Wednesday 29 June 2016


Last Thursday 23rd of June's  witnessed  the great exercise of the inalienable historic rights and incontestable prerogative of the Sovereign British Electorate. That  many elected members of parliament -( themselves only in office solely by that very same Sovereign exercise of the Electorate's prerogative ) had the actual temerity,nay brass-necked insolence and insubordination to even cast the very merest shadow of doubt and contentious conjecture at the Victorious outcome for  LEAVE is breathtaking in its audacity. This is the very stuff of outright Sedition, tantamount to Treason against Lawful Authority,that Lawful Authority itself is predicated upon and is wholly dependent for its legitimacy and acceptance on the expression of  the Sovereign Will of the Electorate. Equally culpable of outrageously partisan class-based and hubristic demagoguery are the Press, the Commentariat,Financiers,Artists and Academics of every discipline who by and large caricatured the 52% who voted LEAVE as mainly thick,uneducated,racist,small-minded northerners.  Naturally most of this insidious ideological invective was orchestrated,weaponised and delivered via the some 200 #LabourIn MPs. Who were left bemused on Friday 24th.June as to why " their " core voters - 9 million and falling,  didn't do what they had been advised most fervently to do and vote REMAIN.
History belongs to the Masses. The Sovereignty of the British electorate cannot be countermanded. Thank God.

Saturday 25 June 2016


I sure do like the smell of Victory on a morning. I've been on a high since waking up just after 4 a.m. Friday listen to the radio, expecting to hear all about a huge triumph for Remain. The disbelief in the broadcasters' voices was palpable, they were genuinely astounded. I imagined that BREXIT was having the kind of visceral impact that Orson Welles' notorious 1938  " War of the Worlds " broadcast had had on an unsuspecting  U.S. public tuning in mid way through that broadcast.  I am so chuffed that the first letter my local newspaper published,all those weeks ago now to start the EU debate, was mine.The one, here on record at this blog and elsewhere, " I hate, loathe and despise the European Union and all that it stands for and all that it does ". There you go.Vindicated by the Sovereign Will of The British Electorate.
However there are some sore losers, who actually refuse to accept that they were defeated. Mary Creagh MP for Wakefield and leading  #LabourIn campaigner.
It is customary when having lost in a democratic ballot,to congratulate the winner and by doing so admit one's own defeat at the hands of the Electorate. Note that this hissy fit of a missive does not commence " To The People of Wakefield,Honoured Citizens On Whose Sovereign WIll All Elected Politicians Rely."
" A message for people in Wakefield –
The country has decided to leave the European Union.
As you will know, I campaigned tirelessly for Britain to remain in Europe. But I accept that the majority of people in the country chose another path.
My priority now is to mitigate the negative consequences for people in Wakefield. "
And this from a careerist carpetbagger who tried to weaponise for Remain campaign purposes the murder of another MP.
Schadenfreude really, really does not get any better than this!!

Wednesday 22 June 2016


Well, it is nice, no it’s more than just’s immensely gratifying and deeply satisfying to have one’s own worldview and analyses vindicated empirically and morally by the public admission of one’s detractors and gainsayers. The festering,pro-capitalist poison propagated by the Labour Party and its ideologically allied TradesUnions as well as other parties and factions nominally of what once was ” The Left ” has finally been owned up to by the very advocates of that poison itself. 48 hours before EU Referendum day,the Media reports that :-
If Britain votes to stay inside the EU, the free movement of workers will continue unchecked. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, an ally of Mr McCluskey, has said this makes it impossible to put an upper limit on immigration.
Writing in the Guardian, Mr McCluskey said: ‘In the last ten years, there has been a gigantic experiment at the expense of ordinary workers. Countries with vast historical differences in wage rates and living standards have been brought together in a common labour market.The result has been sustained pressure on living standards, a systematic attempt to hold down wages and to cut costs of social provision for working people.’
What an utterly inexcusable pair of manipulative,hypocritical,morally bankrupt,duplicitous bastards those two make. Were either of them ” religious ” and professed a ” faith ” then they’d be condemned as  guilty of Apostasy and Heresy. An Auto- da-Fe  for the both of them would be an act of judicial Leniency.
How so, you might ask. It is a fundamental article of faith, an intrinsic constitutional prerequisite to be found in every ” Rule Book ” of every Trade Union ; to the effect that  The Union exists to protect and to seek to improve the wages and working conditions of its membership. Self-evidently, the free movement of labour militates against the maintenance let alone the improvement of wages and working conditions. It’s called Capitalist Economics, it’s how the system functions. And yet the imbeciles and disingenuous charlatans of the Left have hurled the vacuous epithet ” racist ” at anyone and everyone who has ever advocated immigration controls, i.e. the rational and proportionate regulation of what is an  otherwise unfettered and anarchic flow of labour into localised labour markets.
For generations, the Labour Party and Trades Unions and the imbecilic Left have perpetuated the liberal orthodoxy of multiculturalism – another delusional fantasy dear to their corrupted intellects- and unrestricted migration. Well, I always knew and am now vindicated,that yes I am right and they are wrong. And so it goes..


Friday 17 June 2016


The shocking murder of a british member of parliament in broad daylight in the high street on Thursday and the official prevailing  ideological response to that event are a sobering reminder as to how precarious freedom of speech and freedom of conscience truly are. All  forms of campaigning activity in the EU Referendum were declared suspended with immediate effect. The aforementioned democratic political process is in purdah until Saturday. There quite plainly is an insidious set of bourgeois/patrician norms and pseudo-values being forcibly reimposed as diktats to be obeyed without question, and instantaneously adhered to without dissent.This is not freedom, this is not liberty, this is not democracy. I fail to see let alone comprehend how this reaction to an assassination differentiates us totalitarianism.
P.S. On Friday the morning news reported on the death a worker at a potash mine in northern england. where is their vigil? where is the suspension until a full investigation is carried out of the operation of that mine?

Wednesday 15 June 2016


Did it all start with the death of Princess Di ? This contemporary globalised penchant for instantaneously memorialising and revering those whose death is accorded prominence or notoriety by the Media. The pre-eminent among the memorialised are those who during their lives had celebrity/artist status  or were in a larger group of civilians killed in urban bombings and shootings. Minutes of Silence and Public funerals are associated phenomena that are no longer reserved for a city or country's recently deceased prominent leader or the victims of say, an airline tragedy. The passing recently of a once famous American Boxing champion turned into a prolonged , quasi-religious Media festival of canonisation complete with a tedious, rubbish " Ode " hastily composed for the occasion by a lacklustre, hack long since bereft of any intrinsic poetic skills or talent.  Quite why those who die by the bomb and bullet in a western city seem to be more deserving of remembrance than say those slaughtered by the thousand fold by ISIS  right across Iraq and Syria, is a moot point. Then again , " deserve " has nothing to do with it. So some guy wrote a lot of great songs or won an impressive number of titles in their chosen sporting profession, so what. People are of course at liberty to feel upset or sad or not and react accordingly in whatever specious, superfluous and hollow manner they choose. They even get to pretend for a little while that it all somehow has a special significance and they get to pretend pray to a Deity they actually don't think is even there. But what spoils it all, this cavalcade of sentimental slop , is the implied and often all too real element of compulsion and conformity required/demanded by those who want everyone to weep and mourn at a given time and for those chosen to be revered. " We shall be observing a minute's silence for those..." and that in the great western,liberal democracies where freedom of choice and liberty of conscience are meant to be paramount. as for me,I go with " Life is hard and then you die ". Any questions?

Monday 13 June 2016


In ten days time, the sovereign British Electorate get to make History. I personally have campaigned against, spoken out against ,written letters to the Press against the European Union and its previous EEC/Common Market incarnation since 1973. I have not faltered, nor deviated or equivocated in my opposition to the EU and its utterly damnable project.  The only two Journalist-Commentators that I both respect and admire and in whose work I find great intellectual and philosophical solace and reassurance are, ( in order of preference ), Peter Hitchens ( Mail on Sunday ) & Ambrose Evans-Pritchard ( Daily Telegraph ).Their resolute stance and clarity of vision and analyses about the EU are essential reading.Their respective most recent pieces even more so.  AEP in particular nails the ultra-left fantasist nonsense of " Another Europe is Possible " which is today's Plate de Jour for the isolated and redundant, intellectually demoralised " left " that cannot bring itself to advocate a Vote Leave  nor does it want to succumb to the inexorable Petainism of Corbyn's tragicomedic contortions.
Pritchard writes:-
 "My Europhile Greek friend Yanis Varoufakis and I both agree on one central point, that today's EU is a deformed halfway house that nobody ever wanted. His solution is a great leap forward towards a United States of Europe with a genuine parliament holding an elected president to account. Though even he doubts his dream. "There is a virtue in heroic failure," he said.
The Project bleeds the lifeblood of the national institutions, but fails to replace them with anything lovable
I do not think this is remotely possible, or would be desirable if it were, but it is not on offer anyway. Six years into the eurozone crisis there is no a flicker of fiscal union: no eurobonds, no Hamiltonian redemption fund, no pooling of debt, and no budget transfers. The banking union belies its name. Germany and the creditor states have dug in their heels.
Where we concur is that the EU as constructed is not only corrosive but ultimately dangerous, and that is the phase we have now reached as governing authority of crumbles across Europe.
The Project bleeds the lifeblood of the national institutions, but fails to replace them with anything lovable or legitimate at a European level. It draws away charisma, and destroys it. This is how democracies die. "
Varoufakis was Greece's Finance Minister in the absurdist installation artwork that called itself Syriza and promised and was elected into office in 2015 on the popularly accepted understanding that it would campaign against EU/Troika imposed austerity which continues to essentially kill Greece. Needless to say, the continent's first elected openly Ultra-Left government post 1945,bottled it. The virulent contagion of Class Appeasement continues to infect and strike down nearly all potentially effective forms of anti-capitalist movements and parties across geographic Europe. Nearly all,but not all; some - Podemos,The Five Star Movement,TUSC,People Before Profit,- have acquired ideological immunity and appear resistant to the strains affecting the nomenklatura of cowardice and retreat such as Varoufakis and Corbyn.  But on 23 June we get to choose for existential capitulation to inoperable brain cancer and Vote Remain or Vote Leave and go into remission and a long period of enforced convalescence leading to restored sovereignty.

Friday 10 June 2016


Entirely superfluous as in fact it is,the BBC nevertheless provides the occasional moment of light relief and respite, albeit wholly unintentionally. BBC Radio 4's flagship " Today " news program, Friday 10 June afforded the attentive listener two such interludes. Andy Burnham-failed Labour Party leadership contender- and Ed " The Talking Cretin " Milliband -the former failed Labour leader. Both had on behalf of the insidious Petainist #LabourIn campaign pressed the BIG PANIC BUTTON. " OMG We're gonna lose ! " Burnham complained somewhat in a partisan manner that labour's ineffectual doorstep campaign was more " Hampstead than Hull ".goodness that was terribly Class-based and patronising toward the lazy,skiving,self-aggrandising,non-contributory denizens of that pestilential sinkhole in the capital! And Ed, well he put the icing on the Grosse torte of Schadenfreude! Not only have mine enemies been cut down in public, I could hear them crack and break apart as they hit the ground.
Schadenfreude in its original,authentic German sense is simply more than a frisson or momentary experience of inner joy and celebration. It is a phenomenon to be savoured, for it is the quintessence of what defines satisfaction in a struggle in which we are wholly dedicated to the victorious outcome of a particular Weltanschauung. Schadenfreude is distinctive because it embraces the necessary corollary of our own triumph and success - that corollary being our opponents' failure and defeat.An obvious point to exponents of mature,robust philosophical dispositions but not so to liberoid westerners who imbibe and are conditioned through insipid Anglo-Saxon empirically based philosophical dogma. Such dogma is as spineless, bloodless and ultimately lifeless as the proponents and espousers of such trite quasi-intellectual, pseudo-moral dross intended to make it. The sort of endless, piteous maundering and whining that escapes from the mouths of intellectual weaklings, whether they are officially social-democratic, conservative or liberal. The despicable conformist  intellectual/philosopher manque who spends an entire lifetime kowtowing to the apparently insuperable vicissitudes of an existence given over to surrender and compromise in place of strife and combat. The chances of any of their  misbegotten ilk ever experiencing Schadenfreude are about as remote as a person born blind being able to describe the colour purple.

Wednesday 8 June 2016


In a fortnight's time Great Britain will be on the very cusp of a historic sea-change. A seemingly interminable EU Referendum campaign will be all but over. And yet one story has managed to upstage the whole EU-In/Out slanging match. Step forward Mike Ashley, the boss of Sports Direct. Ashley was called to give evidence before a Parliamentary Select Committee concerning issues over his Company, Sports Direct's treatment of workers, abuse of their employment and other Rights including illegal underpayment of wages. And boy did he get pilloried and rightly so. Pernicious, venal, boastful, unscrupulous, hectoring,  and mendacious to an astounding degree in full view of the Media and Public; all that Mr.Ashley was missing from his wardrobe to complete his self-authored caricature as a Victorian mill owner was the iconic top hat. Yet,what single characteristic of Mr.Ashley's management style and draconian behaviour toward his Company's employees differentiates him from every other similar CEO ? Quite simply none, at least none of any discernible significance. He simply is one capitalist bastard amongst a whole legion of capitalist bastards. Sports Direct business model with its use of,according to his own evidence, an 80% zero hours contract workforce and a workplace culture of fear,uncertainty and harassment is pretty much the universal benchmark across the logistics/warehousing sector as a whole. The only genuine surprise, from my own Activist's point-of-view, is just how much of a surprise, indeed startling and shocking revelation this has been portrayed as in the Media to the general Public. Kudos to the UNITE Union for spearheading a very long and arduous campaign against Ashley's High Street Empire. The Trades Union movement on the whole has alas, not effectively engaged with the spreading cancer of zero hours agency contracts,nor with the cold blooded business practices that all Agencies utilise with virtual impunity against the many millions of workers now wholly dependent on casualised precarious work. Ashley's antiquated, oppressive tyranny is a symptom and a pretty major one at that, but clearly what needs to be addressed and focused on is the cause of such heinous, inhumane, and demeaning conditions of employment being allowed to exist and take shape in the first place.

Monday 6 June 2016


The entire case which Petainist #LabourIn et al so condescendingly place before the British electorate on whether to continue our national subjugation to the shibboleth of the EU, rests on what they call the economic facts. Everyone from the IMF and OECD downwards in the pecking order of Socio-economic/Financial Nomenklatura so beloved and endlessly referenced by the corporate Commentariat come back to what they continually restate are the economic arguments/ evidence for voting " Remain " on June 23.  And " facts " are only accorded such a privileged status on the presumption that said " facts " accord with the ideological predisposition of those interested parties/factions who wish to make use of them to their own advantage in the battle of ideas. The only caveat to all of this interminable squabbling is that not all facts are equal and that in effect some facts are clearly more equal than others. Fact, to discuss/debate the current and future state of the national economy in isolation from the issue of immigration is a mark of self-delusional denial,since State-support for the ideological concept of  freedom of movement of labour is predicated on economic necessity as defined and wholly determined by the needs and requirements of global monopoly capitalism.The historic virtual absence of empirically verifiable, and transparently accountable and rigourously regulated levels of extra-territorial labour unit inputs to  localised,national economic requirements are the bane of British public political discourse. An equivalent idiocy applied, say in the running and operation of a power station for example would allow for an unregulated supply of coal trucks turning up at the main gate every day,which they were accorded the freedom to do, in the hope that it was their individual load that could be made use of on that day. Regulating the supply of coal in that scenario,would,using the logic of the Labour Party be racist or xenophobic if say the coal trucks came from somewhere other than the immediate geographic locality. Alas Labour does apply such non-sequiturs to the migration of millions of " citizens " of the EU who otherwise would be jobless in their own nation states and who are made " free " to act as individualised agents of the market economy and fulfill the Capitalist requirement of providing additonal labour competitively against all other locally available labour.
Though the facts really are against the viability of such dogmatic class collaborationist economics.Immigration is only permitted because of its deleterious economic effect on the wages and living standards of the locally organised and efficient class conscious organised workers.
Not that Labour cares...The Office of National Statistics finds that "
In 2012 for instance, more than four years after the start of the recession,
productivity remains 3.7 per cent below its pre-recession peak. "  This after all the tremendously invaluable contribution of inner-EU territorial migration of structurally surplus labour units.
 Asked about those within Labour who worry about immigration undermining social cohesion, Corbyn said: “You have to ensure that communities are brought together, that people do understand the changes that are happening and actually see some plus and some benefit within it.
“You look at various towns where there’s been a big change, quite often the economy has actually begun to grow after that level of migration, there’s been actually very good levels of community understanding and integration.”
He said there needed to be greater investment in housing, schools and hospitals by central government to accommodate immigration.
“Migration actually is a plus to our economy as a whole.." he adds as a non-sequitur.
Official Data from ONS ( Office of National Statistics ) shows that " A feature of the UK’s recovery since 2013 has been that unemployment has fallen faster than in previous recession - this is due to several factors, such as – more flexible labour markets, low wage growth and low labour productivity.". ONS  research and analysis shows that real household incomes per head have been stagnant since 2007.
In 2012 for instance the ONS found that :-.Morre than four years after the start of the recession,
productivity remains 3.7 per cent below its pre-recession peak. At the corresponding stage of the
recessions in the early 1980s and 1990s, productivity was more than 10 per cent higher than at the
start of the recession. The current level of productivity, measured as output per worker, is around 15
per cent lower than might be expected on the basis of previous experience.

Or as that practitioner of the zenith of mongoloid reasoning would have it:-
You have to ensure that communities are brought together, that people do understand the changes that are happening and actually see some plus and some benefit within it.
The habitual,breathtaking pseudo-intellectual arrogance of the " left "-liberal metropolitan domiciled elites at its quintessentially specious and rabidly anti-Working Class,anti-99%.

Friday 3 June 2016


It is Friday, June 3 and in three weeks time the British Electorate will have chosen to Leave the European Union. I believe this and and am fully committed to the Cause for the restoration of national sovereignty to the UK. Day by day, as the EU referendum debate draws to its inexorable conclusion, the bellicose hyperbole of the REMAIN campaign becomes increasingly vituperative and distanced from any semblance of logical,rational let alone coherent argument and cogent analysis. All manner of  " Official " bodies and foreign busybodying Heads of State have crashed this debate with their ill mannered,opinionated and wholly ignorant and unwelcome,witless sermonising on the issue of Britain's continued subservience  and vassalage to the Greater European Union. But it will soon be over. The egregious lying filth of the Petainist #LabourIn will be consigned to the dustbin of History alongside the plethora of  ideological cowards,traitors,chancers,hypocrites,carpet-bagging opportunistic cartel of politicians,charlatan experts and commentators. Starting 24 June,Britain shall reassert its alienable Right as a Sovereign Nation to determine its own Citizenry. No-one who fundamentally takes issue with this is forced to extend their otherwise temporary sojourn in these islands of ours. And So,it goes.