Friday 30 September 2016


How odd that in 21st.Century Britain the tone of public discourse might yet be influenced by the utterances of a Cleric. At a gathering at the publicly funded Henley Lit.Fest which caters exclusively for a metroploitan-domiciled,elitist clientele, John Sentamu, the Anglican Archbishop of York, added his two pen'orth to the conflated, emotionally skewed and highly polemicised debate on the  Refugees / Migrants problematic which has beset the EU as well as the UK. Sentamu observed that :-
"Those Schengen countries ought to resolve the problem that belongs there because they have entered Europe because of free movement.
"Every nation is shunting them and shunting them and shunting them in the hope that they will end up in the UK.
"I just hope that the Schengen countries can resolve it because it is their free movement of people. Britain did not sign the Schengen agreement."
Which actually sharpens the focus on the issue which heretofore has been allowed to drift by, in particular the befuddled multi-culti acolytes of the Labour Right and the Labour Left.  The internationally accepted protocols relating to persons seeking refugee status is that they do so in the nearest safest country to wherever it is they are fleeing from. It is entirely rational and practical that they have,traditionally done so in the past and that sovereign governments not party to the origins of the causes of persons becoming refugees, deal with them under the auspices of those accepted protocols. Then we get serial breakers of international conventions and long accepted practices such as the Republic of France, whose political class and leaderships have always behaved and acted without scruples in any and all matters not to the immediate advantage or benefit to France. The soon to be voted from Office, President Hollande had the temerity to visit recently  the makeshift refugee encampments around Calais and inveigh against the British Government for not dealing with the intractable crisis! And so it goes.  The political melange of europhile fifth columnists will continue to undermine any and all endeavours of the Forces for Progress' attempts to re-establish national sovereignty and with it the proper,rigorous control of UK borders. The self same antidemocratic, seditionist  europhile alliance is already working flat out to derail the EU Referendum result; That too will not end well.

Monday 26 September 2016


When erudition no longer avails one has to resort to using facts.  On Friday June 24th.2016,Independence Day dawned for the People of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. And as the tsunami shock waves of that Historic National Epiphany spread exponentially across the world, the high powered, entrenched forces of ( Metropolitan-domiciled ) Wealth,Elitism and Neoliberlism set in motion their putative counter revolution. Once upon a time such malevolent conspirators would have been dealt with by the now sadly absent Sedition Act of 1661. Nowadays it falls to the People themselves and the true ,honest and authentic representatives of their expressed Will,to deal with such unconstitutional perturbations. We are The Watchmen of our democratic polity now and for the forseeable future. The Sanctity and inviolability of that uniquely sublime and transcendent inheritance must be secured and History has appointed by fiat those who shall fulfill that duty and render invaluable service to generations yet unborn. Here are the facts, as gleaned from some excellent post-referendum numbers crunching from, Chris Hanretty, Reader in Politics, University of East Anglia.
The results of the referendum were not announced according to Westminster constituencies, but by local authority area. 
Chris Hanretty
Reader in Politics, University of East Anglia.
Aug 18

Revise estimates of Leave vote share in Westminster constituencies

Shortly after the referendum I published estimates of the share of the vote won by Leave in parliamentary constituencies in England and Wales. These estimates showed that most parliamentary constituencies in England and Wales had voted to Leave (421 of 574 if you're counting), and that most Labour-held seats had also voted to Leave.The difference between the two estimates are slight. 32 constituencies were formerly estimated to have voted Leave, but are now estimated to have voted Remain; 11 went the other way. This means a net change of +21 for Remain in England and Wales. Including Scotland, this means that 401 of 632 constituencies (63%) are now judged to have voted for Leave.
Hanretty estimated that 7 out of 10 Labour held parliamentary constituencies voted for Leave.
Some more facts:- Of the present 230 Labour Members of Parliament, only 10 openly declared themselves for the Leave campaign and as such formed the #LabourLeave campaign ; their 220 " comrades " organised #LabourIn.
Final fact:- The 2016 Labour Party National Conference " voted " not to debate Brexit.

Friday 23 September 2016


When it comes to sheer brass-necked impudence, the 200+ Labour Party parliamentary benchwarmers that constitute the official #LabourIn campaign, take first prize. Unmitigated Petainist trash that they are,they had and still have, as their sole political objective the continued subjugation of the British people to the diktats and tyranny of the European Union.  200+ Sediton preaching, street corner rabble rousing demagogues who tried in vain to persuade the British electorate that We somehow,were really  " Europeans ", and that the British have a european identity or values in common with say Poland or Latvia or whomever. They might've well as said that a dog shares a common identity and has values in common with the fleas that infest it.  And #LabourIn ,the very heart and sinews of the campaign to maintain EU servile lackeydom, pre-planned and co-ordinated demonstrations with platform speakers such as that vile treasonable wretch Lammy inciting crowds of euro-zealots to attempt the overthrow of the UK's constitutional government. At the time of posting, there are still quite significant legal challenges to the Referendum result in the offing. And given what seems to be a significant highly motivated anti-democratic upper middle class and academically elitist bias in the ranks of the #Remain zealots' camp,no doubt we can expect further inordinately complex tactics and strategies to be launched by them against the implementation of the Will of the Sovereign British Electorate. Though not all the news is bad for the Victorious #Brexit . Gleaned from the 19 September edition of Huffington Post :-
Labour needs to stop “sulking” about the EU referendum result and vow to end freedom of movement, one of the party’s northern heartland MPs has warned.
Jonathan Reynolds, who has represented the Greater Manchester seat of Stalybridge and Hyde since 2010, believes keeping the EU’s free movement rules in exchange for Single Market membership would be “unacceptable” to millions of Labour voters.
The Remain-campaigning Reynolds told HuffPost UK that people’s “genuine emotional concerns” about uncontrolled immigration cannot be dealt with just by pointing to reports and statistics which talk up the economic benefit of freedom of movement.
In a dig at colleagues such as Chuka Umunna who are calling for the Government to try and negotiate a compromise over freedom of movement in a Brexit deal, Reynolds said a “tweak” to the status quo “would not wash with people.”
The European Union and all  that it stands for and all of its works is merely the bacteria on the toilet seat of history. Time for some cleansing,don't you think?

Tuesday 20 September 2016


So endeth the great Hohenzollern Imperial Diet in Pressburg ( Bratislava ) of September 16,2016. Berlin's principal stooge of the provincial satrapy of former Italy was quoted far and wide afterwards:-

" Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi stressed that the summit on Friday was a “wasted opportunity” and expressed his disappointment of the officials, especially the French and German ".

Such a wondrous expression of the Greater German Reich's remarkable cohesion.

To add to the surreal and at oft times anarchic mirth and jollity at the Imperial Diet in Pressburg, representatives/hetmen of a supra-national alliance of backward peasants calling themselves the Visegrad Four attempted to forecast,in the manner of their own shamanic cultural traditions, the official position of the Hohenzollern Reich vis a vis its evolving contretemps with the United kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland in respect of the matter of the latter electorate's expressed wish and desire not to be an underling and footstool of said teutonic tyranny in the foreseeable future.

 The Visegrad Four, being composed of the meagre hotch-potch shovelling together of shards of four preceding  eminent continental Empires, uttered an ill considered  calumny against Her Majesty's Government on the matter of continued unrestricted outflows of their poor and destitute mendicants into Britain in order to continue to lower the standard of wages for all workers.

 The Visegrad Group having a priori taken umbrage at the somewhat timid assertion thus far, by HMG that it might wish to exercise sovereignty over its own borders in preference to and at the expense of, millions of  uncouth turnip chuckers and cap doffers.

 Such are the vicissitudes of international politics and diplomacy.

Quite what we'll all make of it in another six months time,i.e. March 2017,is the proverbial anyone's guess. But woe betide HMG were they in the upcoming course of inexorable events to prove less than loyal and less than obedient to their true Masters, the wonderful,contrarian British Electorate.

Thursday 15 September 2016


united-kingdom-gdpGDP is the main measure of UK economic growth based on the value of goods and services produced during a given period.
My  " facts " are harder than your " facts ". That's about the infantile level of public political discourse in Britain regarding the actual state of the national economy. For years now the DWP ( Department of Workslavery & Penury ) has bleated on and on and on ad nauseam about the record numbers of people " in work ". Their latest stats put it at close to 32 million or something like that. Who cares? It really is Ministry of Truth stuff.  Great news citizens of Oceania, the chocolate ration has been increased! Wherein fact the hapless Winston Smith had just disposed of all written records showing that the chocolate ration had been in fact decreased only the previous year and  he had just consigned those records to the oblivion of the Memory Hole. And still the punitive-Sanctions imposing, human rights and human decency shredding DWP carry on announcing in triumphalist overtones ( ( weirdly reminiscent of the Argentine military junta of 1982 and its successes in the Falklands ) that more and more people are in work or have taken up self-employment. But in the end Capitalism has to maintain rationality and objectivity; if a business is doing badly and making losses or insufficient profits they do get found out and punished by the marketplace in the end. To be pedantic, companies do really need to sell whatever it is they are in business to sell. Governments and the political classes in general don't get this.Neither do the far from impartial,far from dispassionately objective civil service bureaucrats who manufacture propagandistic pigswill that wouldn't have passed for credible even in Maoist China. And so the declining and increasingly moribund western capitalist democracies are atrophying economically,socially and culturally.Insane, indiscriminate punitive social welfare regulations actually inflict quasi-legal punishment on citizens deemed not to be sufficiently actively,in the opinion of a bureaucrat,  "searching " for additional hours of work. There are no, ( how shall I phrase this bearing in mind pseudo-effete/genteel aspirational middle class sensitivities might be involved ?) fucking jobs,ok? geddit? Across the entirety of the , (the UK is still in there at the minute) 28 satrapies of the European Union,there are officially some 30 millions unemployed. The UK's apparent phenomenal jobs growth, which alas the more deluded Brexiteers are harping on about as being an indicator of some outworking of special economic thaumaturgy, is utter fantasy. Gross Domestic Product has barely recovered to its 2007 levels. There are now a million workers on zero hours contracts. Inner EU migration is still in full flow.Vast numbers from south of the Danube and east of the Oder are in effect continuing their colonisation of British society. The tyrannical European Union's great shibboleth of  " freedom of movement of labour " needs to be taken down. take that down, you take the entire EU down.
On this day,September 15,1940,when that which was necessary for national survival was accomplished, the grandchildren  of those Heroes alas turned out unworthy of the inheritance and life which those Heroes had helped in securing.

Tuesday 13 September 2016


It is axiomatic that an increase in the supply of labour decreases the price thereof. 
Not to the British Trades Union Congress; who dare not even contemplate a  debate on unrestricted competition in the UK labour market. 
The TUC along with their ideological confreres in the Labour Party subscribe to the shibboleth extolled by the European Union, that of  " the free movement of labour within the EU ". 
For example, gleaned from official Polish government statistics,the official rate of unemployment in Poland in 2003 ( a year before accession to the EU ) was at over 20%,  in 2016 it stands at just over 8%. 
Poland in keeping with the other largely bankrupt, economically moribund, rustbelt former Warsaw Pact states has been a major beneficiary of the very EU dictum so enthusiastically embraced and propagated by our own TUC. 
The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Romania have not somehow been magically transformed into vibrant,growth-orientated economies by their membership of the EU.They have however been able to export their vast numbers of unemployed to those regions of the EU able to absorb them. The UK, Germany, Sweden and France chief amongst them.

Not that the necessary infrastructure was in place nor put into place to assist this process.
No additional housing provision, no additional schools provision, no additional health service beds or GP surgeries; because no national government could reasonably estimate how many would suddenly turn up on their respective doorsteps at any time. 

Capitalism at its heart is anarchic and therefore unpredictable, despite all protestations to the contrary by leading capitalist spokesmen. Actions have forseeable consequences. 
 Trades Unions are universally predicated on the principle of defending, maintaining and seeking to improve the pay and working conditions of their members. 

They are not in existence to prioritise policies other than those aforementioned.
 And it goes.  

Saturday 10 September 2016


#Brexit like any genuinely historic sea change within the British Polity ( The Reformation,The English Civil War of the 1640's, the Bloodless Revolution of 1688 etc. ) will take a good long while to resolve itself into something that becomes a feature of an established societal landscape,the seismic convulsions of which are already underway. All the requisite conventions of open public political discourse will be on display as sides inveigh against one another with all the gravitas of Old Testament prophets. And that is how it should be, how in fact it ought to be continually, but alas tends not to be in practice. #LabourIn,the official grouping of some 200 MPs woefully out of touch on the issue with their own constituents, are the heart and lungs of the defeated Remain Campaign, much more so than the peripheral regionalist parties and the truncated Liberals added together. Ab initio my take on the European Union and all of its works has been unequivocally hostile; let death come to it and soon. I append a copy of my latest poisonous dart which I emailed out to my local and regional newspapers today.
Sir -As any experienced competent negotiator knows, the process of negotiating tends to resemble a game of Poker.Bluff ,counter bluff and raising the stakes are intrinsic to the process itself. How skilled any side is, determines the likelihood of them getting most of what they want
A grasp of these rudimentary principles seem to be eluding our government as they near the time for invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty and so begin the  process of " Brexit "from the EU. Apart from the disillusioned euro-fanatics of the defeated Remain campaign, the consensus is that we want to maximise the advantages and benefits for the UK predicated on what are basic objectives - reasserting our sovereign control of our borders which entails ending the EU imposed diktat of free movement of labour.
it does not bode well that,even before substantive talks begin, our future negotiating position is compromised by specious and ill formed public concessions to the defeatist agenda of the likes of LabourIn,most of whose 200 MPs are wildly out of step with their own constituents. Brexit need not be a long complicated process,nor does it have to be dragged out over the prescribed two years. It is axiomatic that in any given negotiation the side that is most determined wins.
Rather than capitulate before  a card is dealt, let's declare a moratorium on  the moribund and no longer fit for purpose freedom of movement for labour. Given the 40+ years of economic and social depradations inflicted upon us by the EU, let's have a general reset on what are " guest workers " from the EU,whose rights have as of 23 June de facto been rescinded. A strong negotiating position would be that only citizens of EU member states prior to January 2004 ,might be eligible to apply for extended residency permits.This measure would provide a substantial corrective to the indiscriminate and unprecedented imbalances and disadvantages foisted on the UK  who in 1975 only previously consented to be part of a 6 member states group and nothing more.
Louis Kasatkin

Wednesday 7 September 2016


I did originally think it a spoof. Some sort of meta-modernist work of installation art.But I guess on reflection, Black Lives Matter were being serious. They staged a sit-down protest on the runway at London City Airport.The following gleaned from The Sun online :-
They ( BLM ) wrote: “Climate crisis is a racist crisis. 7/10 of the countries most affected by climate change are in sub-Saharan Africa.”
“The UK is the biggest per-capita contributor to temperature change & among the least vulnerable to its affects.
“At London City airport a small elite is able to fly, in 2016 alone 3,176 migrants have died or gone missing in the Mediterranean #Shutdown.
“By 2050 there will be 200 million climate refugees. Black people are the first to die, not the first to fly, in this racist climate crisis.”
Ultra-left diehards will find this very much to their particular ideological tastes. Reductionism, I believe its called. Everything in life and society in general,every kind of social phenomena can be subjected to a quasi-forensic analysis using a Marxist-Leninist ideological frame of reference. Political Correctness (PC) was incubated in the pseudo-Marxian womb and we all know what utterly devastating consequences that has wreaked on an unsuspecting and naive world. Branding the contentious notion of ” Climate change ” with an equally contentious notion of ” racism ” really is ideological alchemy. Marxism as thaumaturgy.

Saturday 3 September 2016


Saturday 2nd.September 2016, deliberately on the 77th anniversary of the expiration of the UK's ultimatum to Nazi Germany; the brazenly antidemocratic demagogues of #LabourIn and their squalid Petainist co-conspirators of the discredited EURemain campaign under the fascistic slogan of "Let's take back control" of #marchforeurope have laid siege to the sovereign,democratic will and legitimacy of the British electorate as expressed in the Vote for #brexit on June 23.