a pandemic.

The world,including our Britain,on the way to hell in a handcart,but mind that bump in the road..

The  " Rule of Six " signed into " law " by way of Ministerial statutory instrument by the teacher's pet of the year - Health Secretary Hancock using the Public Health Act 1984 as a convenient ,superficial fig leaf imposes yet another layer of Alice-in-Wonderland non-sequiturs on the already wearied folk of these islands.

And the estimable former Supreme Court Judge,Lord Sumption has rightly sounded the alarm on this and all that the despotic Westminster regime has attempted to get away with without challenge since March.

Then again,Lemmings will do what they are ineluctably programmed by their DNA to do and the cliff  edge is broad and wide and getting nearer.

I await the outcome with passing interest,,,

Tuesday 8 September 2020



When "Lockdown" was first decreed by the bumbling,half-witted coterie of cretins  ( aka HMG ) back in March 2020 ,the likes of Canterbury zealously and without question followed immediately in the footsteps of Rome and complied without the slightest scintilla of dissent to Caesars' diktat. 

For the first time in 800 years,it was noted by the atheist/anti-Christian MSM,Church services in England were shut down and church congregations laid silent.And after a little while,by the issuing of various statutory instruments,Ministers further decreed that Churches ( they meant building used for Christian worship since time immemorial ) would be granted certain concessions as to numbers, social distancing,and the absence of choirs and playing of musical instruments and singing by the congregation.

And,again without hesitation - the church bodies of Canterbury ( following Rome ) metaphorically doffed their sunday best hats and curtsied before Caesar.You see,on-line,digital ,virtual church was their get-out clause,their collective "ah,yes,well,but.." way of evading let alone confronting the proverbial elephant which they had let into their room.

2,000 terrestrial years ( give or take ) and the scriptural guidance on not forsaking the gathering together of believers - Hebrews 10:25 had somehow,theologically become optional.A clause in the contract that miraculously was kind of negotiable, an aspirational issue and not one of fundamental requirement among the body.

Some Churches, such as pentecostal / charismatic ones in South Korea had long since told their local Caesar to go take a walk and chose to gather together.For the non-resisting ones it is more than just a stretch of  what possible,granular  versions of " gather together " can be derived from the words as written.

1 Corinthians 3:13 tells the Church what it needs to know.Tested by fire that reveals their value.Negotiable? I don't think so.

The church universal ( with exceptions ) has done what Rome and its kow-towing acolytes has always done when push comes to shove. It invokes - falsely , an a priori requirement for obedience to Caesar and then insists that the collective body does precisely that.Pleasing Man before God.

Human rights, civil rights,democratic rights are continuously violated,pro-rogued and abused all across our world every single hour of the day.It is,ineluctably a measure of the integrity and sincerity of the church universal whether it speaks out and seeks to oppose and counter such egregious barbarism perpetrated against the People by Authorities.

An unscrupulous,venal,bullying authoritarian government ,lying,duplicitous Ministers,proven falsehood after proven falsehood presented as policy and strategy.

And what followed? the Silence of a Compliant Church.

Tuesday 1 September 2020


                                            DUMB INSOLENCE #10

Pre- hypothetical Covid-19 pandemic,I would on occasion simply copy & paste and lovingly acknowledge that Peter Hitchens had said all that I was going to say on a particular topic or issue on a given date or during a specific week.And so much more pithily then I ever could at short notice.I need a fair old run -up to do pith,especially of the withering acerbic kind.

We're back to school all across the non-Scottish governed parts of the declining and moribund dis-united Kingdom.

And of course it's all state  sponsored bollox.

29 August 2020 11:50 PM 

0B29C42B000003E8This is Peter Hitchens’s Mail on Sunday column

Is this advert masking a simple truth? 

In the continuing struggle of truth against falsehood, I have complained to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) about an advertisement plastered over bus shelters all over the country.

You may have seen it. An attractive young woman is shown with half her face obscured by a piece of cloth, which may well have been made from an item of clothing.

'I wear this to protect you,' she is supposed to be saying. 'Please wear yours to protect me.' I said to the ASA that she may believe this is so, but there is no hard experimental evidence to support the claim that people who wear such loose cloth masks protect me at all.

The poster could claim 'I wear this because I believe it protects you'. But it is wrong to say that it does.

I am pleased to say that the ASA has agreed to investigate the complaint – and has now referred it to its council. I will let you know what happens.

Covid? You may as well fear falling tortoises  

Is anyone still fooled by these figures for 'cases' of Covid-19? The more you look, the more you will find, but deaths and hospitalisations keep going down. It's increasingly clear that the virus rarely affects healthy people.

In fact, I'd guess that the chance of a healthy young person dying from Covid is about as great as the chance of an eagle dropping a tortoise on your head and killing you.

This actually happened to the Greek playwright Aeschlyus about 2,500 years ago, so it must be about due to happen again, especially with the growing eagle population in the country, and the huge number of pet tortoises on which they might swoop if hungry. Be afraid.

Using the panic-stricken logic applied to Covid by Health Commissar Matt Hancock, we should surely be taking serious precautions against this menace. Perhaps the enforced wearing of tortoise-proof helmets might be necessary, or anti-eagle netting installed over the back gardens of tortoise-owners, who should from now on be strictly licensed.

But my favourite Hancock-style solution is the compulsory greasing of all tortoises, so that eagles cannot pick them up in the first place.

I think this meets the precautionary principle quite well, and I'm sure our domestic grease industry can cope with the demand. Save Lives. Control the Tortoise.

Amen to all the aforegoing.

Monday 24 August 2020



Set aside world changing events such as the on-going military imbroglios and various bellicose standoffs in Libya,Syria,Yemen,oh and let's not forget Afghanistan.

Schools are set to re-open across England in a few weeks time.You know,those institutions which at the behest of this govt. cancelled their exams the last academic year.The schools re-opening are reckoned to be a bellwether for the national situation as a whole.More like the proverbial canary down the coalmine.

All kinds of partial and peripheral economic indicators are getting trotted out stage front and centre as indicators of some kind of nascent resurgence in the general economy. In psychology it's called being delusional.

More online home shopping? more use of local convenience stores? or the govt's own subsidised pig out at the taxpayers' expense ,Mon-Wed during August.scheme to rejuvenate the comatose hospitality sector.

I think that other great exponent of fiction,Raymond Chandler had it down pat with this snippet of dialogue from "The Big Sleep". "The blind don't get to see,the lame don't get to walk and the dead stay that way." With lines like that,Chandler was probably a latent Calvinist.

Okay,so let's take another random,peripheral metric of consumption,of disposable income.

Last week's official UK Cinema takings were published as follows:- The Top Ten grossing films amassed £800k. usually at this time of year,Cinemas expect around £24m.in the week for the top ten grossing films across the UK.

Christopher Nolan's "Tenet" has been heralded as the coming "saviour" of mass cinema going when it's long delayed and much postponed is finally released in another week or so.

No chance.Cinema is one dead canary.

Tuesday 18 August 2020



And so it goes..

The UK government, as part of its non-strategy for responding to the non-pandemic,decide to enforce by antidemocratic diktat, the cancellation of all school exams.It was agreed by all stakeholder parties in the "education" "system" that the year's exams results would be determined by an algorithm furnished by Ofqual.

After all,once the biggest,dumbest decision is made to scuttle the cruise-liner that we're on ,you need some kind of serviceable life-raft to lend the rest of the disbelieving,gobsmacked world that you at least haven't abandon reason and intellect in the face of the global non-pandemic.

The devolved Scottish govt. was first in dealing ( swiftly ) with an unforeseeable and p.r. damaging outworking of their agreed to Ofqual algorithm.The same algorithm that hit the exams results in England,Wales and the Northern Ireland statelet. Only this time Sec.of State Williamson and his Universities subaltern Gibbs offered up a rerasoned and valiant defence of the outcomes.

Even though in broad p.r. terms the vent-axia was inundated by the incoming faeces storm.But rather than acquiescing to the historically necessary expedient as pioneered by the Edinburgh administration;the Whitehall elites attempted a Rorke's Drift defence,clinging to their chosen mantra of " grade inflation".

Well,that line didn't see out the full week after it was first pronounced.The other 2 devolved administrations in Belfast and Cardiff herlmed by Opposition parties cottoned on quickly to the Scots' realpolitik.Whitehall and No10 don't do realpolitik or any other kind of viable politik it seems.

They do however do capitulation,in the most craven and cowardly manner possible and in full view of their unforgiving,revenge driven opponents and enemies.

And hey presto! The algorithm has been superceded by teachers' assessments of grades.and the entire Universities calendar and admissions have been screwed up a right treat.

That's what happens;whirlwinds are better left unsown.

Thursday 13 August 2020



It's official,as if anything "Official" these days means anything at all, the UK is into its worst recession ever and its relative position vis a vis other OECD countries is the worst of all.As is its Covid-19 fatalities by whatever broad measure is used to determine such an ndeterminable figure.

The good news is that the global capitalist economic system has suffered and is ineluctably going to suffer further significant damage.Those sovereign nation states that have kept their nerves and a modicum of discipline are being impacted to a less egregious developments than those such as the UK,US etc. who went full on mental breakdown and ended up wetting their own beds over,more or less nothing at all.

20 weeks in to the Lockdown, the UK govt by "Statutory Instrument" silently introduced this edict:-

From today, Monday 10th August, it is now mandatory to wear a face covering when visiting theatres, museums and our public libraries.  For details please go to the Libraries page here.

Statutory Instrument No. 296 of 2020

The edict was signed by Hancock -Health Gauleiter. But he omitted the customary "Heil Hitler".

Saturday 8 August 2020



Every crisis is an opportunity,at least for some.And whether or not any group,party,movement or individual can successfully exploit the opportunities arising from any given crisis depends to a large degree on how how well organised,disciplined and determined they happen to be going into the crisis. 

It truly is axiomatic that in any given situation the most determined wins.

Self-proclaimed,Marxist led Back Lives Matter (BLM) are a case in point.Their actions,tactics and strategy for furthering their militant,antidemocratic marxist-millenarian vision and policies validate the presupposition about the most determined.

Others too,such Extinction Rebellion (XR) and their fellow-travellers in the wider mainstream environmentalist activism movements have also joined the chorus of hyenas wanting a share of the providential feast on the fallen Polity.

A polity barely recovered from the 2008 induced recession and kicked right back down again through a woefully managed quasi-pandemic that wrought many more times the socio-economic carnage than even the straightforward systemic financial reverse engineering conducted by the City & Wall St. oligarchs and dark Corporate globalising forces had previously attained.

BLM, swaggering and cocksure of their own impeccable,pseudo- spiritual righteousness and Leninist predestination are alpha predators with the sharpest claws and an insatiable appetite for grandiosely moronic and infantilised re-interprtation and sectarain-identity redacting of accepted  Canon of western historical narrative.

And even as the long drawn out surrender and self-abasement of our metropolitan ruling elites ,their governments and political class continues,their is some consolation to found in schadenfreude.

Two young lawyers from New York City ,participants in the BLM wave of organised violent,armed acts of sedition,decided to fire-bomb a police car.They were filmed ,photographed and even interviewd about their actions at the time.

They both face a minimum period of incarceration of 30 years and probably 45 years.And the US doesn't do namby-pamby parole.

Tuesday 4 August 2020


                                                  DUMB INSOLENCE #5

Trying to avoid getting sucked into a blogging black hole over Covid-19,as happened with the three years long tortuous imbroglio of the Brexit aftermath is going to be difficult.Very difficult.

For example, China and the US instigate and stage-managed worsening relationship between the world's two economic superpowers ought to be No1 on any news agenda.

So should Libya,where the faction-riven,on-going low-level civil war has attracted foreign vultures to both sides.At the moment Turkey and its Arab backers,mainly Head-Choppers of Mecca are in an ever more dangerous stand-off with the KSA's Gulf opponents alongside Egypt, France and probably Italy and Greece should push come to shove.Sultan Erdogan has already begun the pre-emptive emotive rhetoric of the bog standard third rate demagogue by verbally abusing Greece and blathering on about making up for the mistakes the Ottoman Empire made during the first Balkans War of 1912.

Back in 2011, the UK's very own PM Cameron and French President Sarkozy took all the acclaim for overthrowing Gaddafi. Though they didn't take any further responsibilities for the tsunami of islamist terrorism,cataclysmic mass economic migration into Europe and the destabilisation of the Sahel right into Nigeria that came storming out of the Pandora's Box those two cretinous imbeciles wrenched open with so much alacrity.

And so on and so forth.But hey,let's talk the new voodoo practice that's sweeping the Uk and the rest of the advanced,liberal capitalist democracies. Wearing a mask to combat evil miasmas that might or might not be lurking in the air.And this voodoo practice carries with it the full sanction of The Law.

If you can impair,sabotage or bring to a dead halt a state's national economy,you undermine its security and military preparedness and thereby weaken its diplomatic heft in the big bad world of global realpolitik.

Game over.