Saturday 28 July 2018


A couple of days ago,on July 25, Anglican Tea Lady of the Year Theresa May assured the Public that they had nothing to worry about regarding her government making adequate preparations for what is termed somewhat inaccurately as a  " No-deal Brexit " on March 29 2019.

Their had been contrived rumours and denials over civil service plans for the stock piling of food and medicines in anticipation of a no-deal brexit.

This government has excelled itself by being complicit in the holding of two simultaneous and partially contradictory straw man arguments; a feat not even heard since the dying days of the former German Democratic Republic.

Her assurance itself being merely the only logical step on from the preceding shenaningans.
Herewith gleaned from Bloomberg quoting AP et al on June 3 2018...

London (AP) -- British civil servants have warned of shortages of food, fuel and medicines within weeks if the U.K. leaves the European Union next year without a trade deal, a newspaper reported Sunday.
The Sunday Times said government officials have modeled three potential scenarios for a "no deal" Brexit: mild, severe and "Armageddon."
It said under the "severe" scenario, the English Channel ferry port of Dover would "collapse on day one" and supermarkets and hospitals would soon run short of supplies.
Britain wants to strike a deal on future trade relations with the EU before it officially leaves the bloc on March 29, 2019, but officials are also drawing up plans for negotiations ending without an agreement.

And so on and so forth back to August 2017 when the British Retail Consortium and the National Farmers Union bewailed the apparent,though largely unsubstantiated claims of a rapidly depleting workforce for the harvests because of brexit.

This is the Brexit Deniers' endgame.

Open Britain and its hydra headed Remain campaign incarnations have now already launched virtually their entire arsenal of black propaganda narratives.

From the weaponising of the murder of Jo Cox MP to the fabricated wave of reported "hate crime" to an impending shortage of NHS nurses and doctors.
And now? its going to be Great Britain 1917 and the German U-Boat blockade all over again. Apparently.

The Soros funded , Open Britain co-ordinated, seditionist Remain propaganda onslaught continues,unabated.

To which,as History ineluctably shows ,there will in time be a massive retaliatory strike from those lied to,condescended to,slandered,defamed,marginalised,cheated and betrayed.

Looking forward to it already.

Wednesday 25 July 2018


Laugh or cry ? The Times  online reports:-

The head of Amazon in the UK has said that there could be “civil unrest” within two weeks if  the UK leaves the European Union with no deal.

Amazon UK became the first business to issue such a warning. It was given at a meeting on Friday 20 July organised by Dominic Raab, the new Brexit secretary.

Doug Gurr, UK manager for the American online giant, told the other guests, who included representatives of Britain’s biggest businesses, that this worst-case outcome formed part of his contingency planning.

The problem with the aforegoing tendentious remarks is, that in common with so many other similar stark warnings these last two years,the Remain campaign simply repeats itself ad nauseam. Which of course is  part of their grand propaganda strategy initiated long before the 23 June EU Referendum ever took place.

The seditionist cabal of metropolitan elitist Remoaner EU shills ( hope that covers everything about them ) have been rendered utterly deaf and insensate by their own ideological echo chamber.

Much in the same way that Dr.Josef Goebbels was when asking the assembled Party faithful if they wanted Total Victory -at a stage in WW2 when it was already over,done and dusted bar the shouting.

The neoliberal EU regime requires freedom of movement for surplus labour,without this facility the REC Job Agencies in the UK would be unable to run their lucrative Zero Hours contracts trade which primarily " employ " the economically displaced millions of jobless cozening itinerants from rustbelt eastern europe and the balkans who have in effect colonised large swathes of the UK and are eagerly sharing their common european values of stealing other peoples jobs and enjoying the luxury of houses and schools places and health services previously paid for by others.

And to cap the entire week off ,former Anglican Tea Lady of the Year and  Remoaner EU Shill-in-Chief ,Theresa May made an official announcement that she would take the lead in the Leave EU negotiations,relegating the role of Brexit Secretary to that of bootblack.

And so it goes....

Wednesday 18 July 2018


Rats in a sack.
Brexit might have already been consigned to constitutional oblivion by the metropolitan domiciled globalist ruling elites,but at least their paid-for political actors class are still managing to tear each other to shreds in what is supposed to be a staged re-enactment but is quite entertainingly going terribly wrong.
The under-rehearsed participants are actually believing themselves to be in a real world authentic constitutional political struggle,which of course from the audience /spectators' point of view they are not,only seeming to be so for the sake of parliamentary verisimilitude.
A series of keenly contested highly disputatious votes was summarised by BBC ONline as:-

What the MPs voted on

The amendments were "broadly in line" with government policy, which is why the government accepted them.
By 305 votes to 302 - with 14 Tories rebelling - MPs backed an amendment that prevents the UK from collecting taxes on behalf of the EU, unless the rest of the EU does the same for the UK.
Applying EU tariffs to products destined for the EU is part of Mrs May's plan to avoid friction at UK borders after Brexit.
Another amendment, to ensure the UK is out of the EU's VAT regime, was backed by 303 to 300, with a Tory rebellion of 11.
Three Labour MPs voted with the government.
The government won several other votes more comfortably, and the entire bill was then approved by the House of Commons by 318 to 285.
The Conservative/Labour duopoly itself, as entrenched defenders of the archaic FPTP which keeps them eternally as the two major parties,seems to be have been cast into existential doubt during the course of the parliamentary imbroglio of recent days. Leading Conservatives such as Dominic Grieve and Anna Soubry supported by leading Labour EU shills,openly advocate a government of national unity to replace the present ailing May minority regime.

Suffice it to say " Schadenfreude " ;at least for now.

Saturday 14 July 2018


A few days ago,POTUS told the NATO conference attendees to start stumping up more money on defence .The Corporate and  globalist MSM and hack commentariat admonished President Donald Trump variously for what they asserted was an unforgivable diplomatic/politically strategic faux-pas and downright bad manners.
POTUS made a valid point from the perspective of the US taxpayer ;the member nations  of NATO need to increase their defence expenditure,quite dramatically in most cases,if they want to enjoy the level of military security and preparedness which they are quite happy for the US to provide at its expense.
Advocating a liberal interventionist agenda ( that bears remarkable similarities to what the neocon US agenda actually looks like in practice) and joining in on sanctions devoid of any legitimacy in International Law against Russia,Iran,North Korea et al costs taxpayers- the Electorates in all NATO member states, money.
Days after this masterly exposition of Basic Economics 101 to his fellow NATO leaders, POTUS arrived in the UK for his scheduled official visit.And off went the PC globalist metropolitan middle class dog-whistles with their usual cacophony that comprised, in equal measure-otiose cant,vacuous platitudes and non sequiturs.
One could compose a jeremiad against this metropolitan elitist backed rabble and fashion wounding invective that destroys any vestige of character that they might've possessed.But that would at best be a pyrrhic victory very much in the same idiom as the #StopTrump campaigning hydra 's efforts have shown themselves ineluctably to be.
The onwards march of the forces of Meta-Historical evolution and development do not and will never give a shit about someone somewhere bleeding their egotistical little conscience over some issue or other.Really.You might as well hope that gravity gives a thought to when you hurl yourself of off a roof.
The #StopTrump London exercise in PC metropolitan ,uni-student common room faux-revolutionary middle class placard waving and online virtue signalling was just that. Vegans,LGBT,Labour,LibDems,Greens,SWP,Womens Equality Party,Expat American Democrats,Supporters of Islamic terrorism and Illegal immigration,itinerant London gobshites such as David Lammy -slanderers and defamers of Trump,Populism,Brexit etc expressing the full gamut of infantile,delusional,paranoid and wholly unattainable demands and concerns on an infinite variety of politicised issues got their day in the sun.
And then the sun set.

Wednesday 11 July 2018


Schadenfreude has never gotten this epic before.

The deal done at Chequers, ( aka Minority Tory Cabinet shenanigans), to arrive at a working consensus on the government's position at the EU Withdrawal Negotiations, so volubly heralded only a few days ago has imploded.

The Brexit Secretary David Davis and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson became the first dual high level cabinet resignations since the Falklands Crisis hit the Thatcher regime back in 1982.

Naturally the snuffling,grunting swineherds of the corporate MSM and partisan social media have been all over this with their usual autistic responses and analyses.

But it is ,perhaps perversely,a real spectacle to behold. The very last bastion of Western European "democratic" two party-rule,the carefully maintained FPTP Lab./Con.duopoly heaving and breaking apart under its myriad incompatible,archaic idiosyncracies and inefficiencies.

The broad swathe of the european continent's political geography from France in the west across Holland,Germany,Austria,Czechia,Italy and up in Scandinavia has almost uniformly felt the burgeoning tsunami of anti-globalist,anti-EU driven Populism.

All except the UK where the tensions and expressions of dissent have found it hardest to escape from the FPTP electoral unrepresentative straitjacket.

And the resignations from Tory party apparatchiks just keep coming.It's like watching one desperate assassin after another stepping up to take a pot shot at the corpse of Archduke Franz Ferdinand after Gavrilo Princip had already topped him.

Anglican Tea Lady of the Year, May ,bumbles on in that otiose and extremely irritating lower-middle class English manner with its vapid sermonising and glaring irrelevance to the issue at hand that invites others to keep handing her their dirty plates to wash.

The assembled patriots-manque all breathlessly quote Churchill and try terribly hard to concentrate and imagine themselves to have what innately their own DNA has not naturally endowed them with..a backbone.

Thursday 5 July 2018


History gets written by the winners.And losers tend to get a good kicking.

Ultimately there is no-one who is actually " righteous " in any of this; no,not one. But that doesn't mean we ought not to take sides and be actively committed to a cause.

What it ought to mean is, that irrespective of the outcome of any particular argument and our role in it ,history gets made, out of which altered circumstances newer conditions inexorably evolve and develop and the struggle renews and is renewed by this inimitable dynamic of human society.

But we still like our side,the cause we're committed to to prevail,we do really want to be the ones on the winning side writing the history of a particular struggle. If that were not so then we'd all be supine conformist automatons and all human society /civilisation would be locked into a totalitarian stasis forever.Which of course is utterly absurd but that's exactly where our present day ruling elites would like to keep the rest of us.

Having themselves been the main beneficiaries of previous favourable outcomes of revolutionary historical struggles,they,our present day ruling elites,do not want others now to be in their turn be the beneficiaries of this current burgeoning period of historical evolution and development.

Nothing exemplifies this dialectical /historical materialist impasse more graphically than the travails and crises overwhelming the ancien regime of the European Union.Once that tyrannical institution topples,out with it will go political correctness and the entire associated ideological detritus of post-1945 Western dominant ideology that has ransacked and virtually annihilated the great moral and ethical doctrines which once seemed so insuperable but through idleness and sloth failed to be maintained and reinvigorated.

The UK's intention to Leave the EU, aka Brexit, is perhaps a strategic lynchpin in all of is only "perhaps",because the political class as servants primarily of the metropolitan ruling elites,are doing their damnedest to emasculate and effectively render impotent whatever Brexit might actually become once implemented in full. The metropolitan elites do not want the brexit that might conceivably energise  a broader turmoil that inevitably leads to the removal of the metropolitan elites themselves from the commanding heights of history at this particular juncture.

Recorded history ( is like a swiss cheese in that it's mainly made up of holes ) comprises in the main missed opportunities,half-taken chances and procrastination trumping daring. Imagine our contemporary world but where the great Reformation of the 1530's and 40's succeeded far more than it was allowed to.Or,the English revolution of the 1630's and 40's where Levellers and others had held their nerve and had doubled down on their strategy.

Determining Historical materialist outcomes is not some otiose parlour game of 20/20 hindsight.Certain delayed outcomes,say Irish independence, would have been far better to have been dealt with effectively and resolved around 1884 than they eventually were some 30 years afterwards with what were considerably greater and wider ranging egregious consequences that had not been present thirty years earlier..

And so it goes.

We are not, either here in the UK over Brexit nor on the Continent of Europe because of a cataclysmic failure of the EU tyranny heading into a historic tsunami of unimaginable dimensions,not at all,on the contrary we are already in the middle of it.

Monday 2 July 2018


The European Union held a terribly important self-referential summit conference  the other week,where all sorts of hugely important and weighty matters were discussed and debated and..fudged.

Immigration,the UK leaving the EU negotiations,that kind of thing.All of it terribly important as was pointed out ad nauseam by EU Council President ( not the elected kind ) former Polish Shoe Salesman of the Year Donald Tusk.
Theresa May, genuflecting servile toady & former Anglican Tea Lady of the Year, reinforced the general consensus that space itself would be better utilised were she not in it.

To think that on Saturday June 23,some 100,000 Remoaner seditionist EU shills had flounced down Whitehall in support of the UK continuing its autistic relationship with the EU.Never had so many University lecturers,EU funded scientists,City shysters and practising vegan sodomites been assembled for a mass virtue signalling in public whilst exuding the unmistakable odour of insuperable middle class smugness and pomposity.

The EU leaders,who once upon a time would've managed to parlay the outcome of their summit into something superficially upbeat and reassuring,failed even that cursory test of political acumen.

The renewed conflagration of contending worldviews on how to deal with /manage the migrant /refugee imbroglio that's subsuming the European Union, gives unbounded hope to those forces and movements who are progressing and shall no doubt bring out, the EU Tyranny's eventual destruction.

The Seehofer v. Merkel Bavarian standoff is rapidly becoming the very quintessence of historic schadenfreude.
A Germany broken by ineluctable historic circumstances beyond its control and influence,bodes only well for the world and the UK's brexit in particular.

Happier days are getting nearer!