Sunday 29 November 2020



The pan(ic)demic grinds on stoked by governments' own generated hyperbole.

England's second national lockdown (martial law by another name) is due to end in a couple of days and morph into a..lockdown! But one's that presented as a regionalised,nuanced three tier system of de-facto martial law.

More or less the same generic response is being repeated ad infinitum,ad nauseam across the length and breadth of the European continent.

Meanwhile in the U.S.the incumbent President continues to deny that he lost the election three weeks ago.Biden's inauguration is on January 20th.Go figure.

Conflicts in Yemen,Libya,Syria,Afghanistan,Azerbaijan and Ethiopia continue to get short shrift in the western MSM.
Whether any of the combatants are observing rules on social distancing remains I think a moot point in most cases.

I am growing increasingly firm in the view that you might as well write 2021 off now.

The daily persiflage surrounding the Covid19 health scare continues,for the most part,to be quite amusing on occasion especially when Old Lardarse bumbles & mutters his verbiage- as if he's in the middle of having a stroke.

And so it goes..

Sunday 22 November 2020



William Pitt the Younger,Britain's Prime Minister at the time of Napoleon, is quoted -
" Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom It is the argument of tyrants,it is the creed of slaves."
Mark Harper MP posted this on twitter.

✍️ Read the full letter signed by me and my Conservative colleagues, 70 of us, calling on the Government to demonstrate the necessity and proportionality of any new restrictions from 2 December 👇

Britons never,never,never shall be slaves.

Well, we'll find out one way or the other pretty soon,won't we?

Monday 16 November 2020



For really incisive and well argued pieces on the whole gamut of Covid19 related issues that are the hallmark of serious journalism and dispassionate writing of the highest calibre and integrity, I will always commend, amongst others of a similar stripe; Peter Hitchens,Allison Pearson as well as blogs under InProportion on twitter.

I've never sought to even go over ground others cover with far greater acumen than myself.

I found the whole Brexit / Leave farrago just one massive drain on blogging.The EU funded seditionist Remain campaign just sucked all the joy and indeed life out of that political discourse with their remorseless cynicism & hypocrisy.

I mention the aforegoing simply as a caveat re:the Covid-19 " pandemic" discourse.
The panic-mongers,globalist liberal elites and their State sponsored thaumaturgists of the SAGE coven really have royally fucked things up beyond even their usual abysmal level of mendacity,incompetence,propensity to failure and swivel-eyed metropolitan elitist cretinism.

Their fatuous repetitive cant is utterly spurious,of course there is no light at the end of the tunnel,what kind of naive ingenue believes otherwise?

And so it goes...

Wednesday 11 November 2020



Karl Marx is often cited as the originator of the maxim , "Historical events repeat themselves,first as tragedy,then as farce".Sure,whatever.

It's a full week since the US presidential elections and the stench of invective and calumny emanating from its proceedings and outcome still linger in the very air itself.

It was only the broadcast of BBC Radio 4's "The Long View" the other day that shed some historical perspective on what we mistakenly view as an immediate and present political imbroglio,as if it is only contemporary forces and political actors that have contrived such an impossibly dire situation unique to our time.

"The Long View", exhumes events from the sub strata of history that exhibit more than just superficial resemblances to our own tribulations.And their canter thro' the events of the US Presidential contest of 1800 AD,Adams v.Jefferson was revelatory.

Slander and defamation have been the default ,go to,tools of popular political discourse and elections have been challenged as stolen or allegedly so since time immemorial.

History is neither moral nor immoral and whether the various political actors are deemed to have behaved one way or t'other,frankly History doesn't give a damn my dear.

Wednesday 4 November 2020



It's November 4th here in England,I wonder what day it is in the rest of the world?

Another national lockdown comes into force at midnight tonight.Mainly because the first one they attempted and began back in March failed.

Rather than attempt to recapitulate that which Peter Hitchens,Allison Pearson and others have articulated so well,I'll share my latest poem published at

The Future That Disappeared

In the darkest hour

they came for it,

bound and gagged it

put a hood over it;

it got in the car with them

they drove miles

along deserted country roads

and then they,


bound,gagged and hooded

they manhandled it

out of the car,

marched it across

a field;

Somewhere in the distance

a church bell tolled;

they didn’t ask if it had

anything it wanted to say

before sentence was carried out..

A few minutes later the car departed,

and the field lay undisturbed once more,

now home to an unmarked grave..

You get the drift? Of course.