Friday 30 June 2017


The headline MSM news across the UK on June 29 was that :-

Retired Court of Appeal judge Sir Martin Moore-Bick has been chosen to lead the public inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire, the PM has said.

Sir Martin said he understood the "desire of local people for justice", while Theresa May said "no stone will be left unturned" during the inquiry.

And as a disingenuous footnote the BBC website added :-
Grenfell resident Oluwaseun Talabi said victims were unhappy at not being involved in Sir Martin's appointment.

The  BBC's disingenuous footnote is indicative of the hastily contrived populist campaign of agitation instigated by Labour to run and manage the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower Disaster. Leading metropolitan elitist Labour figures,such as Mayor Sadiq Khan and MP for Tottenham David Lammy, have positioned themselves  at the forefront of hurling a plethora of unsubstantiated allegations and innuendo both at the government and Kensington council. Corbyn's demagogue-manque histrionics at the previous PMQs was an  exemplary exercise in absurdist performance art. " Austerity " he pronounced, in essence was singularly to blame and was the raison d'etre for the Disaster itself. He asserted that had successive Tory governments not carried out massive public sector funding cuts then Grenfell would never have happened. This otiose cant had itself been articulated a few days earlier by Comrade McDonnell who claimed, without any recourse to reason,logic or empirical proof, that the victims of Grenfell had been murdered no less,by political decisions. Widespread bureaucratic hysteria seems to be the default response of local authorities as well as various departments within government and the civil service here in the UK,irrespective of the nature and extent of the particular  " disaster " at the time.It was ever thus.  Instructed by the Prime Minister to send samples of cladding on all tower blocks for forensic examination without delay, most local Councils failed spectacularly to even comply with this simple advice. Some Councils,notably the Labour run authority of Camden hastily evacuated four tower blocks and encountered grassroots reluctance and a measure of disobedience from hundreds of their tenants. Within hours of hitting the panic button,Camden Council had to admit that their initial safety audit of the said tower blocks revealed a monumental scandal of 1,000 fire safety doors gone missing. Naturally,Corbyn and his ideologically ill assorted  Labour confreres failed to attribute any institutional malevolence to this. And lest the entire MSM narrative becomes a work of meta fiction,the Prime Minister reminded the House of Commons that the legal requirement for Local Fire authority inspections of tower blocks was abolished  under the Blair government in 2005. Again another matter of fact that Corbyn and the other assailants against reason and common sense chose to let slip by.

So why weren't  " victims " of the Grenfell disaster not involved in the appointment of the Inquiry's chairman? Because all such appointments are always made by the Lord Chancellor. there we go with the facts ,again.

Monday 26 June 2017


One year on from #EURef and the same Metropolitan Elitists who were implacably opposed to the verdict of the Electorate then, remain so now.For them,the 23 June 2016 Referendum was only supposed to have been a superficial exercise in the obedient compliance of the electorate to the will of the Metropolitan / Globalist Elites. Fronted by the archetypal shill, Gina Miller, the same Elites having lost the vote count,attempted via Legal action to effectively impede the triggering of Article 50 by the Prime Minister's constitutional use of the Royal Prerogative.In spite of all the Elites' legalistic shamanism and invalidating the use of Royal Prerogative,in the end Parliament approved the triggering of Article 50 which  formally commenced the negotiations process countdown to actual #brexit two years hence. Any sane and rational person might've concluded that at last the matter of whether or not the UK was going to leave the EU and reclaim its historic destiny as a sovereign nation  state once more,had de facto been settled. Not by a long chalk as it turns out.The Metropolitan elites are far from done with their campaign of EU backed sedition. Spearheaded by the 200+ MPS of #LabourIn ,the hydra headed Remain camp were meticulous in their choice and use of language in the wake of what was for them the disaster of June 23 2016. They never ever admitted defeat let alone that they'd cease and desist from campaigning to overturn the #EURef verdict. The grotesque menagerie of recidivist pro-EU parliamentary benchwarmers, miscellaneous academic experts and neoliberal shills has given vent to lies beyond the impudence of Goebbels in respect of such matters as the status of EU citizens in the UK.  History seems to be on the blink....

Wednesday 21 June 2017


"Alice-in-Wonderland " or " 1984 "? The pernicious falsehoods of #Islamophobia and all those other fashionably metropolitan elitist academic concepts  with the suffix  -phobia are endangering our democratic freedoms. Consider the following, and weep.

Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. ... "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean- neither more nor less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."

According to the Law, a " Hate Incident " is:- Any incident, which may or may not be a crime, that the victim or any other person perceives to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards any aspect of a person’s identity.

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them. The Party intellectual knows in which direction his memories must be altered; he therefore knows that he is playing tricks with reality; but by the exercise of doublethink he also satisfies himself that reality is not violated. The process has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence of guilt. . . . To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this is indisputably necessary. . . . [B]y a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.”

In view of all the aformentioned, I must,logically, denounce myself to the Thought Police.

Tuesday 20 June 2017


Foreword. I fired off this missive to the Wakefield Express on the morning of the 20th June.

Sir - William Pitt the Younger remarked that,  " Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human liberty;it is the excuse of tyrants and the creed of slaves ".  In the wake of the most recent wave of terrorist outrages in Britain as well as the omnipresent threat posed by ISIS globally, our government and opposition's considered response is to seek unprecedented and irreversible incursions into our supposedly inalienable freedoms and liberties. Quite how enhanced state security spying on law abiding citizens and restrictions on our freedom of speech is meant to affect the like of ISIS is utterly incomprehensible.The most sacred and invaluable legal principle upon which all our Laws hinge is that of Habeas Corpus . Once that goes,we have fully entered into the alien realm of capricious despotism from which, as other nations have until recently experienced, it would be almost impossible to extricate ourselves from. Perhaps the brazen and illiberal declarations of our impudent politicians, who incapable of defeating those such as ISIS,seek only to be seen doing something might wish to bear in mind this piece of good news from the US -

The Supreme Court declared on Monday, June 19, that freedom of speech also meant the freedom to tweet. In an unprecedented ruling, the courts determined that there was no crime great enough that any person should have their use of the internet or social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest restricted.

Monday 19 June 2017


There is no need to recapitulate the details of what, has now  become known as the Grenfell Tower disaster in Kensington. There is no need to delve speculatively into the whys and wherefores and who might be held accountable.All of that will emerge as invariably such matters do via due process of whatever inquiries and commissions and inquests that will,no doubt be instigated and held shortly. Events of such gravity and magnitude get bound up with the politics of their time. That doesn't make them any more palatable or their aftermath somehow more manageable.  Righteous and wholly understandable popular anger and resentment are never the actual problem in any such events. It's the accompanying squalid,vituperative internecine and factional partisan politicking that really pisses everyone off. Barely one week after an over heated and indecisive general election off they bloody well go again. The Labour Party ( now enjoying an illicit ideological armistice  between Corbyn's Momentum and what they refer to as the Blairites,but basically anyone who dislikes the Left) truly are the most mendacious cynical set of contemptible bastards imaginable. Fact :- Labour punishes and suspends all of its Councillors who dare to speak out against let alone oppose the implementation of local austerity budget cuts. The actual number of such brave individual councillors right across the UK who have spoken out and refused to agree to implementing cuts probably numbers less than 20,if that. It is clear therefore that the Labour Party never stand up or with the many,ever. Nevertheless, Grenfell Tower,in the space of just a few days degenerated into a faux-ideological school playground fight,with all the attendant loss of sobriety,reason,common sense and dignity that such displays of immaturity and petulance always entail. Corbyn- the demagogue-manque and his acolytes resorted to calling for the immediate expropriation by state authorities of private property that might ,a) exist and b) be suitable for immediate occupation by those rendered homeless by the fire.The fevered sub- standard rhetoric of conspiracy theories became the norm. From " May must go!" and the evils of private enterprise on Friday through into of all things the annual "Al Quds Day" march by Hezbollah and their zealots in London whose  public speakers explicitly said that it was the Zionist Corporations supporting May that were responsible for the Grenfell Tower fire. This is Britain,2017 and you're welcome to it.

Thursday 15 June 2017


We don't have to worry about when WW3 might start or not. It has already started. A couple of weeks ago one of the myriad groups embroiled in the Syrian conflict, the so-called US-led Coalition consisting of the anti-Assad Syrian Free Army et al, bombed and destroyed  a convoy of those fighters directly allied to the Syrian government.That in itself violated quite few international legal norms.This US-led Coalition has since that incident gone on to carry out two further attacks of a similar nature. Subsequently the US has directly reinforced its illegal front operating base that houses those SFA elements with additional US personnel and upgraded heavy field artillery. This is to counter the success of President Assad's allies in reaching the Iraq border that has hemmed in the US' allies advance northward. To say nothing of Turkey's equally unlawful partial occupation of sovereign Syrian territory and its partisan support of yet more various and diverse factions who in their turn are at odds with not only the Syrian government and its allies,but also the various elements of the FSA as well. And so on and so forth ad nauseum.  The other,supposedly main conflict against ISIS/Daesh against which all the other 3 rivals are supposed to be directing the majority of their ire and wrath continues apace not only inside Syria but over in Iraq where the balance of contending forces are somewhat different but nevertheless contain an equally combustible array of ethnic/national/international and confessional factions.The Republican neocons in Washington and their liberal interventionist Democratic co-conspirators are not up for even trying to contemplate a grand strategic/diplomatic bargain with the other major players in this conflict. Rather the imbeciles in and around the Capitol continue to pursue and enforce sanctions against Russia and Iran for a whole host of specious,contradictory and bellicose reasons. Throw in the Saudi led intervention in the Yemeni civil war,the new Qatar imbroglio,the developing cataclysm in Libya,unrest in Morocco and Egypt and Israel's duplicitous and underhand role in virtually all of them and you know that none of this bodes well for the rest of us. The government in Tehran let it be known that the illegal US forward base in Syria is now within their missiles range. And of course nobody is going to back down anytime soon. Epic schadenfreude?

Wednesday 14 June 2017


From to-day's Metro newspaper :-
The EU has issued a 24-hour warning to Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland saying that they have to start taking in refugees under an EU migrant-sharing plan.
The three countries immediately rebuffed the threat and appeared ready to go to court.
The European Commission said in a statement that it has repeatedly urged them to relocate refugees or at least pledge to do so under the legally-binding refugee plan agreed two years ago.
It said they have failed to take action ‘in breach of their legal obligations,’ and that it “has decided to launch infringement procedures.” The plan to share 160,000 refugees in overwhelmed Italy and Greece among other European countries over two years was endorsed in September 2015 by a qualified majority vote.
Clearly what the three  " accused " failed to understand when they were originally applying to join the EU,was quite how much of their own individual nation's sovereignty would disappear. All of it . National sovereignty is like pregnancy, you just can't be a little bit pregnant. Countries joining the EU opt,whether they fully appreciate at the time or not, for an abortion of their own god given sovereignty.  It is futile to rehearse all the very many complex arguments already explored ad nauseum for and against the very concept of a Supranational State. We know its dark history,we know the forces and Class interests behind its foundation and development. That's why the  vote for national emancipation via #brexit from the EU by the British electorate was so truly historically significant when it happened last year. And that's why globalist/neoliberal metropolitan elites in their various national guises are so zealously committed to thwarting the Will of the People across the EU dominated parts of the Continent of Europe. The refugee/migrant crises are merely a mechanism, a pretext for the imposition of the EU's socio-economic/political hegemony over its satrapies. Whilst the resistance shown to the Final Implementation of these nefarious designs among diverse, yet still reasonably coherent national polities, such as France and the Netherlands and Austria for example gives hope to others, the aftermath of our own June 8 #GE17 , shows the forces of  metropolitan elitist led Sedition once again emboldened to threaten our Nation's very existence.

Monday 12 June 2017


Barely 72 hours on from the conclusion of counting the votes for #GE2017 and the UK polity is alive and well and full of vigour! The few sober minded Labour strategists who do actually know just WTF they're talking about, ( as opposed to the many ,000s of wannabe socialist/Leftist placardwavers and spouters of vacuous platitudes who never do ) Labour is a long, long way from achieving even the merest semblance of a victory over the used-to-be Conservatives. From the LabourList official internal email is the following analysis :-
We need to temper our relief and elation about these unexpected gains with awareness that there was a swing against us in many Midlands and Northern industrial heartland seats.   Our votes are not efficiently distributed around the country compared to the Tories because we stacked up “super majorities” in London and university town seats; and we need to gain at least 64 more seats, more than twice what we achieved on Thursday, to get a Labour Government with a majority of one.   A good case study of where the current strategy triumphed and its limitations is the Kent and Essex Estuary seats. Canterbury, with its many students, was a stunning gain, but the 11 more working class seats on both sides of the Thames that had been Labour in 1997 and in many cases 2001 and 2005 as well were not gained, and in most cases have Tory majorities of about 10,000.   We have to gain some of them to get a majority Labour government, and that will require a strategy that goes beyond the groups of voters appealed to this time.
Meanwhile,  the May Regime is cobbling together a de-facto alliance with the DUP. A putative arrangement that has drawn the ire of every conceivable Social democrat,socialist,marxoid,liberal,green,feminist,atheist,secularist,anti-Christian,advocate of sodomy and pre-birth human child exterminator under the sun. The full panoply in fact, of the PC,multicultural metropolitan elitist entourage that has poisoned and debilitated western societies for the last 60 years. Now there's a surprise.

Friday 9 June 2017


Phew..! All not done and certainly not dusted, not by a long chalk. #GE2017 finally came to a rest earlier today, Friday 9 June 2016. The Party that had started the campaign in second place ended up finishing in..second place,albeit with an additional 31 seats. This has now been spun as a " triumph ".Corbyn has achieved,succeeded,mobilised and energised the Labour Party firmly into..second place.  With the gloriously byzantine and inherently capricious FPTP system still in operation, Parties can gain in aggregate votes and lose seats or lose aggregate votes and gain seats or neither or both at the same time.The British Parliamentary system uses the world's only Quantum  Mathematical Voting system. Clearly the government calling for an early election - the motion for which was supported through the lobbies by the PLP - was wholly unnecessary as they had a majority and their strategic aim of garnering an increased majority in a premature election proved to be the height of hubristic folly. The fracturing of what were still assumed to be fairly static and predictable voter demographics happened back on June 23 2016 in the EU referendum and its tectonic aftershocks are still reverberating,as parties and pundits alike came to fully realise earlier today. On the whole this is invariably good as regards the overall poor health and vibrancy of our common polity. The usual ephemeral details and MSM shamanic interpretations of voting patterns has been trotted out.But at just over 68% this time,the UK turnout was still shy of the 71% recorded in 1997 which itself was the nadir for Post -1945 general elections. An additional boost in turn out for the 18 -24 age demographic was hailed as the highest since 1992.The more significant combined total % vote attained by Con/Lab at around 85% was at its highest since 1970. Blah,blah. Brexit remains on tenterhooks, the Tories 8 seats short of a parliamentary majority will rely on the regionalist DUP with its 10 seats to stave off what might otherwise be a premature vote of no confidence and triggering of a second general election. On a minor note,the regionalist SNP lost one third of its seats including that of their former Party leader Salmond and HoC leader Robertson. SinnFein's abstentionism with 7 seats continues their heroic struggle in an alternate reality where they presumably get to reunify Ireland,somehow. And finally,despite much fervent effort on the part of many good people, Mary Creagh retained her Wakefield seat. Damn.

Tuesday 6 June 2017


June 6 used to be most commonly associated with and commemorated as the anniversary date of D-Day,the Normandy Landings of 1944.  And indeed it still is by very many,but certainly not as widespread as once was the case. Instead today,for example, there is to be a minute's silence which the authorities insist people will observe at 11 O'Clock to commemorate the victims of the latest Islamic terrorist atrocity to have been carried out in London; Saturday night a little after 10pm June 3. Given the, at present seemingly increased frequency of such outrages,it would be naive to assume that they won't be stopping any time soon.We are at this point in time less than 48 hours away from Polling day for #GE2017. These Islamic terrorist outrages have now clearly and decisively capsized the entire general election debate and discourse. That's why I don't even bother or pretend to bother to observe minutes of silence in tribute to anything any more. The moribund, failed Western decrepitcracies are now watching all their chickens come home to roost. Apart from a handful of knowledgeable and astute experts and former senior security/Police officers, the public debate and factional party political diatribes have not only been unedifying but also generally futile and unproductive.  Only last week, in response to the Manchester Arena atrocity, Tarique Ghaffur cogently and concisely set out what it is necessary for the State to do in order to grasp and effectively deal with the Islamic terrorist problem. I anticipate that no one in the entire political class, let alone in any other position of power and influence amongst the entire ruling elites will ever be likely to implement let alone dare to even consider implementing any measures as those deemed necessary and adequate to the task in hand by Sadique Ghaffur or any other competent Security / Police Officer. Other sovereign nation States, for example, China, Russia ,India, would of course ,as indeed they in practice already are no doubt,be getting on with implementing appropriate measures and solutions to Islamic terrorist threat.Then again China, Russia and India are amongst those most fortunate of all sovereign nation states in not being hobbled and emasculated by the vile liberal doctrines of PC multiculturalism and otiose cant of so-called tolerance and inclusion. Alas if we too would only uphold our ancient freedoms and liberties and rather target that relevant demographic associated with the problem itself and shred their so called liberties and freedoms exclusively.

Friday 2 June 2017


We're nearly there! today is June 2, by this time next week we'll all know quite how deep an ocean of faeces we'll find ourselves in politically. Prepare for a spectacular Dans La Merde. The plethora of putative MPs somehow managed to conduct their myriad #GE2017  campaigns without the slightest shred of gravitas or sincerity.Vacuous platitudes,even at this late stage are still out in force as is the unmistakable,cloying miasma of otiose cant being generated by all and sundry participants. And yet somehow a verdict will be delivered and announced on the morning of the 9th. All opinion polls are invariably wrong except that some polls are more wrong than others. A last frenetic burst of activity from the MSM thaumaturgists posing as modern day Commentators and political pundits passes these days for what little genuine excitement and existential angst that there used to be in politics and general elections in a distant golden age of the past. What we've witnessed over these last few weeks in Britain isn't the steady resurgent heartbeat of a healthy democratic polity but a comatose patient having a series of strokes whilst the ECG cries out to an empty unattended hospital ward. I'm afraid the grave news is that the Political class acting as pimps and shills for the metropolitan ruling elites were never ever going to abide by let alone grant the electorate's express wishes made on June 23 2016.  We've all been fooled again.