Saturday 22 December 2018


A few days ago, POTUS Trump announced the withdrawal of the US forces ( The figure quoted was 2,000 personnel) currently illegally stationed in Syria.
This caused immediate consternation and hyperbolic over reaction from the Washington Beltway NeoCon establishment and their symbiotic liberal foreign interventionist partners aka the Democrats. DefSec Mattis resigned in the wake of the Commander-in-Chief’s welcome and somewhat unduly delayed strategic decision.
The western -backed ( funded,trained,equipped and armed ) disparate terrorist gangs ranging from AlQaeda to ISIS/Daesh have proven several veritable hornets’ nests too much for the meddling US and its equally delusional and inept NATO satrapies to deal with let alone forge any worthwhile conclusion from.
The Syria domiciled Kurds are the patsy in the middle getting lined up for another historically royal shafting from their supposed foreign friends and allies.Composing the bulk of the SDF fighting forces,the Kurdish fighters have done the proverbial ” heavy lifting ” on the ground in extirpating ISIS territorially.
Their undoubted and welcome efficacy and success in this matter has, from a Realpolitik perspective pushed Erdogan’s nose out of joint and thus led him to hurl the Turkish army into Syrian territory largely in a ethnic cleansing of all land along Turkey’s borders.
Apart from Russia ,Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah who have all been invited by the sovereign legitimate government of Syria to assist them in its fight primarily against ISIS, all other military ” state actors ” -The US,UK,France,Germany,Canada and especially the genocidal,slavering warmongering dogs of Turkey are all there in contravention of International Law.They are committing war crimes.
Still, having one less drunken,boorish,knuckle-dragging thug to deal with at an illegal rave is welcome.

Thank you President Trump.

Monday 17 December 2018


Contemporary politics is so exciting right now ; Gilets Jaunes are setting the agenda in France; Germany has a burgeoning populist movement/Party in the AfD . Italy has an activist Coalition government  Lega /M5S that's seemingly prepared to mix it with the EU over national budget and debt issues. And so on and so forth.

Belgium has a minority government that's falling apart,as governments invariably do in Belgium, Hungary and Poland are both somewhat at loggerheads with the overbearing and tyrannical EU over domestic laws and the exercise of sovereignty.

And in the UK? Theresa May -former Anglican Tea Lady of the Year - has "won" a vote of confidence among her own party's parliamentary representatives by 200  to 117.Which resolved let alone solved absolutely nothing regarding the on going post-modern performance installation art work known as Brexit.

The 19th Century FPTP,single member constituency form of parliamentary representation ossified into the straitjacket of two major political parties-both historically in decline-merely exacerbates the hiatus of political legitimacy and democratic governance within the UK.

As Marxist-Leninists might say, were they still in the Realpolitik business and of some conceivable relevance ,the requisite necessary preconditions favourable to the advance of revolutionary politics has been attained ( or very nearly so ).

There is a nascent #YellowVestsUK that might,though I personally doubt it, take on the scope of and have the impact of the French #GiletsJaunes. There hasn't been a genuine extra-parliamentary mass political movement in the UK of any heft since the Chartists back in the 1840s.

 Too badly led for far too many decades by regressive,blinkered Lefts of many shades,extra-parliamentary protest has too often been neutered and rendered inert by those very forces that were supposedly aiming for a revolutionary overthrow.It has fallen to the non-Left aka the Right to provide any potential bedrock on which alternate structures can be built.

Still,all in all the tsunami;tidal wave upon tidal wave,is picking up intensity and it doesn't take a weatherman to tell you once the weather changes.

Thursday 6 December 2018


In May 2017 ,avowed "modernising" technocrat, fanatical devotee of alrger European Union and admirer of Tony Blair -Macron became President of France after defeating Marine LePen in the run off 66-34%. And 19 months later his Presidency has reached its apogee.

Herewith the following gleaned verbatim, from The Spectator on December 3 , the first part of a a scintillating article from Brendan O'Neill;

" At last, a people’s revolt against the tyranny of environmentalism. Paris is burning. Not since 1968 has there been such heat and fury in the streets.Thousands of ‘gilets jaunes’ stormed the capital at the weekend to rage against Emmanuel Macron and his treatment of them with aloof, technocratic disdain. And yet leftists in Britain and the US have been largely silent, or at least antsy, about this people’s revolt. The same people who got so excited about the staid, static Occupy movement a few years ago — which couldn’t even been arsed to march, never mind riot — seem struck dumb by the sight of tens of thousands of French people taking to the barricades against Macronism.

It isn’t hard to see why. It’s because this revolt is as much against their political orthodoxies as it is against Macron’s out-of-touch and monarchical style. Most strikingly this is a people’s rebellion against the onerous consequences of climate-change policy, against the politics of environmentalism and its tendency to punish the little people for daring to live relatively modern, fossil-fuelled lives. This is new. This is unprecedented. We are witnessing perhaps the first mass uprising against eco-elitism and we should welcome it with open arms to the broader populist revolt that has been sweeping Europe for a few years now.

The ‘gilet jaunes’ — or yellow-vests, after the hi-vis vests they wear — are in rebellion against Macron’s hikes in fuel tax. As part of his and the EU’s commitment to cutting carbon emissions, Macron is punishing the drivers of diesel vehicles in particular, raising the tax by 7.6 cents for every litre of diesel fuel. This will badly hit the pockets of those in rural France, who need to drive, and who can’t just hop on buses as deluded Macronists living in one of the fancy arrondissements of Paris have suggested they should. These people on the periphery of French society — truck drivers, provincial plumbers, builders, deliverymen, teachers, parents — have rocked up to the centre of French society in their tens of thousands three times in recent weeks, their message the same every time: ‘Enough is enough. Stop making our lives harder.’

It is a perfect snapshot of the most important divide in 21st-century Europe: that between a blinkered elite and ordinary people who’ve had as much bossing about, tax rises, paternalism and disdain as they can take. So from his presidential palace in Paris, Macron decrees that the little people of the nation must pay a kind of penance for the eco-crime of driving diesel-fuelled cars, like a modern-day Marie Antoinette deciding with a wave of the hand what is good for the plebs. It’s little wonder that the graffiti left behind following the latest uprising in Paris at the weekend compared Macron to Louis XVI and demanded that he resign.
This leaderless, diverse revolt, packed with all sorts of people, including both leftists and right-wingers, is important for many reasons. First because it beautifully, fatally shatters the delusional faith that certain Europhiles and piners for the maintenance of the status quo have placed in Macron since his election in May 2017.

And the second reason this revolt is important is because it suggests that no modern orthodoxy is safe from the populist fightback. Not even the environmentalist one.

For years we have lived in a climate of ‘You can’t say that’. You can’t criticise mass immigration — that’s xenophobia. You can’t oppose the EU — that’s Europhobia. You can’t raise concerns about radical Islam — that’s Islamophobia. You can’t agitate against climate-change policy — that’s climate-change denialism, on a par with Holocaust denialism, and anyone who dares to bristle against eco-orthodoxy deserves to be cast out of polite society. And yet now, in this populist moment, people are daring to say precisely these unsayable things. They’re standing up to the EU. They’re demanding that immigration become a democratic concern rather than something worked out for us by unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels. And now they’re even grating against the hitherto unquestionable religious-style diktat that we must all drive less, shop less and do less in order to ‘save the planet’. "

And there you have it.

The anti -metropolitan PC multicultural elitist tidal wave across the Continent continues and is swelling by the day.

Fraser Myers writing in Spiked  concluded his article on the Gilets Jaunes thus:-

" But there is a deeper disconnect, too. Across the West, the left has struggled to know how to respond to the populist uprisings of recent years. There is a tendency on the left to denounce any shock to the status quo as driven by reactionary forces. The revolting masses are often written off as fascists.
That the yellow vests – a mass, largely working-class movement, defying the government and standing up for its interests – makes many on the left, at best, wary and, at worst, scornful is a damning indictment indeed. "

Both O'Neill and Myers analyses accord fully with my own views.

My only regret is that I'm not in a realistic position to simply pop over the Channel and taste some of the very live action for myself.

But at least Paris is burning once more and we'll always have Paris.

" Gilets Jaunes Avant! "

Monday 3 December 2018


New Foreword: It has always struck me as monumentally hypocritical of the PC multiculturalist/globalist metropolitan elites to insist on advocating unrestriced freedom of movement , ie. mass immigration on the basis that we as a Country have an ageing population and the economy requires far more many tax-paying workers than we have at present or are likely to have any time soon to ameliorate what the elites tell us is a demographic timebomb.
The very same ideologically driven metropolitan ruling elites who brought in the Abortion Act 1968 whichhas wiped out countless millions of what would otherwise have been our fellow indigenous UK citizens.
It's worth bearing in mind that:-Of our fellow 7 million pre-birth humans exterminated with state approval since 1968;the cohort so dealt with between 1968 and 78 would by now in the ordinary course of life have become grandparents by now.Those so heinously dealt with between 1979 and 98 would by now be parents of their own children.

( The following originally appeared as fahrenheit451:280 on August 28 this year )

Since the British parliament legalised Abortion in 1968,there have to date been around 7,000,000 abortions carried out in the UK. That approximates to an annual average of around 150,000 per annum or around 3,000 every single week over the last 50 years.
The ballpark figure of 7 million surpasses the number of murders carried out by The German Third Reich in its extermination camps during the years 1939-45 in what became known after the War as the Holocaust.
Such is the monumental scale of what is being carried out in the guise of a regular,routine medicalised procedure that Society at large has become oblivious to just what a monstrous amoral depravity abortion really is.
Women's reproductive  "Rights" and a woman's  "Right" to choose to control her own fertility have all been effectively used as quasi-moral precepts by the proponents of abortion to facilitate the widespread acceptance of the fundamental concept that it's okay and normal and acceptable to systematically exterminate pre-birth humans at the putative mother';s personal whim and insousiance.
On May 26 2018,the Ireland held an advisory referendum on a proposed amendment to Article 8 of the constitution that in effect protects the life of the unborn child. The public vote to give the Dublin legislature the necessary permission and approval to repeal Article 8 and as a consequence legalise abortion was approved 66% to 34% on a 64% turn out. which by common reckoning means that 57% or thereabouts of Ireland's registered electorate did NOT give their active assent to the amendment;then again its always about who votes;not voting never counts.
That in itself is a lesson for all those who refuse to participate  in the democratic political discourse and elections.Your absence helps the other side to win.
And so it goes.Not that all battles are lost quite as decisively as the one in Ireland or even lost at all.
The Senate in Argentina recently vetoed their legislature's procedural attempt to enact their own national advisory referendum on legalising abortion that copied the template of the pro-abortionists' Repeal The 8th campaign in Ireland.
In the United States there is growing disquiet over President Trump's Supreme Court nominee who might, once approved, be in a position to pave the way for an eventual rollback on their own 1968 annus horribilis Roe v.Wade that abomination contemporaneous with our own 1968 Abortion Act.
Any person professing to be a Christian who is indifferent to or fails to oppose, let alone support in any way whatsoever, Abortion, is an apostate and heretic and must be excommunicated.