Tuesday 28 August 2018


Since the British parliament legalised Abortion in 1968,there have to date been around 7,000,000 abortions carried out in the UK. That approximates to an annual average of around 150,000 per annum or around 3,000 every single week over the last 50 years.

The ballpark figure of 7 million surpasses the number of murders carried out by The German Third Reich in its extermination camps during the years 1939-45 in what became known after the War as the Holocaust.

Such is the monumental scale of what is being carried out in the guise of a regular,routine medicalised procedure that Society at large has become oblivious to just what a monstrous amoral depravity abortion really is.

Women's reproductive  "Rights" and a woman's  "Right" to choose to control her own fertility have all been effectively used as quasi-moral precepts by the proponents of abortion to facilitate the widespread acceptance of the fundamental concept that it's okay and normal and acceptable to systematically exterminate pre-birth humans at the putative mother';s personal whim and insousiance.

On May 26 2018,the Ireland held an advisory referendum on a proposed amendment to Article 8 of the constitution that in effect protects the life of the unborn child. The public vote to give the Dublin legislature the necessary permission and approval to repeal Article 8 and as a consequence legalise abortion was approved 66% to 34% on a 64% turn out. which by common reckoning means that 57% or thereabouts of Ireland's registered electorate did NOT give their active assent to the amendment;then again its always about who votes;not voting never counts.

That in itself is a lesson for all those who refuse to participate  in the democratic political discourse and elections.Your absence helps the other side to win.

And so it goes.Not that all battles are lost quite as decisively as the one in Ireland or even lost at all.

The Senate in Argentina recently vetoed their legislature's procedural attempt to enact their own national advisory referendum on legalising abortion that copied the template of the pro-abortionists' Repeal The 8th campaign in Ireland.

In the United States there is growing disquiet over President Trump's Supreme Court nominee who might, once approved, be in a position to pave the way for an eventual rollback on their own 1968 annus horribilis Roe v.Wade that abomination contemporaneous with our own 1968 Abortion Act.

Any person professing to be a Christian who is indifferent to or fails to oppose, let alone support in any way whatsoever, Abortion, is an apostate and heretic and must be excommunicated.


Of our fellow 7 million prebirth humans exterminated with state approval since 1968;the cohort so dealt with between 1968 and 78 would by now in the ordinary course of life have become grandparents by now.Those so heinously dealt with between 1988 and 98 would by now be parents of their own children.Of course all those children and grandchildren have been erased from God's plan by acts of premeditated murder.

Saturday 25 August 2018


August 25 2018 and the #PeoplesVote aka Remain Campaign is still hard at it as this gleaned from google search results shows:-

Imports of Danish sperm left at risk | News | The Times

1 day ago - Couples hoping to conceive through artificial insemination could face delays obtaining donated sperm if Britain leaves the European Union ..
So there you have it.

Added to the shortages of cheap manual and semi-skilled as well as skilled and professional workers of all kinds and a food shortage and hold ups at Customs and ( as the Head of Amazon Europe foresees matters ),civil unrest within weeks of the UK departing the EU- a point repeated by Labour's Barry Gardiner :- there will now also be now a shortage of imported sperm without which expensive NHS funded IVF treatment would have to be cut back.
A day on from the sperm scare and the EU funded anti -brexit campaign organisation, Scientists4EU are doubling down on the vast amounts of EU funding for scientific research the scientists active in the EU funded group itself will personally miss out on in future years.
This is paranoid delusions as policy from the PeoplesVote aka Remain aka Labour aka Open Britain.
Quite what else there is for the metropolitan elitist controlled forces of Remain to exploit as a potential source of anxiety,fear and morbid uncertainty in their efforts to sow general doubt and confusion is very much subject to speculation.
No doubt they'll come up with something even more bizarrely implausible than the importation of sperm.

Tuesday 21 August 2018


In the wake of the 23rd June 2016 Referendum, a plethora, nay a veritable deluge of polls were commissioned,conducted and published by the two opposing camps each seeking some tangible empirical corroboration to underpin and give a superficial gravitas to their respective and ineluctably irreconcilable ideological standpoints.

The Remain campaign proved, by the proverbial country mile,to be the ones lacking any pretence at dispassionate analyses and academic rigour. Simply because the facts didn't match let alone broadly approximate to their prejudices of it all being down to elderly,badly educated,economically marginalised ,xenophobic,northern, insular little england, stupid racists;which incidentally is what #PeoplesVote aka #OpenBritain #Labour and Petainist Conservatives et al still unabashedly maintain as the raison d'etre for what they see as being responsible for the historic debacle of june 23 2016.

It is all bollox and hyperbole of course,but that has never proven to be a hindrance or an appreciable impediment to the ideological kamikaze mission of Remain.

So in their seemingly endless boredomfest, yawnathon these past 2 years,two whole years,they have resorted to novelty and sensationalism. Some planned, others not :one notable exception being the unplanned assassination of one of their shrillest harridan warmongering MPs. Which the Labour Party appartchiks in charge of Remain grotesquely weaponised even that appalling tragedy in the vain belief that it would damage the Leave campaign to whom they sought to attribute moral culpability for the murder!

The latest addition to the Remain cast list for their inglorious Petomainfest is self-styled millionaire capitalist Julian Dunkerton. He's given £ 1 million of his own money to #PeoplesVote aka #OpenBritain aka #LabourIn to be used for..wait for it... YouGov another cabal of EU funded Labour shills to conduct polling around the agitation for a 2nd referendum which they're not calling a referendum.

Obviously the first referendum doesn't count,didn't count because of all the lies told,information withheld and anyway the question asked was the wrong one etc.etc. and next time they'll be a multiple choice questionnaire on the ballot paper; the only difficulty for PeoplesVote is in figuring out the precise,legalistic,sub-claused,nuanced array of choices and their complex grammatical structures that on balance will get the majority to in effect annul the decision they made on June 23 2016.

And insufferable metropolitan PC cultural elitist twats such as Julian are paying for it all...

Is anyone of sound mind and body even going to bother paying EU shills like him any attention whatsoever?

Friday 17 August 2018


Public political discourse in Great Britain continues its ineluctable descent into the mire of Identity and gender politics.

The quasi-philosophical fakery and faux-moral charlatanism of Political Correctness and its multiculturalism symbiote have metastasized to a dangerously unsustainable degree in the democratic.pluralist body politic.

Monday 13 August 2018


Erdogan,that erstwhile ravening Turkish warmonger looks as though he's about to hit the existential jackpot in Syria.

From funding,harbouring and arming ISIS/Daesh as well as Al Qaeda affiliates, and his subsequent de-facto annexation of sovereign Syrian territory through to building walls,watchtowers and entire military supply bases and depots inside Syria and deploying a commensurate invading Army,Erdogan has doubled down like the chronic high risk gambler and demagogic chancer that he is.

And its all begun dropping apart in spectacular fashion.All his so-called NATO friends are deserting him and his allies have set a trap underneath him. The Turkish military haven't somehow heroically liberated their ethnic kinfolk from the clutches,as they see it,of Assad,but have been sucked ever deeper into a bottomless quagmire with no prospect of withdrawal.

Credit in fair measure,for helping to bring out these dramatic changes in the circumstances on the ground in Syria must go to President Trump's administration for its forthright dealings in matters of trade and commerce with the perceived abuses perpetrated by a number of its major trading competitors. Amongst the many nations targeted by these harsher tariffs is the export to the US of Turkish steel and aluminum.

The US has also gotten itself into an intra-NATO row over the sale of aircraft and missile systems to Turkey or rather the withholding of such deals at this present moment in time.

Neither of which has improved Erdogan's innately obstreperous demeanour.

And to cap it all the value of the Turkish Lira has depreciated catastrophically vis a vis the US Dollar on international markets.At the start of 2018,it was trrading at 3.76 Lira to the US Dollar by the start of August the rate had increased to 5.49 to the dollar.National economies cannot withstand 50% depreciations of their currencies against the Dollar.

Technically currency depreciations would be great for exports,but in Turkey's case domestic inflation,massive economic displacement and increased unemployment all begin to add up to Erdogan cutting nobody else's throat but his own in Syria.

Afrin, Idlib, Manbij: the entire paranoid scenario vis a vis the Kurds and their militia groups costs Turkey more in fuel and munitions and all the other logistics that have to be paid for in US Dollars.Which in turn have to be borrowed on International money markets against the sale of Turkish government bonds that in turn become increasingly junk as the screws tighten.

Ain't Capitalism wonderful ?  Schadenfreude is trading well these days.

Thursday 9 August 2018


From the C.A.B. website.

What are hate incidents?

The police and Crown Prosecution Service have agreed a common definition of hate incidents.
They say something is a hate incident if the victim or anyone else think it was motivated by hostility or prejudice based on one of the following things:
  • disability
  • race
  • religion
  • transgender identity
  • sexual orientation.
This means that if you believe something is a hate incident it should be recorded as such by the person you are reporting it to. All police forces record hate incidents based on these five personal characteristics.
Anyone can be the victim of a hate incident. For example, you may have been targeted because someone thought you were gay even though you’re not, or because you have a disabled child.

The key passage in the aforegoing Kafka-esque explanation is, "  something is a hate incident if the victim or anyone else think it was ".
This signals a reversion to the jurisprudence of 1789 Revolutionary France,where guilt was established by denunciation.
All this is by way of necessary prologue to the matter at hand.The issue of the day,the scandal as it unfolds.

A few days ago in  the  Daily Telegraph , Boris Johnson critiqued,in his inimitable journalistic style,the wearing of the burqa. The MSM as much as the hordes on social media have transformed this otherwise fairly obscure debating point into a national politicised cause celebre. 

Hence the preamble: Johnson's  remarks were reported to the Met.Police Commissioner Cressida Dick and after ordering a preliminary investigation into the complaint,found no basis for proceeding further.His sartorial critique had not infringed any of the precepts of the hate incident protocols- a necessary precondition for something heading into actual hate crime territory.

All of which has merely added fuel to the raging fire of spite and vindictiveness surrounding the hapless BoJo. Senior Conservative Party figures -invariably of the Remain faction-have called for internal disciplinary measures,even expulsion to be considered; EU Marshal Petain Prize Winner Theresa May went so far as to call upon her former Foreign Secretary to apologise for the hurt that his remarks had caused.

Which of course is utter and total bollox.

We now are witness to the ludicrous spectacle of atheist pro- islamic terrorism Trotskyite non entities SWP in league with the usual PC metropolitan Labour cultural elitists in a contrived Thought Police pantomime. Who would've have thought it?

Clearly the ineluctable rise and burgeoning successes of Populism- from Brexit and Trump to germany's AfD, and governments in Austria Hungary and Italy etc. have unnerved the heretofore unchallenged and unchallengable metropolitan globalist multiculti ruling elites across the West.

Hence the witch-hunt against BoJo,hence increasing intolerance,censorship and repression.

Times have once again become that little bit more interesting.

Saturday 4 August 2018


A couple of weeks or so ago, members of the Manchester University Students Union Executive ordered the painting over of a Rudyard Kipling poem in their building that had been put there as part of some recent very expensive renovations.

Their official rationale for this impromptu act of philistinism was that Kipling represented white patriarchy and racism.Or something along those lines.

Welcome to the alternate cosmic reality that is:- Virtue signalling,socialjustice warriors,safe-spaces,no-platforming; in other words the full unmitigated gamut of contemporary western identity / gender politics intruding into cultural and artistic expression.

Poetry was mainstream,controversial and exciting. And so it proved to be again a few days ago,when a largely unknown,unremarkable american poet-manque was thrust into the glaring headlines of social media when one of his poems got published.

I was going to recapitulate at length and had fully intended to do so,but occasionally,very rarely indeed someone says all I was going to on the matter at hand.

Here's the New York Post  from 2 august 2018.- " The PC police are ruining poetry "

A mediocre poet wrote a mediocre poem. The Nation decided to publish it.
In a normal world, criticism of the poem, and of the poet, would center on the quality — or lack thereof — of the work. But we don’t live in a normal world anymore.
Anders Carlson-Wee’s 14-line poem “How-To” is not much more than a collection of indiscriminate ramblings. Percy Shelley, he is not. But neither was it offensive.
Apparently, the Twittersphere disagreed. And in the wake of criticism, Stephanie Burt and Carmen Giménez Smith, the Nation’s poetry editors, penned an apology that was longer, and significantly more disappointing, than the original poem. They claimed to have made “a serious mistake by choosing to publish the poem,” and insisted they were “sorry for the pain we have caused to the many communities affected by this poem.”
The poem reads as Carlson-Wee’s top tips to the homeless on how to secure donations. He advises those who live hard lives to say they are even harder: “if you got hiv,” Carlson-Wee writes, “say aids.” “If you’re a girl, say you’re pregnant,” and so on.
That the editors chose to capitulate to the loud voices of an ever-growing mob is bad enough. That they chose not to stand by a person and a poem they decided to publish is even worse. But what’s most disturbing is this: “Some of our readers have asked what we were thinking. When we read the poem we took it as a profane, over-the-top attack on the ways in which members of many groups are asked, or required, to perform the work of marginalization. We can no longer read the poem in that way.”
What the editors have effectively announced to the public is that they, people who presumably have some training or background in the study of poetry, cannot stand by their interpretation of a poem once they have had their eyes opened to the critiques of an activist mob.
Spend five minutes in a high-school poetry class, and you’ll learn that great — and even mediocre — poetry is layered. That multiplicity of meaning and of interpretation is precisely the point. But now there’s only one way of looking at things. Write a poem that someone, somewhere will interpret as offensive, and the hordes will descend.
The left has been silencing voices it disagrees with for a long time. First, it was the far right. Then it was centrists. Now it’s anyone — even a good soldier of the left — who dares to once open their mouths and contradict the illiberal zeitgeist. Not even comedians get a pass.
For a while, it seemed that this determination to control speech would limit itself to the political sphere. But there’s no denying that it has fixed its aim at art.
The editors had a perfect opportunity to stand by the poem, and the poet, and say that criticism or letters to the editor were one thing, but that they would not be cowed into issuing any sort of apology for daring to publish art that offended some people.
But they failed — and the poet, Carlson-Wee, failed as well. He pinned his own apology on his Twitter account, writing that he “intended for this poem to address the invisibility of homelessness,” but that it clearly “doesn’t work.” He went on to apologize for “treading anywhere close to blackface,” which is apparently what we now call it when people write from the perspective of others.
Carlson-Wee called the fact that he did not “foresee this reading of the poem and the harm it could cause . . . humbling and eye-opening.” He’s now “reevaluating what it means to make art in this world from a place of privilege.”
Poets have often gone against the grain and earned their share of criticism. During his lifetime, and in the immediate aftermath of his death, much was made of the unconventional life choices that Percy Shelley had made. His critics were preoccupied by his philandering and his unapologetic atheism, qualities that were not as tolerated or smiled upon as they are today.
In one of his greatest essays, he mused: “I have found my language misunderstood like one in a distant and savage land.”
We are living in savage times. If only our artists would stand up and say so.
Daniella Greenbaum is a writer living in New York.


Wednesday 1 August 2018



Retail Gazette  online reported the following :-

" Aldi has asked its food suppliers to begin contingency planning in case the UK crashes out of the EU with no deal.
According to The Sunday Times, the UK division of the German discount grocer emailed suppliers last month to say it wanted to work with them “to help understand the potential implications” and to “mitigate any negative impacts”.

The email reportedly included a spreadsheet in which suppliers were asked 15 questions, including breakdowns of any ingredients and packaging materials sourced from the EU, the percentage of EU staff they employed, and the implications of World Trade Organisation tariffs for their products.

The news comes after EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier expressed doubt over Prime Minister Theresa May’s plan to keep UK inside the EU’s customs system for goods, and to have restricted access to the single market.

Brexit secretary Dominic Raab also admitted last week that the government was taking steps to ensure that there were “adequate” supplies for the UK in the event of a no-deal departure from the EU, which is slated for March next year. "

The much vaunted Remoaner " Project Fear " has left earth orbit and has gone off into deep space.
Food shortages touted by the British Retail Consortium and its domineering big supermarkets backed by the EU funded british medical association - the doctors' trade union weaponising hypothetical concerns of supplies of vital medicines.

In 1917 the German empire's U-Boat blockade of British overseas supply routes did cause a food shortage,but they never altered the outcome of The Great War

In 2018 the metropolitan elitist Remoaner seditionist EU shills are preparing to achieve what  Kaiser Bill never could.