Friday 30 December 2016


Even as 2016 was drawing to its conclusion, there was one final footnote to be added to it by of all people, the outgoing president of the USA.In the wake of the joint announcement by the governments of Russia and Turkey on their joint initiative to bring about a cessation of hostilities in the Syrian crisis /civil war, Obama's response is to expel 35 Russian diplomats from the USA on the charge of involvement in cyberhacking. That's it.How utterly bizarre; probably more bizarre that Secretary of State Kerry's denunciation of Israel which made the headlines just the other day.  On the allegations of Russian involvement in the hacking of Clinton's emails and other parts of the Democratic Party's failed presidential campaign, the response of Russia's President Putin has been steadfastly rational and measured; there will be no anticipated tit for tat expulsions of US diplomats from Russia. Sidelined in Syria, made to look amateurish by Clinton's own ludicrously hostile anti Russian rhetoric in her failed White House bid and now a grandiose Cold war style diplomatic slap across another Country's face which yields precisely zilch by return. America isn't well is she? NATO has lost its venal strutting posture and the EU is sinking slowly slowly beneath the waves of history. I don't think the Yanks get Schadenfreude.If they did they'd be really upset.

Saturday 24 December 2016


On Monday 19th at 8pm local time an islamic fanatic drove a truck into crowds at a Berlin Yuletide Market.Seventy nine hours later, around 3 am local time the terrorist suspect was shot by police officers in Milan. A furore ensued across all mainstream and social media outlets and platforms. In many ways this latest imbroglio summed up 2016 for the ruling elites and their pet mass social engineering projects in the PC multiculturalist satrapies of the EU.  For the rest of us 2016 was absolutely brilliant! An astonishing and breathtaking Victory for the Leave Campaign in the June 23rd EU Referendum followed by Trump's triumph over the neocon bete-noire and professional warmongering harridan Clinton. The city of Aleppo's liberation by the forces of the legitimate Syrian government with strong support from its allies,Russia and Iran provides a fitting cadenza to 2016. As for the antidemocratic,seditionist trash of #LabourIn who embody much of what is genuinely wrong and hateful with the failed EU, well Schadenfreude just got larger and louder for them.

Tuesday 20 December 2016


The following is gleaned from the 1965- Cold War era -popular hit single by Barry MacGuire
"The eastern world, it is explodin',
Violence flarin', bullets loadin',
You're old enough to kill but not for votin',
You don't believe in war, but what's that gun you're totin',
And even the Jordan river has bodies floatin',
But you tell me over and over and over again my friend,
Ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.
Don't you understand, what I'm trying to say?
And can't you feel the fears I'm feeling today?
If the button is pushed, there's no running away,...  "
Yesterday, Monday 19th December the Russian ambassador to Turkey,Andrei Karlov was gunned down whilst attending a gallery viewing. The murderer,a serving Turkish police officer was himself despatched in the immediate aftermath. Then almost as a kind of corollary to the slaying of the Russian diplomat, hours later in Berlin, a traditional and well attended Christmas market was subjected to an islamic terrorist atrocity where a  hijacked goods lorry was used as the weapon.The death toll was at least 12 with scores more injured. The term Casus belli  springs immediately to mind ; the term refers to an incident or an act of provocation which the offended side uses subsequently to undertake military action usually with a formal decleration of war against the perceived offending party. Killing ambassadors counts as  Casus belli.  As you can, but need not overly, imagine, MSM as well as social media went into hyperdrive at the conjunction of these two separate acts of terrorism. The proverbial button really got pushed this time around. Fortunately, Presidents Putin and Erdogan are both committed to playing the long game diplomatically and strategically. And that's more than the world can expect from the stupid Yanks however.You can imagine it being the US ambassador getting gunned down ; Washington DC would've ordered massive instant retaliation, probably aimed at the entirely wrong target in Afghanistan as a result. Whichever way this does pan out, the Merde that the great powers and their various recalitrant satrapies are mired deep within just got deeper and messier.

Saturday 17 December 2016


As the #Brexit debate descends into an all out ideological / tribal bar room brawl with the antidemocratic seditionists of #LabourIn determined to play a key role in the unfolding societal imbroglio. And the catastrophic failed PC multiculturalist policies of unrestricted labour market competition are boosted by Rabblerouser-in-Chief Abbott, it's worth reminding ourselves just where we were only three short years ago. My Wordpress blog And So It Goes #566 was brief and to the point.
Addendum  to the longest suicide note in History ,e.g. Britain’s ” membership “- incarceration in the Greater German European Union .

Schools struggling with influx of Roma children who can’t speak English: One primary has seen numbers rise from 4 to 99

  • Study into schools in three council areas: Derby, Manchester and Sheffield
  • Ofsted found teachers do not have money or skills to support Roma pupils
  • In one school a support assistant was not fluent in English themselves
Schools are struggling to cope with an influx of Roma children from Eastern Europe who arrive unable to speak English, Ofsted warned yesterday.
Inspectors said schools were hampered by a lack of resources to meet the ‘wide-ranging needs’ of new arrivals who may never have experienced formal education.
They said some pupils were unfamiliar with school routines and behaviour expectations. Many also needed intensive help to learn English but schools were struggling to find enough bilingual staff to teach them.
No further comment necessary.
The seditionist #LabourIn vision is for this nightmare to be upscaled and continued ad infinitum even after #Brexit.Heaven help us all!

Wednesday 14 December 2016


Here we go, again! Or almost. An emergency Commons debate on the topic of , however you wish to describe it, Aleppo. Called by the Tory MP Andrew Mitchell, the debate attracted the attendance of 70 MPs.  And as usual the cries of something needs to be done, has to be done resounded to the echo. Deja Vu has seldom been so much in evidence in the Commons.They debated Aleppo fairly recently and the same faux-concerns of our metropolitan-domiciled political class were thoroughly rehearsed for the cameras. An odd symmetry of Tories clinging onto the last vestiges of a grasp of global Realpolitik on the one hand waylayed by the strident / bellicose utterances of born-again Blairites whose lack of practical military /logistics knowledge was woefully in evidence. Clowns in Chief Johnson and Osborne did some desultory limp moral shroud waving by asserting that had parliament in 2013 opted for a military intervention of some kind or another at that time, Aleppo would not now be an issue. Don't ask; it wasn't supposed to make any sense whatsoever even at the time. Unless, of course the real intent behind all and any calls for any intervention in the Syrian Civil War is to goad Russia into a premature globalised conflict aka WW3. Surely not?
Louis Kasatkin @louiskasatkin Dec 13Indeed something needs to be done! now! but in relation to what and where,then there's the how.Let's make a list of issues "Andrew Mitchell"

Thursday 8 December 2016


Ken Loach's current film , " I, Daniel Blake " has had a significant an impact as any film in the last 30 years. As someone who was wrongly sanctioned in 2015 by politically motivated scoundrels,thieves and liars ;a placement Charity, Interserve and DWP - I know what it feels like to get shat on from the great heights of a Stasified state apparatus. I won my Sanctions Appeal on October 1st 2015. I still maintain and refresh my dedicated facebook page ,#DansLaMerde which served as the fulcrum for a pretty effective social media campaign which I conducted from April 2015 when I was first denounced and recommended for punitive sanctions. Comments to a more recent report on the ineffectiveness and massive implementation expenses of the Benefits Sanctions Regime, argued that the very existence of foodbanks helps to encourage DWP staff to issue Sanctions against claimants. Two years ago  at ,kulturist no.446 on 8 December 2014, I addressed not too dissimilar concerns aired in Parliament.
The trouble with " moral outrage " is that you need to identify who in fact is generating it and what the supposed object of the " outrage " is.  People suffering  Hunger ; that's a good one to start with. In conditions more shocking than can be seen in Congolese refugee camps ; wow,that's another one. Let's complete the picture ; The Church of England and two of the three largest parties in parliament all agree on the aforementioned. Blimey, it's serious after all. The Daily ten plagues Mail asserts its usual place in the media ruck and maul of such issues with :-
" The all-party Commons group on hunger warned that some parents spend far too much money on cigarettes, alcohol, takeaways and other ‘non-essential items of expenditure’ because they lack basic budgeting skills.
Many more cannot cook even the simplest meals for their children – leaving them to go hungry.
The MPs call upon teachers to do more to report parents from chaotic households so they can receive help from ‘troubled families’ units.
However, they conclude: ‘We should not leave the duty resting with schools. Parents have duties, and these duties are not abated by the chaos resulting from their lifestyle.’
The report, Feeding Britain, is released today. Chaired by Labour MP Frank Field, the all-party group calls for:
  • A new publicly funded body, also to be called Feeding Britain, to work towards a ‘hunger-free’ UK with the help of eight Cabinet ministers;
  • Bigger food banks to distribute more free food, and advise how to claim benefits and make ends meet;
  • A rise in the minimum wage, and the provision of free school meals to children even during school holidays;
  • New measures to make it harder to withhold benefits, including ‘yellow cards’ instead of outright bans; and
  • A request from the Government for food bank funding from Brussels.
As a Christian,revolutionary activist and campaigner I argue that it would be politically counter-productive and socially regressive to implement any single one of the five bullet points mentioned above.For in truth there is no food crisis ,there are no shortages.No-one is starving in Britain.Lost in their own little Narnia-worlds of soon-to-be-nice to one another again; heretics and traitors to the Reformation and heretics and traitors to the cause of Organised Labour are trying belatedly to save ,not the masses from further suffering,but rather the Ruling Elites from their own hubrisitc follies that have brought us all to the edge of something rather wonderful and exciting;not seen in this country or in Europe properly since the 1640's.
They act and posture naively , as if all of this has nothing at all to do with the inexorable logic of  the immutable historic Laws governing the accumulation and centralisation of Capital and the attendant and necessary socio-economic developments that accompany such remorseless economic Laws. The point of the global system of Usurer-Capitalism is the continuing,unabated and increasing exploitation and pauperisation of the mass of the proletariat and sub-proletariat as a natural consequence of the inherent and intrinsically dysfunctional division of wealth and appropriation thereof by the 1% Ruling Elites. Their sole purpose of all of this, is for their own self-gratification and self-aggrandisement ;the fulfilment of their immutable historic destiny of the 1% ; to utterly consume as much of  the planet's wealth irrespective of any implied social/humanitarian cost to the 99 % and the state of the planet itself. The point of exploitation is,as Orwell pointed out, exploitation.

Saturday 3 December 2016


Elections, referendums* (* referenda is the correct Latin plural,but we're not in Ancient Rome ) here there and every bleedin' where. The thing with Democracy is that you can never have too much of it. Back in the 1640's the Levellers- the radical wing of the Parliamentary forces- were calling for annual parliaments for heaven's sake.Four Centuries on and we still haven't got there.  The current fashionable theory amongst left-liberal inclined intellectuals-manque is that in the event of any election/referendum result going against their expected and hoped for outcome,then the default explanation of any such unlikely occurrence is that those who contributed to the actual verdict were somehow misled,misinformed,mistaken and misjudged,miscalculated the consequences of them individually and collectively casting their votes in the way that they did; i.e. against the explicit,considered,expert and wise advice of the commentariat/academics,experts and men of vast experience who truly understood the issues being voted upon. My, that was a bit long winded - but I went for it anyway. Today happens to be Saturday, 3rd December and the metropolitan-domiciled elites' ideological war drums are already beating all across MSM. Tomorrow,Sunday 4th December there is to be a plebiscite in Italy regarding proposals from the incumbent Premier,Renzi on the streamlining of Italy's constitution, which he amongst others feels is too cumbersome and no longer fit for contemporary purpose. Across the border over in Austria, due to a preceding procedural cock-up, there is the re-run of what had been an excruciatingly closely run Presidential contest between the Green Party's Van Der Bellen and the Freedom Party's Hofer. the likeliest of outcomes in both referendum and presidential Election will not be to the liking of the elites and their shills in the political classes in western europe. The oppositional 5 Star Movement is mounting a dynamic campaign for a " No " vote against Renzi, and Hofer's Freiheitliche Partei ought to attain a valuable,if largely wholly symbolic victory. I shall certainly be celebrating with unalloyed joy and basking in either or both such tremendous outcomes tomorrow.

Thursday 1 December 2016


Boy are the PC-indoctrinated, metropolitan domiciled "elites " smarting! They still haven't managed to calm down from the 23rd. June EU Referendum. And across the Big Pond the same moaning,whining drivel can be heard just as loud and clear from the American PC lobby and its acolytes. MSM ( mainstream media ) has been awash with contrived facts and figures and supposed eye-witness tales of incidents wholly inimical to the Gospel of Liberalism. Racism, Xenophobia, Islamophobia,Homophobia; you can apparently even have expressions of transphobia,whatever that it is meant to be; the point is all those Thought Crimes have escalated in numerical magnitude since the EU Referendum in the UK and since the Election of Donald Trump in the USA. None of the aforementioned manifestations of " phobia " has actually occurred, none of the " reports " turned out to be true. #LabourIn, the official antidemocratic,seditionist campaign to annul #Brexit comprising 200 Labour Party MPs has been at the forefront of the longest and most divisive co-ordinated campaign of slander and vilification of the British Working Class in modern history. That much is undeniably true. Not a single commentator,academic,politician or PC indoctrinated leftist/liberal atheistic bigot is intellectually capable of answering the central query on the " need " for the freedom of movement of labour within the EU and outside of it, namely  " Unrestricted competition in the labour market is beneficial for British workers because..?". There ain't no because, because migration/immigration/freedom of movement of labour is simply the practical implementation of the commodification of human labour,which is an objective capitalist economic necessity whereby labour is made continually available at the lowest possible price to the capitalist. As if THEY didn't know!