Thursday 30 November 2017


It's really hard trying to keep a " straight face ", whenever something otherwise minor and insignificant gets shoved to the top of the MSM agenda for the day.

President Trump retweeted links to some highly contentious video content which purported to show certain egregious acts perpetrated by islamic extremists.

Of and by themselves the video footage are not particularly informative and are singularly devoid of any semblance of gravitas and credibility.

Apparently Sharks have the ability to sense 1 globule of blood amid 25 million globules of water. It took no time at all for the full panoply of Corporate MSM and every social media platform under the sun to join in the feeding frenzy over what charitably might be described as the President's gaffe.

What exacerbated the whole incident was that Trump directed his initial tweet at the UK Prime Minister,after having initially tweeted the wrong Theresa May.There followed,quite naturally a response and of course POTUS then sent a rejoinder tweet.

It might be instructive at this juncture to note,perhaps even to make a not entirely attenuated historical analogy, that in 1913 ,the Daily Telegraph , in the midst of a persisting Anglo-German diplomatic hiatus, published an unexpurgated interview with Kaiser Wilhelm in which he was invited to give his considered opinions and insights into the British people. Oh boy...

These current miscreant videos and their tendentious content originated from a microscopically tiny,politically utterly peripheral and impotent cult like grouping with the adopted grandiose moniker of " Britain First ". Which of course elevates the entire imbroglio to unwarranted and undeserved heights of quasi-relevance.

Our nation's Intelligence and Security Services and their ten a penny agents provocateur harvested from the anonymous remnants of the likes of the BNP have provided us all with a hugely specious divertissement for which, I'm sure they will not be held to account.

Monday 27 November 2017


The lamentable farrago over the UK's impending departure from the EU - aka the brexit negotiations - continues unabated.

The UK domestic Remain campaign/Referendum verdict deniers are currently in the midst of throwing the kitchen sink at Brexit.

Having already deployed the mendacious blackmail demands of the so-called " Divorce settlement " alongside the bogus lamentations and woefully insincere pleading of EU Citizens against the sensitive heartstrings of the May minority regime; the globalist plutocratic denizens of domestic metropolitan elitism and their Controllers in Brussels have now opened up a third front- that of the largely fictitious "problem" surrounding hypothetical difficulties envisaged around the Irish Border post- Brexit.

Why is the failing minority Dublin regime stirring the proverbial merde at this time? The Irish Times lends an insight into the lickspittle grovelling demeanour of the bankrupt,inconsequential grubby little Irish state's pathetic posturing- all as it happens at the behest of their lords and masters - das Deutsche Reich.

German parliament votes to back Irish debt restructuring

Social Democratic Party opposes move which will save exchequer estimated €150m

cting finance minister Peter Altmaier told the German parliament Ireland had fulfilled all conditions of its EU/IMF programme and was part of a rescue “success story” that included Spain and Portugal.
cting finance minister Peter Altmaier told the German parliament Ireland had fulfilled all conditions of its EU/IMF programme and was part of a rescue “success story” that included Spain and Portugal.
After a heated Bundestag debate, Germany voted yesterday to back Ireland’s request to restructure crisis-era loans and save the exchequer an estimated €150 million.
The request from Dublin turned into a proxy battle between Germany’s two leading parties, which are locked in a growing coalition battle.
Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) backed Ireland’s request, along with the Greens and the liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP), calling Ireland a model crisis country.
But the centre-left Social Democratic Party (SPD) voted against, calling on Dublin to adopt a “fairer tax policy” that prioritised its EU partners over multinationals.
In turn, the SPD’s critical stance saw Bundestag rivals accuse it of “playing politics” over Ireland – and EU rescue policies the party had backed in the past.


The heated debate ended with disagreement over the show-of-hands vote, prompting a full lobby vote that saw the motion passed by 348 to 283.
Dublin has applied to refinance an IMF loan, as well as two bilateral loans from Denmark and Sweden, using funds borrowed at lower rates from financial markets.
As Ireland has also borrowed €40.2 billion from two EU bailout facilities, all European Union states must agree to waive the right to get early repayment at the same time.
The Bundestag is one of a handful of European parliaments whose permission is required to change Ireland’s crisis-loan terms and allow early repayment. Elsewhere, the decision is made by government.
Acting finance minister Peter Altmaier told the German parliament that Ireland had fulfilled all conditions of its EU/IMF programme and was part of a rescue “success story” that included Spain and Portugal.
Ireland had restructured its banks and welfare system, won back trust of financial markets and was back in growth, he said, proving EU crisis measures had been appropriate.


Backing Dublin’s request and reducing the Irish debt burden, he said, would increase further market trust in “this small but important country”, and was thus in the interest of Irish and German taxpayers.
“I welcome today that I spoke with the Irish finance minister and he is ready to continue the technical co-operation and oversight with the IMF,” added Mr Altmaier. “This is in the interest of Ireland and will increase credibility in Irish politics.”
SPD parliamentary secretary Carsten Schneider attacked Ireland’s request, given its refusal to collect from Apple €13 billion in tax the European Commission says is outstanding.
“If a liberally minded country relinquishes tax revenues … then, for us in the SPD, our solidarity is at an end,” he said. “Tax dumping cannot be a business model in a social and progressive EU … it is poison for democracy.”
Mr Schneider suggested that Ireland had failed to honour two crisis-era promises to revisit its tax model and had “run the stop sign twice”.
Not everyone in Dr Merkel’s CDU had warm words for Ireland, with MP Hans Michelbach conceding that Ireland was a “tax haven and accessory for tax tricks of transnational concerns”.
“This is not acceptable,” he said. But, turning to Mr Schneider, he added: “You cannot use a mallet against another European country … and mix loan repayments with tax policy.”

 Schadenfreude or what ? the Taigs sold out to the Huns.

Friday 24 November 2017


Ceremony and tradition play the central role in the UK's parliamentary operations.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer's perfunctory fiscal state of the nation speech is and has been for quite a long time now just that; ceremonial. The same government policies could as easily be outlined in bullet -point form and then voted on without all the accompanying Barnum & Bailey hoo-ha.

The announcements are in any event of miniscule practical import and merely sustain that which is practically untenable.

Facts trump wishful thinking.And once the customary flim-flammery had been tossed to one side, the sober economic analyses zeroed in to what little meat there was on the bone.

The UK's GDP was still in the doldrums at the Financial Crash level of 2008 and wages are expected to continue in their parlous state for perhaps another decade.

The anti - democratic, referendum verdict denying, brexit-sabotaging majority of MPs used the Budget day contretemps to inveigh further against a pathetically weak and timid government and its miserable handling of the Brexit negotiations vis a vis the EU.

In all, it was a disappointing exposition of what ought to be a lively parliamentary democracy where the Parties first instinct should be fundamentally aligned to the demands of the UK's inalienable national sovereignty.

Fat chance of that.

Tuesday 21 November 2017


Even in the depths of our uttermost despair,the faint rays of hope still flicker..

Several weeks have now passed since Merkel's ruling CDU/CSU regime suffered a significant reversal of fortune at the German Bundestag elections.

That damage was primarily inflicted by the emergence of the AfD who smashed their way into national federal contention with 12% of votes cast and the concomitant losses of the SPD who plummeted to a post-1945 electoral nadir.

All this left Frau Merkel floundering at a disadvantage in a morass of political,factional horse trading that was supposed to lead to the formation of a new and dynamically unstable governing coalition.Which the newly reinvigorated FDP then proceeded to spectacularly torpedo with all the acumen and elan of a U-Boot menacing a hospital ship.

For all the deserved vituperative mockery heaped on hapless,spineless ,creedless May for her doldrumesque clarion calls for a strong and stable government; Merkel careered spectacularly into the same briar patch with all the alacrity of a Panzer blasted off its caterpillar tracks.

Which is all rather fortuitous for the prospects of the Brexit negotiations,assuming of course that May's failed pantomime troupe actually do manage something more vigorous in their approach than a white flag as has been the case thus far.

Still,Merkel sinking and the Teutons floundering do send a welcome shudder of Schadenfreude throughout the spectating multitudes.

Saturday 18 November 2017


The following was gleaned from twitter -
Discussed with PM the calendar of talks. Only if UK makes progress by early December, will I be ready to propose new guidelines on transition and future relations at December .

The current UK withdrawal negotiations with the EU are predicated on three points being met before any negotiations on the future trading relations between the UK and EU can commence.

These three points relate to the status,( some might argue legally bogus in any event,but in the interests of brevity we'll let that pass for now,) of EU citizens sojourning in the UK; the status of the Irish border post-brexit and more substantially,the amount demanded by the EU as a " financial settlement " aka " Divorce Bill " in tabloid speak.

Tusk is to all intents and purposes a jumped up, strutting,venal,little tinpot fleamarket Pilsudski who has the audacity to be telling the UK what the EU expects from us!

And he's being allowed to get away with it pretty much in the same way as the EU as a whole has been getting away with it's treatment of and behaviour toward us for the past 45 years.

Tusk is President of what is officially designated the European Council.The European Council Presidency is one of five such presidencies within the EU. There is also President of the European Commission;currently held by a former wine salesman from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.Then there is the Presidency of the European Parliament that has a mafioso politician from Italy in its seat.Then there is the Presidency of the European Central Bank; run by another corrupt goombah,greaseball guinea. 
And finally there is the six-monthly rotating EU Presidency that allows peripheral Teutonic satrapies such as Croatia and Latvia to wallow in the delusion that their homeland actually counts for a little more than nothing in the vast EU scheme of things.

And to this menagerie May is making us kowtow and pay respect to.


Wednesday 15 November 2017


On Friday 13,November 2015 this happened in Paris (  gleaned from Reuter's online ).
NOVEMBER 14, 2015 / 12:06 AM / 2 YEARS AGO

France in shock after Islamist attacks kill 129

 PARIS (Reuters) - French prosecutors said on Saturday that three coordinated teams of gunmen and suicide bombers carried out a wave of attacks across Paris that killed 129 people in what President Francois Hollande called an “act of war” by Islamic State.
Two years on and ISIS/DAESH  inspired/instigated Islamic Terrorism still runs rampant across western europe.
Two years on and a BBC News investigation uncovers the previously secret deal between ISIS/DAESH and the US /NATO led  Syrian Democratic Forces.
An agreement allowing some 250 battle hardened islamic fanatics,their families and a 6 kilometers long truck convoy of weapons & sundry logistics to depart the city of Raqqa unmolested .
The day after the BBC News' journalistic coup is the news across MSM and social media platforms,what does tottering UK Prime Minister May choose to do?
That's right, launch an unbridled bellicose tirade against Russia and Putin's foreign policy.
Not the wisest, let alone most strategically savvy diplomatic thing any leader can do given the prevailing circumstances.
MI5 estimate, at least in public , that there are some 23,000 islamic extremists active within the UK of whom they consider 3,000 to pose an immediate threat.
And so Machiavelli May and her indolent,tawdry regime expend their energies to conspire with the other subservient satrapies of the Teutonic European Union in imposing,at the behest of their US masters, unlawful sanctions against named individual Russian citizens and organisations.
Supposedly in connection with Russia's actions regarding the existential crisis in the Crimea or some such peripheral matter of interest to the western kleptocracies.
In May's partially paralysed mind all the aforementioned is  of a far greater and more urgent priority than the on going imbroglio ( or should that be farrago ) that is Syria.
Where the US and its european NATO satrapies embeded their armed forces on Syrian sovereign territory to bolster and maintain the anti-government Syrian Democratic Forces in contravention to accepted International Law.
As in fact did NATO member Turkey; but their in-theatre confederates are in active competition with the SDF.
And both those US/NATO backed lumpen aggregations of armed rabble are vying with ISIS/DAESH as well as the legitimate sovereign government of Syria and its international allies.
The city of Raqqa utterly flattened by US/NATO air force bombing, was subsequently faux-liberated by the SDF and the western MSM cheered it to the rafters!
And now we know why the SDF managed to stroll relatively unmolested into what had served as the ISIS/DAESH capital.
It's also worth noting, as if any of this actually mattered,that the US insists that it is inside Syria in accordance with International Law.
Good luck with that!

Friday 10 November 2017


Remoaner metropolitan elitists are nothing if not brazen and calculating beyond the bounds of cyncism.

Their latest wheeze is to announce as loudly and screechingly as possible from within the confines of their own straitjackets, the egregiously moronic supposition that Article 50 can be reversed and or withdrawn.

For the excessively pig ignorant and monumentally indifferent , this snippet gleaned from The Daily Telegraph:-

Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon gives any EU member the right to quit unilaterally, and outlines the procedure for doing so. It gives the leaving country two years to negotiate an exit deal and once it's set in motion it can't be stopped except by unanimous consent of all member states.

The putative auteur of this Bonapartist shyster-speak sits in the British House of Lords and goes under the moniker Lord Kerr.

(Wayne) Kerr's forthright criticism of the ailing May regime's pronouncements on EU withdrawal, as being lies certainly lit up an otherwise dull morning across the vast echo chamber of MSM and social media.

For all their many faults and failings, the minority Tory regime has not uttered any falsehoods regarding the implementation of Article 50.

What the harbinger of this latest twisted Remoaner psychodrama is actually saying is that the government of the United Kingdom must declare the EU Referendum held on June 23 2016,null and void.That's how you terminate the Article 50 proceedings.

Prominent Remain OCD sufferers,such as Chuka Umunna ,Keir Starmer and Mary Creagh will be getting themselves so excited they'll end up doing what they've been doing on the Voters in their constituencies except this time only their beds will be getting wet and someone'll have to fetch the Nurse.

Wednesday 8 November 2017


There's a NHS Providers conference being held today, 8 November and it's all about the putative underfunding of the National Health Service.Well,there's something new!

The NHS Chief Executive Simon Stevens set his stall out pretty early ensuring that his tawdry,bombastic posturing was top of the agenda.And not necessarily the Conference's agenda but rather every news agenda.

"Trust in democratic politics will not be strengthened if anyone now tries to argue you voted Brexit, partly for a better funded health service, but precisely because of Brexit you now can't have one." - Sir Simon Stevens, Chief Executive of NHS England

The entire exercise in gargantuan,egotistical  virtue signalling by Stevens merits the epithet Straw man :-
straw man
  1. 1.
    an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
  2. 2.
    a person regarded as having no substance or integrity.
    And that's about it.
    Sufficient unto the day the blathering bow scraping humbug nonsense of the seditionist metropolitan elitist EU shill thereof.

Monday 6 November 2017


It is five weeks now since  the question of independence from the Spanish State was put to the people of Catalonia in a referendum.
That exercise was deemed by the Constitutional Court, sitting in Madrid, to be ultra vires vis a vis the Spanish Federal Constitution.Consequently they invoked Article 155 and effectively sacked the Catalan regional administration en bloc.
Were it have been so simple as they had imagined it would be; alas not.
Some of the pro-independence Catalan leadership relocated to Brussels whilst some others were apprehended and taken into Spanish legal custody in whose gaol they now languish.
The late great Dario Fo would no doubt have revelled in the absurdity of it all and have composed  The Accidental Death of the Spanish State.
Clearly,the tenuous post-Francoist constitutional legitimacy of the Iberian regime has been cast into doubt.
Monday ,6 November has news reports from Belgium that a Judge,in the wake of the authorities there having received a request under a European Arrest Warrant for their extradition ,has released Puigdemont and his tiny band of confederates on what amounts to own their own recognizance.They are due to appear in a fortnight's time at an extradition hearing to be held in Brussels.
All of which is making an even bigger diplomatic/political pig's ear out of what is already Spanish premier Rajoy's commedia dell'arte handling of what might otherwise have been a rational,circumspect and consensual dialogue over the possibility of Catalonia's aspirations for independence.
Instead  "Europe " aka the moribund and decrepit system of Supranational Teutonic State Vassalage aka the EU is in the middle of a Merde tsunami,where all the leading european state actors are madly pretending that it isn't even happening and if it were it's something they're not going to get all het up about.
So much then for the Rule of Law ,transparency,accountability,democratic institutions, the internal affairs of supposed sovereign national states etc.etc. It is all otiose cant where even the actors have stopped pretending to adhere to the agreed script.

There is something rotten in the heart of Brussels.

Thursday 2 November 2017


Another day,another Islamic terrorist outrage.

This time it's the turn of New York City to have a fanatic drive a truck into crowds of innocent bystanders going about their daily lives.

The Police managed to apprehend the perpetrator who the neocon warmonger Senator for Arizona John McCain called for to be treated as an enemy combatant.

McCain was of course being his usual odious cynical machiavellian self.Given the US neocon interventionist agenda and use of Al Qaeda and ISIS/DAESH as surrogates in their regime change skulduggery in Syria and elsewhere.

The Washington based Institute for the Study of War, ISW prior to this latest outrage had shared:-
" ISW's in September: ISIS is waging a social and informational campaign targeting populations in the West. "
  A view, the perp Saipov ,confirmed willingly of his own volition from the hospital where he is currently receiving medical attention following his arrest at the scene.

What then needs to be done to counter and eliminate the Islamic terrorist threat,if indeed the ruling elites and their political class in the western democracies really want to achieve such an objective?

Amongst the many and continuing terrorist outrages that assail us here in the west, the Manchester Arena bombing on May 22 led to more than the usual expected outpouring of otiose cant and vacuous platitudes.

Former high-ranking Scotland Yard official Tarique Ghaffur gave a warning that the UK faced an "unprecedented terrorist threat",  and that mass incarceration was needed to prevent future attacks because there were too many potential terrorists for security services to monitor.

His demand that thousands of suspected extremists should be detained in internment camps highlighted the latest national security assessment from MI5,  who suspect 23,000 of being Islamist extremists, of whom 3,000 are still considered a threat.

And still the authorities refuse to act.

Assuming of course that the likes of Senator McCain actually would ever want them to.