Thursday 30 March 2017


There is something ineluctably disturbing, frightening indeed, if one were given over to actually being susceptible to such feelings, about the self-styled Remain campaign. I'm sure the Papists and their deluded and cretinous acolytes and lackeys made pretty much the same kind of interminable moaning and groaning throughout the process of The Reformation. There were at least laws about such behaviour back then, nowadays we just have to grin and bear at as best as possible seeing as how the 48%, the seditionists of #LabourIn #AnotherEurope etc. have already LOST.  The Remainers' multiplicity of Popular Front-manque entities fronted by a plethora of agitators and shills such as #GinaMiller managed to have the 23 June 2016 referendum result dragged before the Courts,twice and subsequently scrutinised and voted upon as a legislative Bill by both Houses of Parliament. And They still LOST! There will be no Counter-Reformation. March 29th. is irreversible. Though one fears that the EU backed, Soros funded greek chorus of moaning and causing an unseemly fuss is likely to continue unabated for quite some considerable time yet, with yet more contrived impudent challenges via the judiciary and its revisionist and counter revolutionary apparatus. The only worthwhile and effective response of course is to pay those seditionists back double for every blow, insult and calumny they hurl at #brexit. And that is the fun part of becoming a free,sovereign nation once more!

Monday 27 March 2017


History can be a pretty unpleasant and unforgiving phenomenon, especially if you happen to be caught up right in the middle of one of its more visceral convulsions. But that is History. It is futile to pretend that some ethereal dispassionate calm and reason ever altered let alone effectively influenced anything or any worthwhile course of action in the pursuit of some destiny or other. Losers do not get to write the definitive version, the history if you will, of whatever they've just been part of losing. Were it otherwise, imagine the interminable anarchy of parliamentary elections if after each one in turn the losing parties refused steadfastly to accept the outcome and thence ceaselessly campaign to overturn not only the very result they'd previously agreed to accept,but then mount agitation to re-run the election they'd just been beaten in. #UniteForEurope aka #MarchForEurope the  self-styled delusional Popular Fronts-manque, of the metastising seditionist,metropolitan elitist led Remain campaign are engaged in political nihilism unprecedented in modern British History. Saturday March 25, barely 4 days before Article 50 is officially and formally  " triggered ", the antidemocratic and increasingly hysterical placard-waving EU shills inundated the streets touristic London with their absurdist post modern installation art aka demonstration. PC,multiculturalist vacuous platitudes were chanted with the rabid fervour of dogmatic papists resisting the Protestant Reformation. Which is an approximate historical parallel. In the end it is all about the forces of destiny. #Brexit is that force.

Wednesday 22 March 2017


One week today, on the 29th of March Article 50 will be formally triggered by HMG. A letter will be presented to the Grand Panjandrum of Greater Ruritania aka the President of the EU Council, Donald Tusk. Presumably once he has opened the letter and read it, he will remark," Well bloody hell they could've told me earlier!" or words to that effect.  And that's about it then, off we jolly well go into the clear blue yonder with a knapsack on our back and a care free optimism in our hearts. Either that or  a tsunami of a diplomatic shitstorm will descend us precipitatley.Too close to call which is the likelier. Things in general won't change if at all in the prevailing atmosphere of rancour  fuelled by the ancien regime and its ravening mobs of stymied seditionists. Still, they do keep us entertained however vicariously by their innate stupidity. Mhairi Black the 22 year old SNP MP in the course of bemoaning HMG's perceived air of disdain toward the lunatic ramblings of the devolved parliament in Edinburgh, opined that it was unfair that London has more MPs than all of Scotland. Wee Mary got made mincemeat of all across social media. #brexit is the gift that keeps on giving. So many victories over so many hurdles. March 29 is another date for the diary of ineluctable,pre-destined triumphs.

Friday 17 March 2017


Well, that went rather badly..The Dutch general election all done and dusted. The heretofore ruling party of Premier Rutte lost around 20% of its parliamentary seats;whilst the once predominant Labour Party was virtually annihilated at the polls and Geert Wilders' populist Freedom Party gained a hand full of seats. The unanimous verdict and widely trumpeted conclusion of all the pundits,experts and analysts in the MSM (Mainstream Media) therefore, was that the " winner " was declared as being the incumbent Premier Rutte who valiantly and decisively saw off the imminent threat of populism and struck a blow for tolerant,multiculturally inclusive PC Europe. Wow!! even after losing 20% of their seats. The putative populist " threat " ,i.e. islamophobic,xenophobic,racist anti-EU Geert Wilders was soundly defeated!! after gaining a few more seats than previously. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH. It is compulsory to maintain two mutually contradictory thoughts at the same time. Wilders is Goldstein. Meanwhile in the eminently more rational and plausible alternate timeline of recent events; Erdogan's grotesque theatrics and accompanying soundtrack of specious hyperbole over the Netherlands refusal to allow Turkish government Ministers to conduct political referendum rallies in Rotterdam is finally catalogued under the heading S for Sham. Even now the Bulgarian government is embroiled in a vigorous exchange of invective with Turkey over Turkish attempts to meddle in the Bulgarian electoral process. Quite what connection that has to this sudden and unexpected retreat of the forces of Populism across an entire make believe and materially non-existent single  " european " polity is anyone's guess. The grand historic sociopolitical mise en scene that is or rather was the western democracies has already been transformed out of all recognition. Next up, the advance of AfD across Germany and MarineLePen setting the tone and parameters of popular discourse in France. the day of the idiotic placard-wavers is over. Hail #brexit Hail Victory.Hail The People.

Monday 13 March 2017


First,the context.A year ago Peter Hitchens, journalist and commentator non pareil wrote the following for Mail Online :-
 noisy promoters of a ‘New Cold War’ rage and shriek at the wrongdoings of Russia’s Vladimir Putin, even though Russia has no designs on us and poses less of a threat to this country’s freedom and autonomy than Jean-Claude Juncker or Angela Merkel.
How odd that these people seldom if ever say anything about Turkey’s swollen and increasingly dangerous despot, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
President Erdogan, who rules his spectacularly corrupt country from a gigantic new palace, kills his own people by thuggishly suppressing peaceful demonstrations. He hates criticism. His political opponents are arrested at dawn and tried on absurd charges.
He throws journalists into prison and seizes control of newspapers that attack him. He has been one of the keenest promoters of the disastrous Syrian war, which has turned millions into refugees and hundreds of thousands into corpses.
He is an intolerant religious fanatic, and curiously unwilling to deploy his large armed forces against Islamic State. And now he seeks to blackmail Western Europe into allowing his country into the EU and dropping visa restrictions on Turks, not to mention demanding trainloads of money.
If we do not give him these things, then he will continue to do little or nothing about the multitudes of migrants who use Turkey as a bridge into the prosperous West.
And yet for years he has been falsely described as a ‘moderate’ by Western media flatterers, and his country has been allowed to remain in Nato, supposedly an alliance of free democracies.
He is a direct threat to us. Yet the anti-Putin chorus never mention him. Is it because they cannot pronounce his name?  "
Or is it because they have a silly phobia about Russia, left over from the real Cold War, and aren’t paying attention to what’s really going on?
Behold, fast forward a year and Turks are rioting on the streets of Rotterdam having been incited by Erdogan and his cronies.The last few days have seen the Netherlands deny entry into their country by leading Turkish politicians, a similar refusal of permission having previously been enacted by Germany.The faux-casus belli is the imminent referendum on the constitution and extension of presidential powers, being held in Turkey. Turkish Law itself expressly prohibits electioneering abroad by politicians.The particular edict itself is almost uniformly ignored by the very legislators who promulgated it. No matter, what drives the demagogues in the cheap suits to wander all across western europe are the hundreds of thousands of potential voters who retain,in effect, dual  Turkish nationality. Given all the preceding and seemingly ineluctable events involving Erdogan,Syria,the Migrant/Refugee crises,EU accession ,etc. to say that the rioting in Rotterdam is disconcerting is an understatement.  The legions of gastarbeiter / guestworkers who were enticed to pour into the booming national economies of post war western europe have over the decades metastasized into a clear and present existential danger for the hosts. #brexit has for lucky Old Albion presented us with a chance,and a slim one at that, to cauterise and avert to a large degree the unholy cataclysm set to engulf  the PC multiculturalist,neoliberal, globalist Continent. But only by a whisker.

Tuesday 7 March 2017


There is something singularly maudlin when something or someone you knew had no chance in succeeding, fulfills that premonition. Two short years ago,the tribalist petty demagogues and largely ineffectual activists from across the far left spectrum danced around the totem poles of their own ancestral delusions. They'd paid their £3 and had voted for Corbyn and lo and behold the great non-hope had won! Then the scurrilous,mendacious cynical hypocrites of mainstream Labour set about spending over a year conducting a putative Party civil War that ended with Corbyn getting re-elected with a larger mandate than previously anticipated. The truth of all of that is that History has passed all of the Labour Party by.The Men of Action who've so dramatically reappeared on the centre stage of History are not from the ranks of the antideluvian Left. Two years on from Corbyn's corporeal manifestation in front of his newly acquired acolytes, The Independent opines :-
The only way Corbyn can succeed, is by taking the sharp left turn that he was elected to do. The people also need to see an authoritative and relentless streak that has so far been absent from his leadership. In short, Corbyn must fight back. He needs to take control of the party before he can take control of the country, otherwise he is nothing but a sitting duck.
One of the ways this can be achieved is through enabling the democratic right of CLPs to reselect and deselect their parliamentary candidates, and organising in order to ensure that young, up and coming, “fire in the belly” left wingers replace those who are actively seeking to undermine the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn.
" Need to see an authoritative and relentless streak that has so far been absent.." 
The actual reason for this noted absence of such a streak is simply that it isn't in his character let alone his ideological DNA.
Corbyn is a metropolitan flaneur,a weedy disingenuous understatement of a corporeal non entity.Then again, the rest of Labour's 200+ antidemocratic seditionist parliamentary rabble don't even make it past the amoeba stage.
Left and Right dissolved a long long time ago. And Labour along with them. Amen.

Thursday 2 March 2017


The antidemocratic, metropolitan elites who continue to conspire for the annulment of the EU Referendum result by any and all methods, really are the  excresence of society. Having managed to finagle into the law courts and thence on into parliament the triggering of Article 50 which ought by actual constitutional right been done by Royal Preogrative,the Seditionist EU shills carried out the singularly most dishonest and hypocritical debate imaginable in the House of Lords that ended in the adoption of an  absurdist amendment to the government's Article 50 Bill.
The actual law pertaining to the legal status of EU citizens sojourning in the UK is as follows:-
" EU nationals automatically acquire the right of permanent residence in another EU country if they have lived legally there for at least 5 years continuously.
They can then apply for a permanent residence document, which confirms their rights to live in the country where they now live permanently, without any conditions. "
Why even raise the faux concern over any of the estimated 3 million EU citizens in the UK's non-existent,implausible concerns over a wholly specious threat to their continued residency? Reason, logic and fact that all would have cut the seditionists absurdist theatrics short were morphed into an even phonier debate over the UK wishing to take the " moral high ground " in the presumed upcoming negotiations vis  a vis the EU over #brexit. Quite what the  " moral high ground " was supposed to be in regard to which attributable danger was never actually debated,since there are none. To repeat the blindingly legal obvious that the seditionist cranks and PC placardwavers chose to obfuscate and ignore:-
" EU nationals automatically acquire the right of permanent residence in another EU country if they have lived legally there for at least 5 years continuously."
That is however not to say that,of course they ought to be made bargaining counters and their rights as EU citizens ought to be abrogated and ignored. The absurdist quasi-legal concept of  being a " EU citizen " only came into existence after the promulgation of the Maastricht Treaty 1992. What was enacted by an act of treasonable sedition cannot stand. Still, we haven't heard the last of this...