Saturday 26 November 2016


A couple of days ago,worldwide mainstream media platforms were alive with the " news " that the European Union's " Parliament "  called for the suspension of EU membership talks with Turkey. 479 in favor, 37 against, 107 abstentions. Scary.
The parliament is the most moribund and redundant of all the multi-headed EU Hydra's appendages.  The Hydra that constitutes that monumental obscenity of international politics, the European Union. Kleptocracy, nepotism,corruption and incompetence are its true four fundamental characteristics. Quite what business its dysfunctional castrato chamber of deputies manque has in censuring the sovereign,democratic nation state of Turkey - or anywhere else for that matter - is beyond the intellectual capacity of most sentient and rational beings on this planet to comprehend. EP ( european parliament ) has pretensions way beyond its capacities ever to realise them.It may as a body, scrutinise and debate and recommend but it does so void of any institutional power and authority. The one thing EP does do with remarkable alacrity, devoid of any grasp or understanding of global Realpolitik, is pass Motions declaring this,that and t'other. The failing,western pluralist democratic consensus around neoliberalism, neoCon military intervention and dishing out economic sanctions is at the very heart of EP. Sovereign nation states such as Turkey are deemed to be " out of order " for acting in the defence of  their own legitimate interests. Arresting newspaper editors, closing oppositional TV stations ,restricting the rights of communities openly colluding with terrorist insurgents might all be " unacceptable " to the political classes and Commentariat in Sweden or Germany, but what exactly the hell else do they expect from a government headed by President Erdogan?  the only mystery here is why does the leadership in Turkey persist with an essentially delusional policy of wishing to join and integrate with the european union? An orientation toward the nascent Shanghai Cooperation Organisaton of China,Russia and four former central Asian soviet republics would make far more sense. There you go. Oh and since the USA and its EUNATO satrapies extirpated Saddam Hussain's Iraq and Qadaffi's Libya and just about did the same to Assad's Syria, the only bulwark against totally catastrophic unrestricted mass migration into continental europe is now to all practical intents and purposes, Erdogan's Turkey. Game on European Parliament!

Monday 21 November 2016


( This was originally posted a year ago today 21 November 2015 on WordPress And So It Goes#711 ) Given the present on-going vituperative contretemps over the implementation of #brexit, I believe that this is worth reiterating.

In 1588 ,with the threat of Spanish Imperial seaborne invasion imminent , a great many of  Elizabeth I’s  British subjects agitated ,supported and actually prayed and sang ( at illegal underground Mass ) in hopes of a forthcoming deliverance from the yoke of the Protestant harlot.  We all too readily forget ,ignore and above all fail to study our island history. We have ,in general become historically and culturally illiterate. It is a truism to assert that those born into Britain ( its complex historically determined society and polity, ) are nowadays unable to appreciate let alone make any sense of being here. The old adage , that it is wise when in Rome to do as the Romans do , has alas gone for the proverbial ” Burton ” ,which given the paucity of recall of once popular socio-cultural references ,means bugger all I suppose.  We are a nation ,society and polity mired in hypocrisy ;Conservatives who since the turn of the Second World War are intrinsically no longer propagating the conservation of anything and Socialists who equally have long ago abjured any serious intent to socialise anything and the bloody liberals who actually were never libertarian but have willingly played second fiddle to whoever of the other two  doesn’t  do any of the aforementioned. When the current hoo-ha over Daesh/ISIL/ISIS is long dead ,buried and mostly forgotten ;we shall still have the same hollowed out ,vacuous,platitude ridden decaying edifice of a building long since emptied of reason and meaning as we have now. Perhaps back in 1588 ,it would have proven in the long term ,advantageous for us had the weather not been so damn inclement as it turned out and had the Spanish actually put an Admiral in charge of their fleet,which,of course they never did

Saturday 19 November 2016


Organised and ideologically driven antidemocratic seditionists are behaving in a consistent, co-ordinated fashion on both sides of the Atlantic when it comes to de-legitimising and seeking to overturn the results of the EU Referendum and the Presidential Elections respectively. For example, the content and tone of the language they both utilise in their vituperative hyperbole in slandering and defaming all those who voted for the winning argument in the EU Referendum and those who voted for the winning candidate in the Presidential Election, could not be more apparent. The self-referencing  " 48% " of the Remain campaign wish simply to have the Referendum result annulled by any means whatsoever. In the USA, the Democratic Party wants likewise the Election of Donald Trump annulled by any means whatsoever.  It is worth taking note of the constitutional complexities in the US as distinct from the less than iron clad constitutional arrangements for plebiscites in the UK.
The United States Electoral College is established by Article Two of the United States Constitution to select the President of the United States and Vice PresidentCitizens of the United States vote in each state at a general election to choose a slate of "electors" pledged to vote for a party's candidate.[2][3] The candidates who receive an absolute majority of electoral votes among the states are elected President and Vice President of the United States when the Electoral College vote is certified by Congress. Gleaned from Wikipaedia is this dissertation on The Electoral College:-
There are currently a total of 538 electors, corresponding to the 435 Representatives, the 100 Senators, plus three electors for the District of Columbia as provided for in the Twenty-third Amendment. Each state chooses electors amounting to the combined total of its U.S. senators and representatives.[4] The Constitution bars any federal official, elected or appointed, from being an elector.
All states except Maine and Nebraska have chosen electors on a "winner-take-all" basis since the 1880s.[5] Under the winner-take-all system, the state's electors are awarded to the candidate with the most votes in that state. Maine and Nebraska use the "congressional district method", selecting one elector within each congressional district by popular vote and awarding two electors by a statewide popular vote.[6] Although no elector is required by federal law to honor their pledge, there have been very few occasions when an elector voted contrary to a pledge .
And that's how it functions.And all parties accept this. Except that now there is an official attempt within the US Senate from the Democratic Party side to abolish the Electoral College! The " argument " as specious and dissembling as the day is long, is predicated on the notion of  "The popular vote ". The Democratic Party's ideological reference point is the strongly contested outcome of the Presidential Election of 2000 AD. The Electoral college was in effect deadlocked and Al Gore had polled more aggregated votes than G.W.Bush at the ballot box. It appears that Clinton has done likewise vis a vis Trump at the " ballot box ", whereas unlike Bush, Trump got a comfortable majority over Clinton in the Electoral College.
Logically and rationally there ought not to be the slightest basis for any kind of quasi-judicial or administrative challenge to or doubt cast upon the result. Donald Trump will be the next president of the USA. But reason and logic only serve as a basis for democratic politics just as long as the ideologues of globalism & PC multiculturalism deem it necessary and convenient. And in the UK and USA and indeed in many other " advanced western democracies ", the metropolitan domiciled globalist elites no longer find the verdict of sovereign democratic electorates either convenient nor legitimate.
The formerly prevailing notions of " Left " and " Right " were long ago made redundant, primarily by the cessation of the non- " Cold War " and the consequent dissolution of the USSR and other post WW2 socialist states. The real dichotomy that is now the dynamic engine of ideological discourse and popular political disputation revolves around the Sovereign Nation State v. Globalisation and its discredited corollary, multiculturalism and diversity. The historic triumph of #Brexit is the the most immediate and starkest expression of this existential struggle. The defeat and long overdue demise of that harridan Clinton replicated to a large degree what #Brexit first realised, the practical re-ordering of political allegiances and tribal loyalties.
Our New day has already dawned!! the Men of Action have returned.

Tuesday 15 November 2016


The 48% ( for ease of reference ), that voted Remain on June 23rd. in the EU Referendum,have actively propagated the idea that those of the 52% who voted Leave are largely stupid,ignorant,uneducated,provincial ( almost exclusively Northern ) homophobic, islamophobic, racist, xenophobes. I'm only too happy to be identified as embodying all of those traits if, in the interests of balance and fairness, the 200 MPs of #LabourIn and their Remain Axis partners are equally happy to be pilloried for being the mendacious,antidemocratic,pro-sodomite,unborn child murdering,seditionist garbage that they in fact are. Which all in all doesn't get any of us anywhere. Then again it is the calculated intention of the #LabourIn Eurozealots to systematically de-legitimise, undermine and eventually overturn the verdict given by the Electorate on 23 June.  The Referendum was conducted at the behest of Parliament as a UK wide vote.The UK is a single,united political entity. No-one has ever argued that, for instance the losing parties in a UK General election call for the Secession of those constituencies which voted for them or that the consequences of the other party gaining a majority are to be ignored in all matters pertaining to their own constituencies or that even the result itself wasn't legitimate and therefore another corrective general Election had to be called immediately. And yet this is precisely what the " 48% " antidemocratic rabble have done and are continuing to do at every opportunity on every conceivable issue. The fantastically deluded SNP -led regional administration in Edinburgh has gone all out secessionist and has even tried and serially failed to engage with sovereign EU states in intergovernmental negotitations and have themselves sought for international diplomatic recognition. That is the measure thus far of their utter imbecility and hubris. In a former,kinder Age,the Sedition Act 1661 would have been antedote enough for such lamentable clowns. Then there's Northern Ireland and the antics of the former Kneecappers& Granny Shooters Association aka the Provos aka Sinn Gay Rights&Abortion Feinn. What the turf cutters and the marsbar friers have in common is that,yes as a geographical segment of the UK Polity as a whole, Scotland and Northern Ireland did record a localised pro-Remain majority. As did that other metastasising quasi-regional faux-entity Greater London. :-
24 Jun 2016 - Most London boroughs voted to remain in the EU - bucking the national trend. Across all 33 boroughs in the capital, 59.9% (2.26 million) voted in favour of remaining in the EU. ... Barking and Dagenham, Bexley, Sutton, Havering and Hillingdon were the only areas to support Brexit.
To be precise.
Heck,they even staged a " London is Open " conference the other day just to let the EU-sympathising 48% Remain world know that mass islamophobic xenophobia hadn't shut London down. Run by the seditionist #LabourIn  Daesh apologist Mayor Sadiq Khan, the metropolitan Wannsee conference on how to eliminate the Brexit problem,had lots of academicians and metropolitan domiciled bien pensants reinventing the Queen's English to mean the opposite of what they thought and meant. Especially on the EU's fundamental principle of neoliberal freedom of movement for workers.  Here's one such classic caught on twitter on the day.
Need to be sensitive about language and discourse - integration loaded and need to be clear on social meaning& interpretation.

This is not going to end well at all, least of all for them.

Saturday 12 November 2016


A Presidential election is held in line with the nation's Constitution and a verdict is delivered by the Electorate in accordance with the provisions of electoral rules. So, what do " activists ", ideological agitators and hostile media commentators ( all who supported the losing candidate ) do in response ? Organise street protests that escalate into full blown rioting. Oh, and this from the likes of Daily Kos on social media :-
" Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes.
But according to the latest numbers, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. The game is rigged.
In other words, we have a similar situation as in 2000—where the candidate who more voters picked did not become president. It is unfair, undemocratic & we must eliminate the Electoral College.
Eliminating the Electoral College does not even require a constitutional amendment."
Undermine, subvert and seek to overthrow those processes and procedures that have heretofore been universally accepted as legitimate. Isn't that fascist? Aren't those carrying out all of this fascists?
The similarities between the events across many cities in the USA and the reactions in the UK to the EU Referendum verdict in favour of #Brexit are all too striking. Violent rioting aside for the moment, the political intent behind seeking to de-legitimise the Electorate's verdict on both sides of the Atlantic spring from the same intolerant,totalitarian ideological mindset. The stench of antidemocratic sedition is apparent for all to smell.


Wednesday 9 November 2016


On Thursday 23rd. June I went to bed fully persuaded that,much as I wanted it to, #Brexit wasn't going to happen and that on waking up on the morning of Friday 24th. I'd be assailed by the smug triumphalist tones of Remainers on Radio 4. Waking much earlier than usual,I turned the radio on and.. History had happened.  Pretty much the same routine occurred last night. I woke up around 02:00 GMT Wednesday 9th. November was dawning with self-confident,self-satisfied Democrat Party notables and appartchiks foretelling the inevitability of a Clinton coronation. Getting back to sleep with an oh well,never mind,World War 3's on its way then, I looked forward to carrying on with the quotidian when I got up nearer my regular time. And then, History happened,again.  June 24 gave me an epiphany and that was repeated around 06.30 this very morning. The US establishment elites and the incumbent political class and the Commentariat and all the experts just got hammered into the ground,again just as their counterparts were on June 23 in Great Britain. Joy unspeakable, or nearly so! Not that our indigenous antidemocratic,anti working class seditionist law breaking scum such as #LabourIn and their Remain Axis partners wasted any time at all on BBC Radio 4 in slandering and heaping opprobrium onto the newly elected President Trump and all those who voted for him. C'est la guerre. Hubris is bad enough, but with the failed multiculturalist,open borders, EU supremacist,pro-sodomite,unborn child murdering,PC labour/liberal metropolitan elites hubris is endemic. All their toys from all of their prams have been launched,yet again at a World and a Historic sea change from which they have been excluded. The World is ours now. #BrexitBritain #PresidentTrump and let's make it schadenfreude all the way. LePen in 2017!!


Friday 4 November 2016


Imagine,if you will that we're in that period of History commonly referred to as the English Civil War.Or maybe we could rewind to a century or so earlier to Henry VIII's Reformation. Imagine the rhetoric used, the very language of political debate and argument hurled back and forth amongst the contending parties. All things can be viewed and misinterpreted by the application of hindsight, but you get the feeling that they used to be a great deal less squeamish about calling a spade a spade. The lower-middle class aspiring conformist version of what passes for contemporary popular political discourse is so trite as to be anodyne. Even when it momentarily aspires to hyperbole as with the Daily Mail . #Brexit has gone the way it was always going to go.Into the Courts, mired in pretentious legalism and subject to the attenuated pontifications of the metropolitan elite dressed in their gowns. The UK electorate's verdict of 23 June and Her Majesty's Government's duty to carry out that decision remain unchanged. The Daily Telegraph of 4 November reports on the government's appeal to the Supreme Court challenging the high Court's ruling of November 3.
The full Supreme Court – comprising 11 judges – will hear the case, reportedly on December 7, for the first time in his (sic) history.
For my money, the sooner we fully reinvigorate popular political discourse and wholly unshackle it from the restraints of political correctness and from cloying middle class faux-politeness,the better it will be.  November 3 is a day that shall live in infamy, a day when #JudasJudges pimped out democracy at the behest of their metropolitan masters,granting a specious legitimacy to the seditionist rabble of #LabourIn and their 48% Remain Axis partners. " Venceremos Brexit! "

Tuesday 1 November 2016


I launched this missive earlier today posting it to the Wakefield Express.It concerns the local Labour MP, Mary Creagh one of the 200 seditionist #LabourIn MPs,who is particularly woefully out of touch with her constituents,and a 2015 failed Labour leadership contender who couldn't get enough endorsements to get on the ballot,unlike J.Corbyn who eventually did.
Today at 10:50
Sir- You  might find this to be of local interest given the Express' Politically speaking column.I'm sure the Wakey electorate - with whom our MP has been shown to be wildly out of step and at odds with-would like to read a coherent and plausible explanation for this.
Yours sincerely,
Louis Kasatkin 

.#MaryCreagh one of the 203 MPs (1 of 54 from Labour ) named in this article.
This decision to appoint a crook to the Justice committee is one of parliament’s most shameful acts in recent years – and the Tories are the ones responsible…

On September 6,2016 the Labour supporting Mirror newspaper reported :-

Keith Vaz has resigned as chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee.
It comes after the Sunday Mirror revealed he had paid for sex with escorts in a flat he owns near his family home in London.
As chairman of the powerful Commons panel, Mr Vaz has publicly said he was “not convinced” that men who pay for sex should face prosecution.
But within weeks of a report from his committee, he himself paid money to escorts in a flat he owns near his family home in Edgware, North West London..

Clearly there is nothing further to be gained by expressing displeasure at the wantonly hubristic behaviour of the benchwarming rabble whose only response is to continually thumb their snouts up at the rest of us.