Tuesday 26 December 2017


The year draws to a close pretty much in the same state that it first opened 360 days ago.

Whining,whingeing,cantankerous,obfuscating,disingenuous,blathering non sequiturs,otiose cant and vacuous platitudes ad nauseam being excreted from that prominent orifice on the faces of Remoaners that is usually located at the opposite end on the rest of us homo sapiens.

The bogus #The3Million #OpenBritain #Labour et al have demonstrated amply that reason,common sense,logic and economic reality have no part to play in their deluded fantasies of what #brexit does or doesn't do.

You'd probably have more success in trying explaining the workings of a digital camera to a peasant from the Middle Ages,than you would economic theory to the metropolitan elitist EU shills masquerading in their variety of pantomime costumes who're pretending they're not intellectually and economically subservient to and dependent upon the European Union for their existence.

Capitalism 101 - an increase in the supply of goods is accompanied by downward pressure on the price of those goods. The same inexorable iron law applies to the supply of labour in any given market.The greater the number of workers available leads to downward pressure on wages.

These iron laws are immutable.Capitalism does not alter.

Unless,of course you're an  university academic or professional scientist or cultural arts luvvie or metropolitan domiciled legal shyster where,amazingly there never has been nor is there ever likely to be a sudden,cataclysmic increase in the numbers of those vying for employment in these rarified almost reserved for the elites' occupational groupings.

Or if you're a City finanicer of some ilk.then you get to deliberately engineer the wholesale annihilation of the global economy,cash in your winnings and then after the Deluge blackmail the stupid political classes to dig you out of the hole,cover your losses and ensure your continued career in the same manner as before.

17.4 Million of the UK electorate -52% of those that voted -gave their verdict as Leave on the proposition of should the UK withdraw from the EU.
Again something vehemently denied by the metropolitan elitist remoaners and their insidious,seditionist campaign.

2018 is,I fear going to be more of the same.

More zero hours Agency contracts because the supply of endless cheap compliant toadying labour from eastern europe is not going to be cut off.Which turn keeps wages down and GDP chronically handicapped.Which in turn prolongs Austerity.Which in turn keeps up the DWP onslaught of sanctions against the long term unemployed and other benefits dependent claimants;because there are fewer and fewer jobs,and less housing and longer GP surgery and Hospital queues etc etc.

Nothing to do with economics according to the anti-democratic, anti- populist Remoaner seditionists.

We'll see in 2018.

Tuesday 19 December 2017


From the pages of History comes a warning.

Europe issues Haider ultimatum to Austria


European Union members entered uncharted political waters last night by threatening to boycott Austria if Jörg Haider's far-right Freedom party joins a new government.Portugal, the current holder of the EU's rotating presidency, issued an unprecedented statement saying that all member states, with the obvious exception of Austria, would refuse all bilateral contacts with Vienna if that happened.
The members also served notice they they would not back any Austrian candidate seeking a position with an international body.

17 years on and the tyrannical authoritarian Superstate continues its swaggering,hubristic,venal practices as if nothing has changed or is ever likely to change in the world at large.

It has bullied and coerced member states, Denmark and Ireland, to re-run democratic national plebiscites that delivered democratic verdicts against the interests of the EU. In other instances,such as France and Holland, the EU has simply chosen to ignore results of inconvenient plebiscites.
Austria in 2000 was subjected to a EU instigated and led unparalleled international campaign of slander and denunciation that violated its national sovereignty.

At the present time it is Hungary and Poland that have been targeted by the EU for special treatment.The EU arrogates to itself a right to interfere in the domestic political discourse and decision making of member states as and when it chooses to do so.Apparently the EU does not like the tenor of the debate over attempts to reform the method of senior judicial appointments and the supreme courts either in Poland or Hungary.

And if the UK wasn't the size it is,it would long since have been bullied into submission over its already floundering effort at #brexit.

The EU is mortally wounded and dying a slow,lingering death.The accompanying Wagnerian cacophony seems designed to add some faux-gravitas to the sorry business of its own squalid demise.
Former EU parliament President Schulz ,now leader of the ailing and electorally crippled German SPD characterised the formation of Austria's new government in conjunction with Hungary's Orban led government as a return of the Hapsburg Monarchy. Which he meant in a disparaging way but one that has no contemporary resonance.

What is true, is that the Visegrad 4 grouping of Hungary,Poland ,Slovakia and Czechia/Czech republic now have a natural ally in Vienna which makes it exceedingly problematic for the predominant neoliberal/globalist cliques to resort to anything as ruthless as they once could with impunity.

The UK  au contraire ought really to be banging on the table and throwing its actual global diplomatic weight around in Brussels.If only we had the perspicacity of the Austrians.

Friday 15 December 2017


If nothing else, they are at least consistent and persistent. The following is gleaned from online media sites.

" The European Union’s 27 remaining leaders have just voted unanimously to start the second phase of the Brexit negotiations with the U.K., meaning that discussions on a transition period are likely to start in the coming weeks. The two sides will begin work on the outlines of a trade deal after a summit in March.

After endorsing the European Commission’s assessment from a week ago that U.K. and EU negotiators had made “sufficient progress” on priority separation issues, the leaders will publish a set of guidelines. to direct negotiators over the coming months.

The commission is planning to unveil a more detailed position on the transition period on Wednesday, with the 27 governments scheduled to formally approve it at a meeting on Jan. 29. It will then be up to the U.K. to decide whether to accept the proposal wholesale or try to negotiate.

Officials say it will resemble EU membership but without the U.K. having a voice in the bloc’s decision-making. It’s likely to be limited to two years ".

Got that have we? March 2018 for the start of preparatory waffle and cant on trade preceded by an agreed transition period prior to the aforementioned part on trade talks.

Is that,strictly speaking a non-sequitur? Sure seems like it from where we're listening/reading/viewing or otherwise consuming this official EU news.

Which is to say the least odd,but not in a good way. After all, whatever the outcome or however far we've got during the time limited Article 50 period,that's it folks,we're done,gone and left.There will be no more time.That's what Article 50 of the Lisbon treaty says.

It's a measure of the political cowardice and charlatanry of the metropolitan elites that they continue on as if the referendum n a) Never took place or  b) Gave a verdict other than the one it did.
Patience is a virtue,but alas the EU has outlawed virtue.

Monday 11 December 2017


The Referendum on whether the UK would choose to Remain within or choose to Leave the European Union was ineluctably flawed from its inception. Parliament voted to undertake to accept and implement the referendum's verdict whichever way the vote went.Of course,why wouldn't they?

Except that nobody in the hallowed corridors of Westminster and Whitehall,not a single MP or civil servant nor any of their expert advisors had given the slightest passing thought nor consideration to the EURef. coming out with the verdict in favour of Leave. Nobody.

Great events in History that mark a sea change in the fortune and destinies of Peoples and Nations tend to manifest themselves and occur more often through mis-steps and fortuitous accidents than meticulous planning,organisation and disciplined execution.

The least mistake ridden,the least error prone, the least incompetent and idle of any given set of contending and mutually irreconcilable parties tends to be favoured by the driving,determining forces of Historical development.

In the wake of the preposterous announcements of a breakthrough in the Brexit negotiations,the last few days have seen a Comedy of errors parlayed into an farce of operatic proportions.

The insidiously venal and ideologically corrupt Remain campaign run by #Labour aka #LabourIn re-emerged as the more robust amongst the plethora of contending and lacklustre combatants simply because of the inexcusable insincerity and errant stupidity of the useless UK government in its conduct of our side of the withdrawal negotiations.

No doubt other historically significant movements and events that have shaped and informed our Great Nation such as The Reformation,the English revolutionary aka Civil War,the Chartists and so forth endured similar dilemmas and encountered painful vicissitudes.

One thing remains certain; come April 2019,Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty will have run its course. We shall be free again.

That is of course unless all 27 constituent national parliaments and the faux-EU parliament happen to agree unanimously to extending the time allowed under Article 50.

Make mine a Schadenfreude, shaken not stirred.

Wednesday 6 December 2017


Alzheimer's is a truly terrifying disease.

Its most egregious manifestation is in the manner it destroys a person's ability and capacity to remember. Paradoxically the disease wipes out memories of who a person talking to them is and the events of the previous day for example; but you might be able to recall perfectly an incident or event from decades ago as if it were current.

I only share this about Alzheimer's in order to get a handle on the not entirely dissimilar inability of the Labour Party to recall what earth shattering democratic event occurred on June 23 2016.

Though leading seditionist Labour antidemocratic hellions such as Starmer,Umunna,Corbett, Lammy,Creagh etc. all fail to recognise and acknowledge as equals those who they routinely verbally abuse when disparaging the 17.4 million fellow UK citizens who as the majority,voted for #brexit.

Gleaned from Guido Fawkes online ,

" Keir Starmer says the UK should leave open the option of staying in the single market and customs union. 18 months have passed since we voted to Leave and still Labour haven’t progressed from here. Labour’s position means continuing freedom of movement."   They conclude their snippet with the rather droll observation that-  " It is not Brexit"

The aforementioned quotation was uttered and recorded on December 5 2017. Perhaps in Keir Starmer's idiolect his painfully Humpty-Dumpty style usage of otiose terms such single-market,customs union,freedom of movement have some special nostalgic significance attached to the chimera of a world that ceased to exist for him on June 23 2016.

It's either that or he's just one of  many thoroughly malevolent,cynically manipulative,disingenuous metropolitan elitist demagogues who wish to ensure that the peoples of the UK never ever enjoy sovereign independence again.

Monday 4 December 2017


Both nominally " Left " and  " Right " have spent decades progressively infantilising political discourse.

With few exceptions, mainstream political parties and a significant swathe of extra-parliamentary fringe groups have embraced and conformed themselves to the prevailing hegemony of Politically Correct,globalist metropolitan elitist thought and all that entails.

Daily life in civil society is awash with the sacrosanct shibboleths of -isms.A veritable faux-litany of " gender " and " race " has metastasized across western democratic nations.

Otiose cant and vacuous platitudes are the default responses of the metropolitan-domiciled cultural/political elites and these twins of evil are again rearing their foul ugly heads.

Brexit, aka the stumbling ,fumbling half-witted series  of impotent actions undertaken by HMG to enact the Will of the Sovereign Electorate on the matter of withdrawal of the UK from its bondage and servitude under the EU,is one such quasi-permanent target; the other is President of the US,Donald Trump.

As of December 4 2017, the putative visit of POTUS to the UK is being pencilled-in and underlined and magic-marked,no doubt in technicolour green ink,  for a Leftist/Liberal Pro-Islamic terrorist " mass " demonstration of disapproval.

And that's only the next instalment.

Stay tuned for more...