Wednesday 28 March 2018


One year from now,the UK will be on the very cusp of leaving the EU.The terms and conditions of Article 50 will have been fulfilled
Fat bloody chance!
The metropolitan ruling elites' Remain campaign has still another twelve months to inflict further damage to what is already a hideously disfigured,beleaguered,battered and bruised Brexit. Remoaner seditionist EU shills have out-thought and out fought the always far from cohesive forces favouring the UK leaving the EU.
The ineluctable proof of this can be found in the wording of the terms and conditions of what is commonly referred to as the  " Transition Deal " in effect an extension to our EU membership for a further punitive 21 months after the expiry of the mandatory Article 50 exit,which keeps the UK incarcerated until December 2020 only after which time the UK will be deemed to have actually left the EU.
The smoke and mirrors coup-de-main of the UK domiciled seditionist Remoaners aka the government in cahoots with all the other parties, in practice extended the mandatory period of notice required under Article 50 without the self-defeating farce of having to consult all 27 constituent EU member states' parliaments and the EU "Parliament" and all having to unanimously approve the extension to the Article 50 withdrawal period. Tacking a wholly spurious and superfluous transition period onto the negotiations post- Article 50 gives the grand betrayal a far more elegant and acceptable superficial appearance- though betrayal it remains..
The re-emergence of Tony Blair into the the mainstream of what is now a largely empty and meaningless continuation of a threadbare public debate around the theme of brexit,is at best a hideously conceited distraction from the genuinely treasonable machinations of the benchwarming fraternity in westminster.
The same goes for that ghastly windbag,Lord Adonis whose innate ability to appear irrelevant and yet somehow superficially important to any debate is a remarkable quality.
For example his pet project, the #StopBrexit campaign, had organised several regional marches across Britain over the last weekend.the vast wave of social media agitation created an expectation of significance surrounding these physical outpourings of anti - brexit hostility.The much heralded " Great Northern March " planned for Leeds was clearly hyped as terribly imporatnt. The optimistic Remoaner sentiment was hoping for a turn out of 50.000 but reasonably self-assured for around 20,000 on the day. On the day itself,the Remain organisers declared a wonderful success with 5,000 attending.
Even the public Remoaner legions are worn out by the claptrap and duplicity that their own metropolitan elitist leadership have been purveying for far too long.Ultimately,the elites don't want people on the streets in any impressively credible numbers.
The cause of choice of these people is to the elites a complete irrelevance.

Thursday 22 March 2018


The UK's Tory minority regime is currently embroiled  in a convoluted existential mess and finding itself in the proverbial hole,has opted to carry on digging.

Russia has now been elevated to the vaunted status of grave threat to the international order and future security of the european continent. This Will O'the Wisp has been latterly conjured up by the embattled Tory Austerity regime, caught as it is between a rock and a hard place - the rock of national betrayal of the vote to Leave the EU and the rock of diplomatic and military impotence and delusion in the wider world.

Regarding the matter of immediate domestic concern to the metropolitan-domiciled ruling elites,that of maintaining the EU's supremacy over the British people,it has taken the faux-adversaries of Remain and Leave a little while to finesse and implement their joint strategy for a de-facto annulment of the verdict of the June 2016 EU Referendum.

But in spite of some efforts to honour and implement said verdict to Leave, the combined forces of mendacity,hypocrisy and servile loyalty to a hostile foreign power - the EU - have at last managed to cobble together a transition deal. This transition deal pretends to extend the interim period of time from the expiry of Article 50 at the end of March 2019 to December 2020 for there to be no, imaginary, cliff edge exodus from the confines of the EU that might have,had we ever really gone ahead with it,been an economic shock of trading on WTO rules following the UK's departure-which in any event is now confirmed as never ever going to eventuate.

The very same mendacious invertebrates who for generations now have singularly failed to defend and promote the interests of the British people vis a vis the EU, are now posing themselves as hardened Cold War hawks ready to engage Russia.

Boris Johnson the EU Leave campaign's leader-manque who impugned and denigrated the EU and all its institutions so viscerally is now at the front of the UK's campaign to get the self same EU to stand shoulder to shoulder against the imminent,highly implausible threat coming from Russia.
The yawning gap in credibility is even at this distance plain for all to see.

Treachery at home,discarding the democratic vote of the Electorate is coupled with resorting to infantile posturing that passes for international diplomacy abroad.

Drawing parallels between the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia with the Berlin Olympics of 1936 in Nazi Germany is of course another way of making sure that fuses are lit.

Friday 16 March 2018


And still it rumbles on.The Salisbury imbroglio. The tiniest molehill has over this last few days been assiduously turned into a proverbial mountain.

Tory Minority Westminster Regime Leader May even went walkabout in the erstwhile largely overlooked Wiltshire County Town,as if she was Margaret Thatcher at the height of the Falklands conflict.

Opposition Leader Corbyn ( barely two years on from being massively no-confidenced by 90% of his parliamentary  "colleagues" who still want nothing to do with him as their Party's duly elected leader after all this time ) has tried to inject  a dose of reason and level-headedness into the hyperbole strewn bluster aired from all directions in the House of Commons chamber as if it were the set of " The Darkest Hour ".

And still it rumbles on. Expulsions of Russian embassy staff has been ordered;the nature of the incident itself has now Orwellian like been recategorised as a  direct attack on UK sovereignty and the first use of a chemical weapon attack by one state on another in europe, the first since 1945.

The very same utterly detestable venal politicians and parties that for decades now have systematically betrayed the UK's sovereignty and independence and ensured our enslavement to the EU and USA are now the ones prattling on about attacks on our sovereignty.

The corporate MSM are strutting and posturing, filling cyberspace and the airwaves and diminishing acres of newsprint with fatuous drivel and archaic references to a Russian menace.And most itinerant Westminster benchwarmers are also behaving and acting as expected. Labour worse than the Tories since it is Labour,historically, that is the party of war and foreign interventionism.

And to cap it all ,the Minority regime's Secretary of State for Defence. the jejeune Gavin Williamson uttered the immortal phrase that Russia ought to shut up and go away.

Russia has just won,again. Schadenfreude!

Monday 12 March 2018


Every so often journalist,commentator,columnist non-pareil Peter Hitchens hits the proverbial nail on the head.

The other week in the otherwise not terribly important Wiltshire county town of Salisbury a most unfortunate incident occurred. A former Russian intelligence officer and his daughter were apparently subjected to poisoning by what authorities describe as a deadly nerve agent. This incident happened,so it seems,whilst they were having dinner at a local restaurant.

MSM and social media platforms went ballistic over this. Boris Johnson, the Minority May Regime's Foreign Affairs Secretary even more so. Boycott of the FIFA World Cup, A myriad of potential targeted and general sanctions against  Russia and so on and so forth.

In his Mail on Sunday column ,Peter Hitchens ,as usual, managed to put some perspective on the entire burgeoning imbroglio.

" 10 March 2018 10:18 PM

PETER HITCHENS: We're goading Russia into a 'dirty war' we CANNOT win

This is Peter Hitchens's Mail on Sunday column As I so often tell you not to be taken in by the current anti-Russian frenzy, you might expect me to have some opinions on the horrible events in Salisbury. And so I do.
I was reluctant to believe without proof that this was a Russian state operation. I still think some people have jumped too readily to conclusions without facts.
But the more I look at it, the more I think that the message from this outrage is as follows. If Britain really wants a war with Russia, as our Government seems to, then Russia will provide that war.
But it will not be fought according to the Geneva Conventions. It will be fought according to the law of the jungle.
Before we embark on this, could someone explain why we actually want such a war? We are a minor power on the edge of Europe. What national interest does it serve? What do we gain from it? And will we win it?
What will we do? Withdraw from the World Cup? Break off diplomatic relations? That will make them cringe, in the SVR’s Yasenevo headquarters in the birchwoods on the south-western edge of Moscow, won’t it?
Despite the lack of conclusive proof, I have to accept that the Russian state quite deliberately killed Alexander Litvinenko in the most public and memorable way possible. I think this was a message to anyone who might choose to act in the same way.
But it was also a warning to the Government and people of this country.
If the attack on Sergei Skripal was also a Kremlin operation, then it was done to tell us this: If we want to play tough guys with Moscow, we had better be prepared for the worst.
If this wasn’t its purpose, then it was remarkably stupid to harm the courageous and selfless police officer, DS Nick Bailey, and also to harm Mr Skripal’s innocent daughter, Yulia.
But what if it was the idea? What if this is a deliberate and conscious escalation of menace? Why are we even in this violent, expensive and dangerous game against people far more ruthless than we would dare to be?
We are not morally perfect ourselves, with our head-chopping aggressive Saudi friends, our bloodstained Iraq and Libyan adventures, and our targeted drone-strike killings of British citizens who joined IS.
But we also have no real quarrel with Russia. We have made it up out of nothing, and now we are losing control of it.
Since aggressive war was outlawed in 1945, European nations have tended to use devious methods to destroy, weaken, undermine, deter or attack their enemies, rather than openly send their tanks across borders.
The old Soviet Union financed communist movements and their front organisations in Western countries.
And both sides also ran a secret war – submarines sneaking into each other’s territorial waters, secret support for dissidents by us, and for strikers and ‘peace campaigners’ by them, and of course spying.
Spying is a hostile, dangerous and cruel activity which infuriates its targets, including us. Remember the 42-year prison sentence for George Blake, one of the few Soviet agents we managed to catch and prosecute?
You don’t spy on friends and you don’t spy on people you’re afraid of, or people you owe money to. I doubt very much that Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) tries to recruit agents, or to finance opponents of the government, in Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Washington DC, Riyadh, or Peking. I expect its main activity in these places is lunch.
But what the Skripal case tells us is that, long after the Cold War ended, we still choose to treat Russia as the sort of country where we should continue active, aggressive spying and efforts to bring down the government.
Not only did we pay Colonel Skripal a lot of money for the names of Russian agents in the West, we financed opponents of the Russian government (and we complain that they mess around in our politics!).Why do we do this?
Now that communism, the USSR and the Warsaw Pact are on the scrapheap, I am at a loss to see what reason we have to be Russia’s enemy, or what reason they have to be ours. We have no common border, we have no colonial rivalries, we barely even trade any more since our oil deals collapsed. We cheerfully get on with equally nasty despotisms elsewhere, especially China.
Yet the Cold War had been over for nearly five years, and we were on good terms with Boris Yeltsin, when the SIS hired Colonel Skripal of the Russian GRU (Main Military Intelligence Directorate).
It took the Russians nine years to catch him, and a year of presumably pretty savage interrogation before they hit back by exposing MI6’s comical ‘fake-rock’ operation in Moscow.
The Kremlin could easily have had Skripal killed during his years in Russia’s disease-ridden, violent prison system. But they didn’t. They are much angrier with us now than they were then.
Yes, what they apparently did in Salisbury is a filthy, inexcusable thing. But it is the face of modern combat, in a war our government chose to fight. What answer do we have to it that will not make it worse? "

The West,or rather the since 1945, USA and its host of european NATO satrapies have become woefully unskilled and increasingly incompetent in matters of diplomacy and wider international relations.Their OCD reliance on acts of egregious violent blitzkrieg campaigns as the sole means of reinforcing Washington's failing hegemony marks them out as deluded psychopaths and a menace to the future of the entire planet.

Hence this Monty Pythonesque over reaction to what seems a little peripheral household cleaning, albeit in an inappropriate public space on the territory of one of a wannabe enemy.

A tisket a tasket.

Tuesday 6 March 2018


Happiness comes in many forms and it comes quite often best served as a surprise treat.

Sunday March 4 2018 joins all the other Sundaes ( geddit?) that have been served up over the last year or so all across the continent of Europe. Another triumphant manifestation of a sovereign peoples' will as expressed through the legitimate, constitutional mechanism of the ballot box.

The EU's Arch-technocrat rent boy ,Renzi ,who they had originally put in place to facilitate the pimping out of Italian sovereignty is no more. The entire lamentable,German-led Austerity-enforcing ,authoritarian Eurofascist contraption that had been foisted upon them has been summarily smashed to smithereens by the Italian electorate.

Another social democratic party,the party of Renzi, has ended up swinging forlornly on the gibbet of popular sovereignty.

France, Holland ,Germany,Austria,Czech Republic, a litany of liberation,-one after the other Socialist party has been dragged kicking and screaming and begging forgiveness  to its richly deserved and overdue demise.

The Italian verdict was even harsher on the decrepit,treasonable rabble than schadenfreude had any right to expect. The M5S ,Lega successes have come at a moment when the dwindling prospect of the actual fulfilment of brexit is in need of a fillip. This is a signal,however distant and muted that other civilised democratic societies akin to our own are alive and are striving and succeeding.

Alas poor bloody Albion.Stuck, nay shackled with the otiose detritus of two moribund,decaying behemoths that long ago should have been buried in some anonymous grave somewhere.Instead of which  against all civilised human reason Labour and Conservative especially, carry on as if its still the 1980's; thanks largely  to their mutually contrived maintenance and perpetuation ( to the detriment of representative democracy ), of the utterly corrupted and redundant FPTP electoral system from 1867.

The Men of Action,who one had despairingly thought had been lost to History are back at last.This isn't a current nor a trend not even a wave;it's the Whirlwind and it's reaping time.