Saturday 29 June 2019


Occasionally,very occasionally  a leading world statesman articulates a point of view so cogently as to encompass one 's own outlook on an issue that it makes sense just to copy & paste verbatim. A couple of days ago The President of Russia launched a swingeing critique of prevailing  western metropolitan elitist values. To wit-
Vladimir Putin has trumpeted the growth of national populist movements in Europe and America, crowing that liberalism is spent as an ideological force. In an FT interview in the Kremlin on the eve of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, the Russian president said “the liberal idea” had “outlived its purpose” as the public turned against immigration, open borders and multiculturalism. Mr Putin’s evisceration of liberalism — the dominant western ideology since the end of the second world war in 1945 — chimes with anti-establishment leaders from US president Donald Trump to Hungary’s Viktor Orban, Matteo Salvini in Italy, and the Brexit insurgency in the UK.
 “[Liberals] cannot simply dictate anything to anyone just like they have been attempting to do over the recent decades,” he said. Mr Putin branded Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to admit more than 1m refugees to Germany, mainly from war-ravaged Syria, as a “cardinal mistake”. But he praised Donald Trump for trying to stop the flow of migrants and drugs from Mexico.
 “This liberal idea presupposes that nothing needs to be done. That migrants can kill, plunder and rape with impunity because their rights as migrants have to be protected.” Recommended The Big Read Putin: friendship with China, ‘Donald’ and the end of liberal ideas He added: “Every crime must have its punishment. The liberal idea has become obsolete. It has come into conflict with the interests of the overwhelming majority of the population.”
 Donald Tusk, the European Council president, said he “strongly disagreed” with Mr Putin. “What I find really obsolete is authoritarianism, personality cults and the rule of oligarchs,” he said.
 As the de facto ruler of Russia for almost two decades, Mr Putin, 66, has been regularly accused of covertly supporting populist movements through financial aid and social media, notably in the 2016 US presidential election, the Brexit referendum and the recent European Parliament elections.
 Mr Putin emphatically denied this. He dismissed the conclusion by special counsel Robert Mueller that Russia had systemically interfered in the 2016 US presidential election as “mythical interference”.
 Turning to the US-China trade war and geopolitical tensions in the Gulf between the US and Iran, Mr Putin said the situation had become “explosive”. The problem, he said, stemmed from American unilateralism and the lack of rules underpinning world order. Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin talking to FT editor Lionel Barber and Moscow bureau chief Henry Foy © Press office of the President of Russia He expressed concern about the threat of a renewed nuclear arms race between the US and Russia. “The cold war was a bad thing . . . but there were at least some rules that all participants in international communication more or less adhered to or tried to follow. Now, it seems that there are no rules at all,” he said.
 On a positive note, Mr Putin said there were tentative signs of a thaw in Anglo-Russian relations ahead of his meeting in Osaka with Theresa May, her farewell summit as UK prime minister. “I think Russia and UK are both interested in fully restoring our relations, at least I hope a few preliminary steps will be made.” Relations between London and Moscow have been frozen after the attempted assassination of former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal in Salisbury, England. Treason is the gravest crime possible and traitors must be punished. I am not saying that the Salisbury incident is the way to do it . . . but traitors must be punished The UK government blames the Russian government for the nerve agent attack, but Mr Putin said there was no evidence to support this. Mr Skripal had served a sentence in Russia before being released in a spy swap with the UK, he noted. Mr Putin made clear, however, that he had zero tolerance for spies who betrayed their country. “Treason is the gravest crime possible and traitors must be punished. I am not saying that the Salisbury incident is the way to do it . . . but traitors must be punished.”
Echoing nationalist populists such as Mr Salvini and France’s Marine Le Pen, Mr Putin said liberal governments had not acted to reassure citizens. Instead they had pursued a mindless multiculturalism embracing, among other things, sexual diversity. “I am not trying to insult anyone because we have been condemned for our alleged homophobia. But we have no problem with LGBT persons. God forbid, let them live as they wish,” he said. “But some things do appear excessive to us. They claim now that children can play five or six gender roles.” “Let everyone be happy, we have no problem with that,” he added. “But this must not be allowed to overshadow the culture, traditions and traditional family values of millions of people making up the core population.”
My deepest schadenfreude goes to,amongst others :-
#PeoplesVote #MeToo #Bame The pro-death Abortion Lobby #ExtinctionRebellion

Monday 24 June 2019


The metropolitan globalist elites' hijacking and consequent betrayal of the Vote to Leave the EU on June 23 2016 aka " Brexit " ,has obliterated just about every other issue from serious consideration in public political discourse here in Britain since 2016.

Equally, the Trump administration's obsession with perceived imbalances and disadvantages in US trade relations vis a vis primarily China and continued paranoia - fuelled  Democrat accusations against Russia have likewise obscured and marginalised other pressing political and diplomatic issues within the wider political discourse.

Syria is still the intractable quagmire it was even before the US and its compliant EUNATO satrapies let their collective attentions wander to more seemingly urgent domestic political concerns.At least it has curbed,much against their liberal/interventionist instincts, the appetite to go around bombing the crap out of anywhere that gives their respective domiciled globalist elites concern for the future of their own hegemony.

And none have seen their belligerent nationalistic hubris quite so spectacularly implode and deflate as The Great Sultan Erdogan. Having clamped the iron jaws of Turkish military adventurism around a chunk of sovereign Syrian territory and bitten off more than he could chew ; Erdogan lacking any credible backing from erstwhile NATO partners,in particular Trump's America, has left him floundering in a bloody cesspit of his own maniacal butcher's art.

The Turkish stock market is tanking ,foreign currency reserves are depleted ,international credit agencies are downgrading Turkey's credit rating with all undue haste. And to cap it all Erdogan's ordered re-run of the Istanbul mayoral election - which his party's candidate narrowly lost originally, ended in spectacular failure and massive loss of face.

Politicians who demand that elections are re-run because they question the legitimacy of the original result, be warned,especially the EU funded seditionist Peoples Vote who've campaigned incessantly and unceasingly for the past 3 years non-stop to halt,reverse or annul Brexit and have a second referendum.

And waving the big stick at Iran after trying to instigate a second  Gulf of Tonkin incident in front of a highly sceptical international diplomatic community,is the surest sign of increasing irrelevance and terminal lack of vision and fortitude that the proponents of a multi-polar international order replacing American hegemony could have possibly wished for.And got handed to them on a silver platter.

Tuesday 18 June 2019


With the sack full of  rats -aka the latest Tory Party leadership - contest drawing to conclusion,I thought I'd amuse myself by reposting some really optimistic posts from around this time in 2016.
originally posted on June 25 2016 as  And So It Goes...#784 at
I sure do like the smell of Victory on a morning.
 I’ve been on a high since waking up just after 4 a.m. Friday listen to the radio, expecting to hear all about a huge triumph for Remain. The disbelief in the broadcasters’ voices was palpable, they were genuinely astounded.
 I imagined that BREXIT was having the kind of visceral impact that Orson Welles’ notorious 1938  ” War of the Worlds ” broadcast had had on an unsuspecting  U.S. public tuning in mid way through that broadcast.
  I am so chuffed that the first letter my local newspaper published,all those weeks ago now to start the EU debate, was mine.The one, here on record at this blog and elsewhere,
 ” I hate, loathe and despise the European Union and all that it stands for and all that it does “.
 There you go.Vindicated by the Sovereign Will of The British Electorate.
However there are some sore losers, who actually refuse to accept that they were defeated. Mary Creagh MP for Wakefield and leading  #LabourIn campaigner.
It is customary when having lost in a democratic ballot,to congratulate the winner and by doing so admit one’s own defeat at the hands of the Electorate. Note that this hissy fit of a missive does not commence ” To The People of Wakefield,Honoured Citizens On Whose Sovereign WIll All Elected Politicians Rely.”
” A message for people in Wakefield –
The country has decided to leave the European Union.
As you will know, I campaigned tirelessly for Britain to remain in Europe. But I accept that the majority of people in the country chose another path.
My priority now is to mitigate the negative consequences for people in Wakefield. ”
And this from a careerist carpetbagger who tried to weaponise for Remain campaign purposes the murder of another MP.
Schadenfreude really, really does not get any better than this!!
( and this from June 28 2016 under And So It Goes...#785 also at )
Last Thursday 23rd of June’s  witnessed  the great exercise of the inalienable historic rights and incontestable prerogative of the Sovereign British Electorate.
 That  many elected members of parliament -( themselves only in office solely by that very same Sovereign exercise of the Electorate’s prerogative ) had the actual temerity,nay brass-necked insolence and insubordination to even cast the very merest shadow of doubt and contentious conjecture at the Victorious outcome for  LEAVE is breathtaking in its audacity.
 This is the very stuff of outright Sedition, tantamount to Treason against Lawful Authority,that Lawful Authority itself is predicated upon and is wholly dependent for its legitimacy and acceptance on the expression of Sovereign Will of the Electorate. 
Equally culpable of outrageously partisan class-based and hubristic demagoguery are the Press, the Commentariat,Financiers,Artists and Academics of every discipline who by and large caricatured the 52% who voted LEAVE as mainly thick,uneducated,racist,small-minded northerners. 
 Naturally most of this insidious ideological invective was orchestrated,weaponised and delivered via the some 200 #LabourIn MPs. Who were left bemused on Friday 24th.June as to why ” their ” core voters – 9 million and falling,  didn’t do what they had been advised most fervently to do and vote REMAIN.
History belongs to the Masses. The Sovereignty of the British electorate cannot be countermanded. 
Thank God.
Postscript - added June 18 2019
The sovereignty of the British electorate HAS been countermanded.The Vote to Leave has in effect been rendered null and void.

Monday 10 June 2019


Today,Monday 10 June 2019 marks the official commencement of the Tory Party leadership contest to replace the outgoing Anglican Tea Lady of the Year,Theresa May.

That public political discourse here in Great Britain is even plumbing such unenviable depths of otiose garbage and taking it quasi-seriously, is simply a measure of how many billions of light years we are away from the realisation of the promise born in the aftermath of June 23 2016.

13 putative contenders for the vacant party leadership had put their names forward to enter the fray, though only two succumbed to logic and reason and withdrew before the "off". Quite who will emerge victorious at the end of the hastily cobbled together, proverbial Heath Robinson party electoral process is anyone's guess.

Boris Johnson ,Jeremy Hunt, Esther McVey, Dominic Raab appear the most plausible; then again when has plausibility ever been a consideration? to wit a committed Remainer with a woefully incoherent liberal record as Home Secretary should never have won the last contest in 2016,for example.

If nothing else the contest exudes a rather tawdry, down at heel shabbiness of an end-of -season pantomime.All the jokes have been worn out by constant, soul-less repetition and the actors are simply going through the motions.With each passing day this particular production is selling fewer and fewer tickets.

Brexit came into this world stillborn in the early hours of June 24,2016.The EU has already spent way too much off budget in funding seditionist 5th columnists Peoples Vote,LabourIn,Open Britain,Another Europe etc etc. And disposal of the newborn's cadaver has not been the high watermark of the EU's usual skill and savoir fare in such matters.

My own personal optimum solution to ending the highly contrived and barely plausible parliamentary constitutional impasse surrounding final and ultimate betrayal of the Vote to Leave,would be for Boris Johnson as PM to get the HoC to revoke Article 50.Matters solved.Let's get on with the rest of politics.

Then again,Dominc Raab intimated that should he win the leadership contest,he would as PM seek to prorogue parliament so that it was not in session and therefore unable to impede the now amended date of the UK's departure from the EU on October 31.

Prorogue parliament? Constitutionally the PM of the day goes to the Palace and asks for the Monarch's consent to prorogue parliament. End of.The Monarch is obliged not to deny the request.

Why didn't someone think of that sooner, say before March 29th?

Wednesday 5 June 2019


Brexit and U.S. President Donald Trump are not going away any time soon.The two most prominent political phenomena currently exercising hegemony over political discourse here in Great Britain are precisely where they should be;dispatching their ideological opponents and detractors to their respective circles in Dante's Inferno.

POTUS is here over here to take part in #DDay75 ,the 75th Annual commemorations of the D-Day landings in Normandy on June 6 1944.And naturally,ineluctably, the metropolitan elitist dominated and managed Labour and LibDems and a bewildering assortment of moribund ultra-leftists,environmentalists and uni student agitators-manque got their opportunity to once again throw a collective hissy fit in public view.

The timing of the POTUS visit was the very apogee of synchronicity.It has been barely two weeks since the Brexit Party's stunning triumph at the EU Elections and Anglican Tea Lady of the Year May's consequent final capitulation to the forces of history.and nothing excites the PC globalist metropolitan elitist academics,luvvies and shysters quite so vicariously as Brexit and Trump together in the same place.Neanderthals probably experienced something like it everytime they were shown how to make fire.

Reasoned argument substantiated by a reference to facts delivered with a modicum of coherent rhetoric would really benefit the case of the Remoaners and their EU funded fifth columnist spearhead Peoples Vote. But that's not going happen either.

The Peoples Vote knuckle-draggers have now replaced the epithet "fascist" with "Nazi" as their weapon of choice when berating/denouncing/condemning anyone who disagrees with them in public.Violent physical assaults are now becoming quite a common occurence too whenever the PC Save our NHS mobsters descend like a pack of ravening wolves on any single person protesting for Brexit or Trump and who happens to be in their path.

Hail Brexit!! Long Live President Trump!!